View Full Version : Any BRAND NEW Pictures??

06-24-2002, 08:23 PM
Does anyone have any brand new pictures of your kitties?? I KNOW Niina has some...can't wait!!!

Here is Noah practically passed out... :D

06-24-2002, 08:25 PM
And here is Noel...in her favorite place....a shopping bag! :)

06-24-2002, 08:28 PM
OK, OK twist my arm....here are the two of them playing in the box NEW toys came in... ;)

06-24-2002, 10:21 PM
Ohhh it's the precious Cotte Kitties!! Post more Kelly!! We can never have enough Noah 'n Noel!!

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-24-2002, 10:23 PM
NO, I DON'T http://www.uniquehardware.co.uk/server-smilies/contrib/edoom/puppy_dog_eyes.gif NOT YET ANYWAY....
I have a whole roll of film I am trying to finish so I can get it developed AND SHARE!!!! :D

06-25-2002, 12:43 AM
Sorry, I don't have any new pics either. I need to buy a digital camera so I can always have new pics to share with everyone. Noah and Noel are so adorable. I also love their names.http://www.gifs.net/animate/cat_anm.gif

Former User
06-25-2002, 01:49 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Does anyone have any brand new pictures of your kitties?? I KNOW Niina has some...can't wait!!!

Wow, is it that obvious that I post a lot of pics? Ok, I guess I have to live up to my "reputation" then and post some pics. These are so new that thay're not online yet, so hae to put them as attachments. ;)

Casper testing out the new closet we bought few days ago

Former User
06-25-2002, 01:51 AM
Casper and Kitty playing with the box that closet came in

Former User
06-25-2002, 01:52 AM
testing, testing....

Former User
06-25-2002, 01:53 AM
Kitty's turn

Former User
06-25-2002, 01:53 AM
Complete naggert :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-25-2002, 02:20 AM
Niina I just looove your pictures!!! I WISH I COULD HUG CASPER AND KITTY IN REAL LIFE!!

Former User
06-25-2002, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
Niina I just looove your pictures!!! I WISH I COULD HUG CASPER AND KITTY IN REAL LIFE!!

Thank You Sara, you are so sweet! I can give C &K a hug from you, they both seem to be in a cuddly mood today :D

06-25-2002, 02:48 AM
Here's a few new pictures of Zasper and Corkscrews, they are a lot more new picture in their photo album too.

06-25-2002, 02:49 AM
here's corkscrew

06-25-2002, 02:50 AM
Corkscrew helping me make the bed.

06-25-2002, 03:17 AM
I love all the pics! Keep them coming!!!
I do have quite a few new photos and I really want to post here, but my computer at home has problems and I have to format it... and I can't do it from work (If I bring my cam here, I'll not work...) so you will have to wait...
I have Tsoomi helping us pack before we left... I have Kfitzi gorgeous on the bed... and lots more!

Former User
06-25-2002, 03:21 AM
Oh, can't wait to see new pics Efrat! I hope your comp at home will behave soon! ;)

Miss Meow
06-25-2002, 05:10 AM
You all have such beautiful cats.

Here are some new ones of my little fur monsters :-)

Miss Meow
06-25-2002, 05:12 AM
And Jasmine poking her head out of her house.

Miss Meow
06-25-2002, 05:15 AM
And Mini out in the courtyard

Edwina's Secretary
06-25-2002, 10:33 AM
Miss Meow -- What fabulous kitties, what fabulous photos. The two together on the duvat is soooo good!

06-25-2002, 11:36 AM
I just love everybody's new pics..I have some but have to get them developed. Yum Yum is huge she is a little over one year old and probably weighs close to 11lbs by now.

Sam's My Baby
06-25-2002, 05:11 PM
All of your kitties are so beautiful! I dont have any new pics yet, but I hope to soon! :)

Miss Meow
06-25-2002, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Miss Meow -- What fabulous kitties, what fabulous photos. The two together on the duvat is soooo good!

Hi Edwina and Edwina's mummy. They are cute on the duvet - whenever we make the bed, it takes twice as long as the little monsters enjoy rolling about in the woollen underblanket. If they had their way, we'd be sleeping on the couch and they'd have the bed to themselves :-)

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-25-2002, 06:31 PM
Miss Meow,
Your pics are sooo wonderful... I also looove the one with both of them on the bed.... my two also love in helping to delay making the bed......:D silly kitties :D

06-25-2002, 08:27 PM
Very cute kitty pictures everyonehttp://www.plauder-smilies.de/tiere/kitty.gif

06-25-2002, 08:41 PM
Casper & Kitty, I love that last pic of Kitty! Shes got ATTITUDE! LoL Thanks everyone for the pics, although i cant post any,( im still learning how to!!)Its nice to see everyone else's.... :)

14 1/2

06-25-2002, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Casper & Kitty
testing, testing....

Niina, how nice of you to buy Casper & Kitty a new closet to play/lay/sleep in! :D

06-25-2002, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
And Mini out in the courtyard

Mini has beautiful blue eyes! :cool:

I want a digital camara!!!!!! I can't do any pics right now cuz my comp. is dying or something :confused:

06-25-2002, 11:41 PM
Everyone's pics are great. Miss Meow your cats have the most beautiful blue eyes that I've ever seen. What kind of digital camera do you use. Your pics are so crystral clear. So are yours Niina. I'd love to be able to have my cats pics turn out like that.:)

Former User
06-26-2002, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by yorkster

Niina, how nice of you to buy Casper & Kitty a new closet to play/lay/sleep in! :D

You know, my thoughts exactly! C & K didn't have patience to wait while we were putting it together, and when it was half done, Kitty was inside there laying already! And when it was ready, Kitty was the first to explore it! It definately seems to be theirs, they both like to lay on top of it or on the shelfs! :rolleyes:

Former User
06-26-2002, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
Everyone's pics are great. Miss Meow your cats have the most beautiful blue eyes that I've ever seen. What kind of digital camera do you use. Your pics are so crystral clear. So are yours Niina. I'd love to be able to have my cats pics turn out like that.:)

We have Sony's digital camera

Miss Meow
06-26-2002, 04:59 AM
Thanks for all the lovely comments. This thread is great, I love looking at all the cats.

We have a Canon digital camera. It's brilliant, can't even use it properly yet as we've only had it a few weeks but it takes great pictures.

Mini left me a nice surprise when I got home tonight. He found a reel of kitchen towel and ripped every single piece to shreds in the loungeroom. Not happy! I thought it had snowed inside!

Now the world can see that his eyes aren't always blue! (I did this for my mum as she thinks he's god's gift to kitties ...)

Miss Meow
06-26-2002, 06:53 AM
Can't help myself - busted!

Miss Meow
06-26-2002, 06:55 AM
And another ...

Former User
06-26-2002, 06:57 AM
Miss Meow, great pics!! Naughty cat ;) :D

06-26-2002, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Casper & Kitty

when it was ready, Kitty was the first to explore it! It definately seems to be theirs, they both like to lay on top of it or on the shelfs! :rolleyes:

Have you got to use it yet? :D

06-26-2002, 11:48 PM
Great pics Miss Meow. My cats have made similar messes too. One time my roommate left a roll of paper towels sitting on the kitchen counter. Well Sunny decided to play with it and he unrolled almost the entire roll so it was all over the kitchen and the living room and dining room. Storm has also tried to play with my toilet paper in my bathroom. He unraveled it and bit holes in it. I also have to keep my paper napkins on top of the refrigerator or Sunny will get into them and shred them up. I guess cats just love to play with paper.http://www.gifs.net/animate/g_cat2.gif

Miss Meow
06-27-2002, 05:33 AM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
I also have to keep my paper napkins on top of the refrigerator or Sunny will get into them and shred them up. I guess cats just love to play with paper

Exactly! And I think they know the exact days that we don't feel like coping with a tickertape parade in the house, and that's the day they strike!

Mini managed to procure a toilet roll from the packet, take it down stairs and shred it today. He's trying to tell me something! "Mummy, make me more pipecleaner toys, otherwise I'll be forced to destroy the house again, meow."


Former User
06-27-2002, 05:42 AM
Originally posted by yorkster

Have you got to use it yet? :D

barely :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

06-27-2002, 07:11 AM
Oh, what a good idea :)

Lovely pics everyone!! I will try to post some new ones of Ollie SOON!