View Full Version : Saki's vet visit

01-28-2007, 04:12 PM
Yesterday I spent four hours at my vet waiting to see the doctor. Saki(Kt_luvs_kitties new baby) has been bloated, very gassy and having diarrhea since I got him last Sunday. I brought his stool sample in with me and had a fecal done. My vet gave him a very thorough exam( listened to his chest, took temp, weighed him, checked his ears and cleaned them out and checked him for ear mites etc) He weigh a big whopping 3.9 lbs. I had told Katie he weighed 3 to 4 lbs before his actual weight was taken. She didn't see any worms in his stool but wormed him just in case anyway( didn't charge me for that :) ) He didn't have ear mites but just the left over stuff in his ear from when he had ear mites, so she wants me to use tresaderm in his ears to make sure the ear mites don't come back. She wants him on Science diet w/d which I had put him on when I noticed his stool wasn't firm. She did a combo test on him to make sure he tested negative for FIV/FELK. It came out negative. She gave him an injection, which he screamed his little head off when she did it. She also put him on Albon. She feels that he he having a bout of irritable bowel and wants me to call her Tuesday with a report on how he is doing. If his stool doesn't improve he will be having a culture done which is $30.00 Katie. The vet visit cost $49.00. It would have been more if I hadn't already had the Albon and the Tresaderm that she put him on, so ya lucked out Katie! :D Saki is such a character! he loves to jump on your back and hang around on your shoulders. He jumped on the vets back and started rubbing all over her. He is a very good boy!

01-28-2007, 05:04 PM
I am glad Saki is doing well. You know that I had him tested and I dewormed him while he was here, right? It states it on his paper work. Please keep me posted on his belly. Oh, when is he going to be united with Katie? I haven't been able to get ahold of her, so I am not informed on what is going on. Can you please let me know, Melissa? Thanks.

01-28-2007, 06:07 PM
We Are Praying Hard For Our Pal Saki That He Will Be All Right, And Those Ear Mites And Worms Will Go Away, And Never Come Back.

01-28-2007, 06:49 PM
I realize that you had had him combo tested at Katie's request and also that you wormed him and I took the paperwork with me to the vet and she saw it, but I am sure you know since you have been in rescue for so many years that it is a normal routine for a vet to retest a cat that is having problems with diarrhea etc. Tests can be wrong or show a false result so vets will retest to make absolutely sure. When Shay was having diarrhea and vomiting problems a while back the vet retested her even though she had already been tested and tested negative. It is just a precaution. I am sure I am not telling you anything you already don't know. The worming was a precaution too since his intestines were upset causing the diarrhea. I am sure with the meds and the prescription food that he is on for it he will be just fine. There is nothing for you to worry about, he is in good hands and hopefully soon he will be in Katie's arms. I can't wait for her to meet him. We are working on those details and I am sure Katie will let you know when they are finalized.

01-28-2007, 07:01 PM
I'm glad to hear that everything went well and I sure hope that baby Saki will start feeling better soon.:) I'm sure that Katie can't wait to finally have him in her arms.:)

01-28-2007, 08:59 PM
Melissa, I already knew that, but I just wanted to be sure that the vet knew he was previously tested and wormed twice. As you know, too many wormers are not good for kittens either. I am sure he will be fine. I just want to see him with Katie. Thanks for the update.

01-28-2007, 09:06 PM
The vet wouldn't have given Saki anything that was going to hurt him. Katie getting Saki is what we all want.

01-29-2007, 04:43 PM
Poor sweet Saki. I pray that the meds and new food will help his condition very soon.

01-29-2007, 10:13 PM
I am so ready to have Saki boy.
I am getting new tires tomorrow as well as an oil change. Melissa and I have decided to just drive half way each (9 hours total apiece) and that way we do not have to put anyone else out. Now we are just waiting to finalize all of this.
Melissa, thank you so much for taking care of Saki for me, and making sure he is healthy.
Tracy, I tried calling you, but you did not answer. I am trying again right now...
Anyways, I think it is time to see a few more pictures of Saki boy, to hold me over ;) :D :p

01-30-2007, 01:10 AM
Tracy, I tried calling you, but you did not answer. I am trying again right now...
Anyways, I think it is time to see a few more pictures of Saki boy, to hold me over ;) :D :p
Well, you got me!! LOL. I am glad you are going to get Saki soon.....but please make it soon....he needs to be in his furever home instead of bouncing around. I would love to see pictures too.....hint, hint, wink, wink!!

01-30-2007, 01:44 PM
What a trip to the vet, some meds and a change of food can make. The next day after I took Saki to the vet and she changed his diet and put him on meds his stool was purrfect! And it has continued to be that way. His gassiness is just about gone and he is a very happy little boy waiting to meet his new mom. Saki is one of those rare cats that is so laid back that nothing seems to phase him. I don't think he ever met a stranger and absolutely loves being with his purrson! He hasn't been a bit stressed during his visit with me and I am sure the drive to his forever home will go fine. He is one of those cats that would do well taking on vacations, going places with etc. It doesn't bother him at all. Katie you are going to love him sooo much! He is just what you have been wanting for all these years. Katie, I will try and take some more pics of him this weekend and send them to ya. I can't wait for you to meet him!!! I am so excited that we finally get to meet too! I am thinking about bringing Purrty with me so you can meet her! I don't know yet.

01-30-2007, 09:25 PM
I am glad Saki is doing better. I was very worried. Thank you Melissa for taking good care of our rescued guy. I know Katie will love him as he will lover her as well!!! When are they being united? Can't wait for pictures!! Thanks again Melissa.