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01-31-2007, 11:15 AM
How does your dog or dogs get their daily exercise? Do they get a romp in a fenced yard? a walk, a swim, playtime, a trolly, etc?

My dogs all go to the park everyday. Beanie goes first because he's the old man a tires fast. He likes to meet other people in the park and show off his commands. Gracie goes next and she gets a long walk on a 50ft cord. She has a lot of freedom. Sometimes Charlie comes along with Gracie. Only if I have another person to help me.(Sometimes that wild hound nose gets started and doesn't know when to stop.)

Gracie also gets a walk on her tredmil. she LOVES. Charlie will use it too, but I want him to get his floppy feet under control first.

01-31-2007, 11:20 AM
Up until 2 months ago- we use to take a long rather quick walk down the road for 2 miles. They love to run in the yard and do so 3 times a day- .. Zubin and Galina love to play " bull elephant" in the house to play with one bone between them etc.. Its worked considering they were in condition to start with, but I am looking forward to our walks together. On 26 foot flexis they can trot for miles.. lol.. We also go to the highschool or the military acedemy to run in the fields on the weekends.

01-31-2007, 11:20 AM
Fenway goes to doggy day care 2-3 times per week so he gets his workout there. Then I take him for walks (when it's not too cold outside). We walk around town and go to the old cemetary and walk around there. On weekends, I take him for hikes in the woods (again, if it's not too cold outside).

It's funny because at the vets yesterday, the vet listened to his heart and said it was beating very slow & that he must be very fit & work out.

You'd never know it by looking at his owner. :D

Oh, and I take him to the dog park once in awhile and I will take him to the ball field next to where I live so he can run & play. And sometimes he likes to hunt for mice so I take him to his hunting grounds and he hunts. :)

husky 1
01-31-2007, 11:28 AM
my girls get the run of all the backyard to run & play in & get 2 daily walks , mishka gets walks & a run in harness with my bike about twice a week also.

critter crazy
01-31-2007, 11:29 AM
well my two boys, play in their fenced in yard. they are non-stop fools and go out every hour on the hour! okay so maybe Duke is the non-stop fool, but rocky will go along!:D they get weekend walks around the countryside(live out in the boonies) and about a couple times a week, we take the dogs to a local park. not to mention all the Zoomies in the house throughout the day!!:rolleyes:

01-31-2007, 11:34 AM
I get up real early and walk the fur kids down to the football field. Ebony goes after her frisbee for at least 30 minutes. Diamond and Jada run around the ball field and track. Some days we walk the track for a mile or so.

There is a big hill close by, I walk them up and down that a few times. Ebony has tons of energy she is a hard one to wear out. If she comes home and sleeps I know I wore her out that day. ;)

My husband and I take them out in the middle of nowhere and let them run, run, run. They really love it when we do that. Our yard is fenced but its not a real big area for them so I try to take them out every day.

01-31-2007, 12:30 PM
And sometimes he likes to hunt for mice so I take him to his hunting grounds and he hunts. :)

That's really cute. There are stables at the park we go to. Gracie loves to go mice hunting too. She sniffs them out of the straw in the stalls. Gracie LOVES the horses. All except the miniature ones...She would really like to nibble on them. :rolleyes:

01-31-2007, 01:04 PM
Spanky is a very small pup so she has not been allowed outside, yet. She tires easily playing inside and tring to dominate over the cats, though! :rolleyes: :p :D :o

01-31-2007, 02:23 PM
depends entirly on the day lol it could be:

-dog park(for my moms, as Happy cant go)
-random open feild to run(for mine)
-with me in the back yard
-for a walk
-for a bikeride
-fetch up the stairs
-fun matches
-random training(for mental stimulation)

what I happens is based on the weather, when I am doing, how much energy the dogs have that day, if I am working or not..etc..

01-31-2007, 02:46 PM
5 KM Jog and hours of running full blast through the forest. Plus agility and play time. :p

01-31-2007, 02:49 PM
We spend far more time outside in the summer than in the winter.

But typically the dogs get a two mile walk once a day along with some wrestle and fetch time in the apartment.

On most weekends, they get some off leash time at my parents house or the park.

I'm thinking of enrolling Chipper in a doggy day care at least twice a week to tire him out. Kia's getting tired of his "affection". ;) :)

01-31-2007, 02:59 PM
We spend far more time outside in the summer than in the winter.

Same here. When the weather is nice, I get up early and Roscoe and I go for a nice long walk down a country road behind my house. Then after work, hubby takes him for a quick walk, then after dinner he gets one more walk (usually with me, sometimes hubby comes along). However, the weather has been around -5 with the wind chill, so that's just a bit too cold for those long walks. We go outside and play in the back yard, Roscoe loves snow. We'll play in the snow for a while, he'll get some walks but they are shorter. We'll also play chase inside the house (although once we have kids I don't think that will be such a good idea ;) ). We will also play fetch inside, from the living room to the family room or up and down the stairs. I would love to enroll Roscoe in a daycare once or twice a week, but I can't seem to find any around me.

01-31-2007, 03:02 PM
I train and work with the dogs everyday in agility and rally. When I am not working I take Zoey for a 2 mile walk, mainly for me not her. The dogs also run around on our acres all day.

01-31-2007, 07:03 PM
We go for walks, play around the house, chase around yard/house.

Nala: Walks, I chase her around the yard/house.

Kiara: She is the one who needs/craves the most exercise. Even more than Moo. She swims, goes for walks, fetches in the yard and house, frisbee, etc.

Moo Man: Walks, fetch, and he & Kiara usually go to the beach a couple times a week but we haven't in a few days.

The four of them keep eachother pretty occupied, too. Sometimes I feel left out but other times they all "fight" to bring me a toy.

Suki Wingy
01-31-2007, 07:06 PM
I chase him around the house and we go for a walk. In the summer we go to the dog park a lot and bike rides, plus LOTS of fetch and wrestle time.

01-31-2007, 08:23 PM
It's crazy, because Gonzo is 5 1/2 years old (!!!!) and he's still much more active than Fozzie, who isn't even 1 year old. It just shows their difference in breeds. After Gonzo, Fozzie seems waaay too easy! I'm so, so grateful that they tire each other out and play through out the day. I think playing is the best exercise a dog can get, after seeing the changes in Gonzo. He is soooo much more svelte and lean and in shape, even more so than when I used to exercise him intensely for HOURS at the park & in the backyard.


2 long walks, daily.

5-mile run 3 days a week.

1+ hours of intense fetching/obedience/frizbee/play exercise at the park, daily.

2-3 hours of play in the backyard with Fozzie, daily.


1 long walk, daily.

5, 1-hour trips to the dog park, per week.

1+ hours of intense fetching/obedience/frizbee/play exercise at the park, daily.

2-3 hours of play in the backyard with Gonzo, daily.

01-31-2007, 08:48 PM
I take them to the dogpark at least 4-5 times a week. they love to run loose out there. We stay till they sit by the fence to show me they're done. If it's muddy I take them for a couple spins areound the park in town on the paved pathway. plus some fetch/chase & wrestle time every evening.

01-31-2007, 10:57 PM
Zoee gets the run of a large backyard. She chases the squirrels back and forth that run along the fence and along the phone cables above the fence. Bruce plays frisbee, or I play fetch with her. (we sometimes also play fetch up and down the hallway, if the weather is too icky) On weekends, and more often when the weather gets warmer, we go for a walk around the park behind our house.
Then when she goes to my brothers house she gets to run around with Boo on a 5 acre lot!
I thought she wasn't getting enough exercise...but looking at what I just wrote, I think she is just fine. LOL

01-31-2007, 11:13 PM
They work in harness, in a team or skijoring. The team is well over 200km in January.

They go for walks, they come skiing with me, they run on a Springer beside my bike in the summer, they go swimming occasionally.

They have four fenced acres to run around in as much as they want....a tired husky is a good husky!

02-01-2007, 06:25 AM
Everyone goes to the park pretty much every day unless we have something else planned. All get to run off lead, 'hunt', swim if they want, and chase one another. We also have Flyball twice a week, Saturday mornings and Tuesday nights... they get to run free with their team mates afterwards.

I also do individual training to exercise their brains, and Clover gets on lead walks by herself a couple of nights a week.

Ohh and we go to the dog beach quite a bit, even though it is an hour and a half drive away from home ;). They also have a huge yard to do what ever they want in.

02-02-2007, 08:24 PM
I excersize my two by walks, and playing ball in the backyard!

02-02-2007, 10:05 PM
Brock goes to the dog park for over an hour 5 days a week to play with other dogs, run, chase, SNIFF, roll in the grass, dig, chase birds, hunt for critters (in the spring/summer when the grass is tall and they are active), play fetch, swim, etc etc, and the other 2 days I take him for an off leash walk/play fetch for 30-45 mins. He also has Alki and whichever dogs are boarding with me at the time to play with if he wants- though hes really calm in the house and doesnt do much playing.

Alki plays fetch for as long as it takes to wear her out, usually around a half hour, almost every day, plays with Brock and my boarding dogs multiple times a day, and goes to the dog park for over an hour once a week. She needs much less activity than Brock.

We also go on walks to different places and hikes often, and visit friends houses, go for rides in the car, etc etc to keep them socialized. In the summer they both go swimming almost everyday, and Brock almost everyday in the spring and fall. And of course they do lots of drive lowering activities at home- tug, "find it", digging, TONS of chewing, disecting, and scavenging.