View Full Version : Jess and Mist...Vids.

01-28-2007, 05:10 PM
I found a couple of old vids of my dogs today. There are more but the CD is really playing up and I only managed to get these off it for now. No sound I'm afraid and they are only short because I did them with my old digicam but you get the idea.

Our Mist was the one who had to be put to sleep on Friday and I'm still gutted. Watching the vid with her in is quite upsetting knowing I'll never get to see that soft face looking at me again. She's on the screen left and Jess is on the screen right.

The second one is of Jess being a nutter. She was always obsessed with water and hosepipes etc... and used to have a lot of fun everyday when I hosed the dog run down. In fact, she could be a bit of a hindrance when I tried to clean just in front of her kennel opening, lol.



Daisy and Delilah
01-28-2007, 07:23 PM
The first video is just precious of both of them. They wanted to please Mom no matter what it took. You'll cherish that forever. It breaks my heart to see it--I can only imagine what it's doing to you :(

Jess is a little silly girl in the second one :)

01-28-2007, 10:11 PM
Very cute videos. It will be hard for a long time, losing Mist.{hugs}

01-29-2007, 10:41 AM
Yes, watching the first video is still a bit hard. I suppose it always will be. I've had Mist all the way through my teens and most of the way through my 20s. One of the most turbulent and changable times in life with some of the biggest challenges.

As for Jess and that Hose. I have no idea who she got it from. Her parents, Monty and Mist, both hated hosepipes, lol. :D