View Full Version : Happy first birthday to my baby boy! (*14 pics*)

01-29-2007, 09:51 PM
My sick wittle boy turned one on Saturday, but our family came over, so we celebrated yesterday.

I cannot imagine what my life would be like without him. He is so hilarious, I am always laughing at him. He has brought so much joy into this household this past year, and all of it was much needed.

His first day home

He went from a chunky little puppy

To a beautiful boy

The pinestraw comparison
7 weeks

9 months

Stacked pictures (I'm a begginer, so his feet placement isn't great)
7.5 weeks

3.5 months - please ignore my pajamas :p

8 months - entered in a match for fun

1 year (taken yesterday)

More coming ...

01-29-2007, 09:52 PM
Here are a couple pictures from his and Nova's trip to a city park yesterday.
(this was before he started showing symptoms of being sick, btw)

We also baked him a cake

His little party
(Luka could not attend because her and a certain white guest might have fought over the food ;))

Happy birthday sweetie!

01-29-2007, 09:56 PM
Happy birthday, Buck!

I hope he get's better soon! Kennel cough definitely isn't a fun way to celebrate a birthday..

critter crazy
01-29-2007, 09:56 PM

01-29-2007, 10:11 PM
Happy Birthday Buck!!!
I can't believe you're one already! :D

01-29-2007, 10:12 PM
Happy Birthday Buckeroo! What a gorgeous boy he's growing into. Hope he feels better soon!

01-29-2007, 10:34 PM
Happy Birthday!!! :D

01-29-2007, 10:58 PM
Wow, another year that just flew by!! What a handsome, handsome boy he has grown up to be! Happy Birthday Buck!

01-29-2007, 11:33 PM
Happy birthday Buck! I can't belieive it's been a year already!

01-29-2007, 11:40 PM
Happy Birthday sweet Buck! :D

01-30-2007, 01:10 AM
Happy 1st Birthday to a sweet, handsome, loveable, smart, special "widdle" boy! Thank you for winning our hearts. I hope you feel lots better soon, poor pumpkin.

What an adorable mommy!!!! Hugs to you, Sarah for all your dedication and love.

01-30-2007, 01:13 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUCK!!! Sorry it is late. You are a handsome fellow!! What a shinny coat you have! Your family is very lucky!!

01-30-2007, 02:27 AM
Happy 1st Birthday Buck! Hope you had a great day!


finn's mom
01-30-2007, 05:10 AM
Is his birthday today or yesterday? Happy Birthday either way! (I didn't know he wasn't feeling well, I hope he gets better soon!)

01-30-2007, 07:46 AM
Hey there big boy, I hear your not feeling so well. I'm very sorry to hear that and I hope that your feeling better soon. I know it must suck having to be pinned up...but just think of the fun your going to have when your able to get out and play with everybody!!
Many (((hugs))) and kisses to you sweetheart!

01-30-2007, 08:54 AM
Happy Birthday Buck! :D I hope you had a great birthday. I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. :(

Daisy and Delilah
01-30-2007, 09:28 AM

Sorry we're late but we hope you're still celebrating and we hope you feel better!!! :)

01-30-2007, 10:17 AM
A year already? Time sure does fly. I'm late with this but I wanted to tell you Happy Birthday Buck! You grew up to be such a beautiful lab. His coat looks amazing Sarah!

01-30-2007, 11:08 AM
Happy Birthday Buck! He was one adorable puppy and he grew into a really handsome adult! I can't believe he is a year old already! How much does he weigh now? I hope he gets feeling better soon! I can tell he enjoyed his cake, you can see him drooling in anticipation. ;)

01-30-2007, 11:10 AM
Happy Birthday Buck! It was my pleasure to have met you at the dog show. It looks like you had a great day. :D

01-30-2007, 01:31 PM
aw yaaaay! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! what a GORGEOUS young man you have become!! Brock's birthday was this weekend also (Sat)!

Suki Wingy
01-30-2007, 01:37 PM
Happy Birthday Buck! Looks like fun. Hope he feels better soon.
Looks like he and Niņo share taste in bandannas!

01-30-2007, 01:38 PM
Happy birthday, Buck!
Looks like you had a fun party with your sisters! I hope you're feeling better now! :)

01-30-2007, 02:12 PM
Thanks everyone! His birthday was on Saturday, the 27th. :)

How much does he weigh now?
He's 65-70 lbs. Last time I weighed him he was 63 but I think he's gained a few lbs since then.

Ginger's Mom
01-30-2007, 02:21 PM
Happy Birthday, Buck!!! I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I think you should make your family celebrate all over again when you feel better. ;)

01-30-2007, 02:42 PM
Happy Birthday Buck!

01-31-2007, 09:44 AM
Oh my gosh, I totally missed this thread! I was wondring if you were going to post a thread about his birthday and went searching for one, since you had told me it was coming up.

I hope sweet Buck had a wonderful birthday, even if he is a bit under the weather. Having met him, I can tell you all that he is 10 times more handsome in person. He really is one of the best looking Labs I've ever seen, and such a good boy!

Happy belated Birthday, Buck! Love ya big boy.:D Kiki sends you birthday kisses, just don't tell Nebo!

01-31-2007, 10:44 AM
Are you kidding????
It's been a YEAR already?? WOW!!!

I hope your Birthday was wonderful Buck and I hope you're feeling better soon honey!

01-31-2007, 11:03 AM
Happy 1st birthday, handsome Buck!!! :D

01-31-2007, 01:46 PM

01-31-2007, 03:30 PM
wow - has it really been a year?
happy birthday gorgeous boy! sorry you're not feeling well - get better soon!

02-02-2007, 08:26 PM
One year already! Sheesh! Gosh, Buck couldn't have been a cute puppy! WoW!