View Full Version : 18th Birthdays

01-30-2007, 01:55 PM
I'm turning 18 in just over a week, and I am looking forward to it. But not totally.

Old friends I used to hang out with have been randomly coming up to me lately, asking if there's going to be a huge party - and if I'm planning on getting wasted.

No, I'm not, is usually my answer. I have no desire to drink - at all. :o :confused:

Even some of my older cousins have been pestering me, saying they're taking me out to clubs and getting me wasted. It's quite disappointing.

I feel foolish posting this - but this is one reason I haven't been looking forward to my 18th birthday. I'm sure the rest of the teens on PT here are laughing at me right now, and calling me a freak.

I can't tell anyway why I don't want to drink and get wasted - because I don't know.

Maybe I'll try and catch the flu for my 18th so that I can just lie in bed all day. :(

Here's a little convo had I had with my once best friend today:

Her: Big plans for the birthday?
Me: Not on the birthday, but yeah, there are plans
Her: Sweetness.. getting wasted?
Me: Probably not
Her: Sh***y
Me: Nah, I'm not really a drinker
Her: *laughs* I see..

01-30-2007, 02:01 PM
Well, just because you can drink, doesn't mean you have to! Here, the legal age is 21, and I didn't have any alcohol when that day rolled around for me...I don't like to drink alcohol. I don't like the taste and I don't like how it makes you feel.

Tell your friends you'd rather celebrate another way. You could go out to dinner, go shopping, go for coffee...enjoy your day how you want to, not how other people do. Have fun, and happy (early) birthday! :D

01-30-2007, 02:02 PM
Jess, I applaud you for that, and for the maturity you already possess. Your parents must be very proud of you. They are very blessed with a smart, beautiful, and confident daughter.

Plan on a huge party, no alcohol if you pefer not, and invite those people that you care about and share your value sytem. There is nothing freakish about treating your body well.

Happy early Birthday again hun! :)

01-30-2007, 02:08 PM
if they think you are a freak.......then Iīm a freak too!! LOL

I donīt drink and had never have anything remotely similar......EVER.......

I too donīt know why, I just donīt do it......(not offending anyone that does drink ocassionally)

my hubby even says heīs lucky and that Iīm cheap when going to eat out haha......

donīt let anyone force you do to do anything you donīt like or just donīt feel like, be yourself........if they donīt like it, so be it, as long as you like yourself who cares.........

01-30-2007, 02:09 PM
I've never had any desire to get drunk either :) When my 20th birthday rolled around (Japanese drinking age) I had one or two drinks and that was that. You should still have a party and be with the people that you care about the most, but know that the people that care about you the most are NOT going to pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do. There is no law that says you HAVE to drink just because you are legal.

On a side note, when I turned 18 I was VERY excited to finally be old enough to buy cigarettes. I remember very clearly going to the gas station with shaky hands and sweaty palms and buying that pack of cigarettes just because I could. I never smoked a single one but it did give me a feeling of independence :) Just because you CAN doesn't mean that you should. I applaud you for being mature enough to see that :)

01-30-2007, 02:22 PM
You just keep on doing, exactly what you are doing and be proud!!!!

My daughter, who turned 16, yesterday, has had a bad year, this year, because so many of her "friends" started the partying and drinking stuff. She simply chose not to be a part of that scene and thankfully told me what was happening. I've been said for her that a huge part of her life has been isolated now, but it was their decision to walk away from her, and she from them. She doesn't want anything to do with them, these days, and I don't blame her.

You stand your ground and enjoy your life and spend it with people who agree with your decision!


01-30-2007, 02:24 PM
All of my friends drink, but I do not. I have only ever had something when my parents let me. I have driven my friends to and from parties and managed to stay totally sober the whole time. I'll probably drink on my 21st birthday but I have absolutely no desire to get drunk. My friends all act stupid when they're drunk, and I definetly don't want to do anything stupid.

01-30-2007, 02:29 PM
BC Mom- your adult choice is to drink or not too- you are choosing not too- also an adult decission.. I wish I had the answers- as peer pressure is a long lived subject. You do have the right to do what YOU want on your 18th birthday- that is part of being 18 afterall...
Too bad you do not live in Virginia- you would be off the hook- drinking age here is 21... lol..

critter crazy
01-30-2007, 02:30 PM
I am 29 yrs old, and have not had a drink in over 4 yrs. I just didnt like it anymore, and had no real interest. I mosly did it cause everyone else did. Now that i dont even do that, i feel so much better. But even at my age, i get harrassed for not drinking. I just ignore, and move on.

You have a choice, and it seems you are making the right for you! You are gonna make a fabulous Adult!:)

01-30-2007, 02:36 PM
Hey, either you like things or you don't. Nobody better force me to listen to country, watch a sports game, or rock climb. I don't like those things. Why should drinking be any different?

How about I have a drink for you on your birthday? And tell your friends they can do the same!

Maybe consider taking your friends out and being the DD for your birthday? It could be a lot of fun. I speak from experience on this one.

01-30-2007, 02:51 PM
I didn't have any huge party on my 21st (legal drinking age here) birthday, nor did I drink any alcohol...no desire to either. So you're not the only one. I think you should do whatever you want for your birthday, people shouldn't expect you to celebrate any way other than what you are comfortable with.

01-30-2007, 02:56 PM
Good for you, Jess! Getting wasted should not be a goal for anyone. No matter what age. I'm sorry your friends are too immature to realize that.

01-30-2007, 03:57 PM
I spent my 21st birthday at the zoo with my parents rather than out with friends for a similar reason, I simply wasn't interested in getting futzed up to mark this particular birthday. I hope you enjoy your 18th, at least you know you'll remember it!!

01-30-2007, 05:01 PM
I've never had any desire to drink either. I don't even really like the taste of alcohol. I've certainly never been drunk or even close to it.

My husband does have a beer on occasion, but it's usually at home when we have seafood for supper. My 22 year old sister-in-law came over a few weeks ago and we cooked seafood for supper, she had her first sip of beer that night. She hated it!

01-30-2007, 05:51 PM
Maybe consider taking your friends out and being the DD for your birthday? It could be a lot of fun. I speak from experience on this one.

That seems very - unusual, but it could be fun. Unfortunately, I'm the first of all my friends to be 18 - so I'd be all alone at the bar! :p

Thank you for all of the replies. They mean very much to me, and settled me down a lot.

I jokingly threatened that I was going to go to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for my 18th so that I didn't feel like a freak for not drinking - the age to legally drink is 19 there. ;)

01-30-2007, 06:38 PM
I was confused at first when reading your thread... but then remembered the legal age in Canada is 18. I'm not laughing at you, by saying that you are being the mature one of your friends. Most my friends who have gotten wasted say it's not that much fun... you feel like sh** the next day and you'd probably get sick. What's the fun in that? At least if you have a party and your sober, you will remember it and not do something that you may regret. Who cares what your friends say... they should respect you and your maturity in saying you don't want to get drunk.

01-30-2007, 11:14 PM
Getting drunk sucks. Waking up with a pounding headache, no energy and nausea is NO fun at all! I used to get drunk all the time when I became legal age (19). I still do drink, maybe a glass of wine at dinner, or a cold beer after a long day. I honestly can't remember the last time I got drunk? I think that's a good thing lol.