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01-30-2007, 01:36 PM
this is for all the sibe owners/professional dog groomers out there:

what type of brush(es) work best for sibes?

I have a furminator, but wonder if the blade is long enough to get in deep to the undercoat?? and Ive heard rakes are good for sibe coats. if you have any links or pics of good brushes please send those along!


01-30-2007, 01:39 PM
I am not a groomer- but I will toss this in.. Using a " collie rake" then the furminator would probably be easier. I used a collie rake for the collies undercoat and it worked great. There is a denser coat on a sibe- but the rake gets down. Just do not press..

01-30-2007, 01:48 PM
I use a slicker brush and a good undercoat rake (with longer teeth...mine is from pet edge, it has a light brown wooden handle). Sometimes I also use a rubber zoom groom type brush.

I've never tried a furminator but I have tried similar tools like the shed-ender and it did not work well on Nebo's coat.

01-30-2007, 01:50 PM
I was wondering wolf q how that worked on those tight coated breeds. They only do commericals like on shepherds or goldens.

01-30-2007, 02:07 PM
thanks guys for the tips! Ill peruse the net for some good rakes.

yeah the furminator is a MIRACLE on my very thick, but short coated cat. its the ONLY brush Ive tired that does any good on getting into his undercoat. Its nice for Brock too in some areas, but I usually just use a blade or regular pin brush. but I cant imagine it could even touch a sibe's coat lol

01-30-2007, 02:24 PM
Amy- is this like the brush you have? (Ill attach a picture)

and what do you think of these metal oster ones? they seem like theyd do a good job..

01-30-2007, 02:36 PM
Yes, that is the undercoat rake that I have. It works great. I go over his coat very well with a slicker first, then use that after. I also have the other tool, well, mine is a coat king but its the same thing with a different handle (wooden). I use it often on dogs at work, it works great on dogs like golden retrievers. I don't use it on Nebo though, it really was not grabbing the undercoat it was more grabbing his topcoat hairs...I think its because his coat doesn't lay flat and its so dense. It would probably work nicely on Brock though.

01-30-2007, 03:56 PM
I use a slicker brush, a rake, and sometimes a mini slicker brush for Gracie's legs.Just for minor upkeep. Another great investment for a sibe owner is a blowdryer. This dryer (http://www.petedge.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=2301&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=12&iSubCat=112&iSubSubCat=117&iProductID=2301) is the blowdryer my mentor has. It blows out every last dead hair on your dog. I advise you to blowdry your sibe OUTSIDE, as fur flies EVERYWHERE!

01-30-2007, 04:21 PM
I use a slicker brush (wire pins) and a rake, but I also do a lot of hand-pulling to get their undercoat out. Hand-pulling seems to do a better job on their sides & flanks. Can't beat that wire brush for those husky butts, though -LOTS of fur comes off there! i bought a furminator-type brush & found that it wasnt very effective. Maybe on shorter coated dogs, or cats, but it just sort of slides off husky coat.

01-30-2007, 05:53 PM
Michelle, where can you find the "Collie rakes"? I use a slicker brush on Mickey - but he acts as if the "spikes" hurt him, and I'm never sure if he's pulling my leg or not, lol.