View Full Version : for anna_66

06-24-2002, 07:49 PM
I saw your question in the other thread, so I was hoping this might help you?

Originally posted by anna_66
One question, how do you get him to hold all those things you had in your trick album? I would love to teach Roxey to do that! I'd be able to get some great pictures of her too, she's such a poser!

I think a good way to do it could be to have a favorite toy she plays with, like for example with Jo, a plastic ring thing she plays tug-of-war with. Seeing they know its their toy, their naturally going to put it in their mouth and hold it there to play with it, right??. Try getting her to sit, and take the toy on the command 'hold' or w/e you wish, then you could ask her to 'give' it back to you, and once she does, try to get her to stay with it in one spot with out ripping at it. If she does it, praise her and give her treats and lots of love, tell her how good she is. After you think she's got the hang of it, you could try on something else.
I'm not sure that will work, I just thought about it when I was playing with Josie.

I think Jo learned from pencils I dropped on the floor. She probably thought it was a stick or something, so when I pointed to it and said 'look' (she'll start to sniff where I pointed) then aks her to pick up the pencil 'get it' or osmething. If she didn't at 1st, I kinda kicked at it so she thought it was something to play with. She picked it up, and I asked her to give..and she caught on I think.

Hope this helps some! Good luck..:D

06-24-2002, 07:51 PM
I'm not sure if you already got it to work or not, if so, I hope it could help someone out.

06-25-2002, 07:55 AM
Just now seen this post. Thanks for the pointers, I'll give it a try and let you know how it works!