View Full Version : Still no home for Ally... Update Post 35

Ally Cat's Mommy
01-27-2007, 09:47 AM
I've been hesitant to post an update - there is so much sadness on PT at the moment... with the loss of some of our special kitties, so I hate to add more bad news...

I still have not managed to re-home Ally. I have looked again into bringing her here to Lagos. There is basic vet care available, but the logistics of bringing her into the country are almost insurmountable. Also, supply of all imported foodstuffs here is erratic at best, and NONE of the shops I have checked have any of the types of food which Ally eats.

I have exhausted every possibility for rehoming her in Bahrain, and have had no luck.

The only person who is willing to give her a home in South Africa has other dogs and cats, and Ally is purely INSIDE ONLY - whereas this person would let her be outside/inside. I know in my heart that Ally would not cope with the transition to this hectic noisy house, and would probably panic and run away - then I would have to live the rest of my life wondering what happened to her.

Ally is still at my house in Bahrain, and my housesitter/petsitter is checking on her daily. She has been there - almost totally alone - for nearly 3 weeks already.

Within the next couple of weeks Warren will be flying back to Bahrain, to tie up some loose ends, move our stuff out of the house into storage etc......he keeps asking me " have you sorted something out for Ally yet?" ..... and I keep stalling.

The reality is that, without a miracle, Ally will be PTS within the next few weeks.

I understand if you hate me - I hate myself for even considering putting a healthy animal to sleep. I feel like a murderer, and I swear I will never own another pet as long as I live - it just hurts too damn much.

Please pray for a miracle.

Felicia's Mom
01-27-2007, 10:15 AM
You and Ally are in my prayers. I will never criticize you; because I know what you are going through.

01-27-2007, 10:18 AM
You and Ally will be in our prayers, that a miracle new home comes through, or the red tape of bringing her to Lagos comes unwound.

01-27-2007, 10:42 AM
is she in america ??????
if not where is she????????

Ally Cat's Mommy
01-27-2007, 10:52 AM
is she in america ??????
if not where is she????????

Ally is currently in Bahrain, in the Middle East. (Bahrain is a tiny island - we have one high-kill shelter and no foster-homes etc for animals). I was active in Cat Rescue in Bahrain for years, and as a result ANY friends of mine who were prepared to adopt cats have ALREADY adopted my rescued kitties.

01-27-2007, 10:59 AM
I wish I could do something to help. If it wasn't for the fact that we are still having issues here between Tuna and Corkscrew I would offer to take her. I'll keep you in my prayers that last minute something wonderful will come up.

01-27-2007, 11:53 AM

You and Ally will be in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anything I can do with my contacts here, such as posting her on Petfinder or any other website that may make her chances greater for finding a home, please PM me.

I'd be more than happy to foster her till then. The trouble is getting her here to the US.

PT prayers are definitely needed!!

01-27-2007, 01:07 PM
please, please believe me when i say, you have nothing, not one thing to apologize for. sometimes, heartbreakingly so, as much as you try and love an animal, it can't be. no one here at PT could ever think poorly of you, you've moved mountains for cats, but sometimes the mountain is too big to move. what you decide, will be the right thing for ally, and for you, you will have done everything from love. ((hugs))

01-27-2007, 01:17 PM
Oh Julie, my heart breaks for you and Ally... :( I know it's not your fault, you did everything possible, and you had no other choice...

I wish, I really wish, that a miracle will happen and that Ally will find a good home. I don't even try to imagine what you are going through!! :( :(


Scooter's Mom
01-27-2007, 01:46 PM
How did you go about getting Connor into the USA? Did you pay to have him sent? I know if the cost were not a factor several people might be willing to take her in.

01-27-2007, 03:06 PM
Julie, you have done your absolute best to find Ally a home. I wish I could take her as well but I am not able to do so.

If someone is able to foster her here in the US I will send whatever amount of money I can for her transport.

(((HUGS))) Meg

01-27-2007, 03:19 PM
Is there any way we could find a away to transport or at least how much it would cost I would be willing to help pay all so. I am sure if we all put a little money towards getting her here in the US we could find her a foster home till we can find her a forever home.... We should start a campain to save her sweet little life.....She looks like a sweetheart if that is the kitty in your siggy. Would it be easier to get her food in the US??

01-27-2007, 03:24 PM
Oh gosh, that is just too sad knowing that she has almost been alone for 3 weeks. :(

Julie, no one will hate you. It is hard enough to place an older cat, let alone to place one with issues.

I think Joycenalex said it best in her post and I couldn't agree with her more.

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} dear girl as I know your heart must be breaking over this ordeal.

In the meantime, big time prayers on the way that a miracle will happen.

Ally Cat's Mommy
01-27-2007, 03:25 PM
How did you go about getting Connor into the USA? Did you pay to have him sent? I know if the cost were not a factor several people might be willing to take her in.

Some of my wonderful friends here on Pet Talk contributed towards the cost of Connor's transport to the USA.

I've discussed it with Warren, and he has told me we will manage to come up with the money to send Ally, if it's the last resort.......

I'm still worried about her "issues" - I'm not sure how she would get on with other cats in a multi-cat household - I've never been sure if the problems ith Connor weren't made much worse by his deafness - that they could not communicate, so Connor never knew when Ally was warning him to back off......

I do know that her chances of finding a new home are MUCH higher in the USA, but it's not a decision anyone could take lightly.

01-27-2007, 04:12 PM
Julie, I'm sorry to hear this.:( I'll respect whatever decision you decide to make. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

01-27-2007, 05:02 PM
We Would Glady Add Ally To The Found Cat Ranks As A Foster.
The Found Paradise Hotel Can Easily Take Another Little Face In, And There Always Room On The Moose Angel Pillow.
We Are Praying That Something Can Be Worked Out.


Scooter's Mom
01-27-2007, 05:26 PM
Not to pry, but how much was it to transport Connor? Maybe we could start a fund somehow.

01-27-2007, 05:42 PM
Yes, if someone could take her in or foster her, the folks here most certainly would chip in and help defer the cost of transporting her here. I know I would contribute!

01-27-2007, 06:52 PM
Same here... would gladly donate or foster your Ally. I have some fosters upstairs that are very lowkey, and there are only 3 of them right now, and if one gets adopted, I'll be down to 2 upstairs.

Will gladly help to get her over here.

01-27-2007, 07:34 PM
Gary - Ally supposedly doesn't get along with other cats. Do you have a separate room for her until she could find another home?

I know all your cats are loving, just checking.

I will DEFINITELY chip in for transport...I have been so concerned about poor ALLY!

01-28-2007, 10:21 AM

How about even a home in England? Gary, can you really take Ally?

I am ready to chip in when needed!

Ally might need a tranquilizer to travel? Just asking.

01-28-2007, 10:38 AM
I'm so sorry you have to go through this.I know this is such a tough decision.She probably wouldn't do good here with my MANY cats.She doesn't like other cats?(is that the problem?)That is so hard trying to find a home for a cat that doesn't like other cats.Most people who are kindhearted take more than 1 cat and the other ones that don't care about cats have NO pets.That's why it's hard to find a home with no pets to take her.
Whatever you do is what you have to do.I would not like wondering if she got hurt outside either.(Or properly taken care of...and having her so unhappy).Not knowing is way to hard for me...so I totally understand what your going through.

01-28-2007, 11:09 AM
I'm so sorry Julie - I hope a resolution for you can be found.
I for one will not hold it against you in any way. You have to do
what you have to do.
you have not judged me or my decisions so I have no right to judge you - I'm slowly learning that......

01-28-2007, 11:23 AM
Julie, I am so sorry. :( I would love to be able to step right in and take Ally, but I truly believe she would be MISERABLE here. :( I can only pray for an answer.

01-28-2007, 12:09 PM
If I can have a list pm'd me all Alley's behavior issues, I WILL DONATE a bottle of Bach Rescue Remedy that has been especially formulated for her behaviors. These remedy WORK and has turned lost cases into purring pets.
Once the bottle is done the behaviors are gone, yes gone for life of the animal. This remedys heal animals and humans. Alley could be put into a multiple cat household no problem.

I've dosed Skinny for some behaviors and they are gone :)
I use the regular remedy formula for myself in stressfull situations. Little bit on my wrists, stress is gone.

01-28-2007, 01:42 PM

I am so sorry to read about Ally. If we start a fund I would be more than happy to contribute.

Connor has fit into my group with almost no problems (I will be posting a thread on him shortly). So maybe Ally had problems because Connor couldn't hear her and she had to "make herself known". My little queen bee had a few problems with Connor when he first came, but Ally trained him well and he always defers to her :rolleyes:

Maybe Ally just needs to be an alpha-cat in a situation where the other cats can acknowledge that...

Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you...

01-28-2007, 02:12 PM
Aww Julie i can only imagine how you must be feeling, but it does indeed sound hopeful here on PT, so many are prepared to donate the transport cost's and foster her, i hope you will consider those options,even though you are worried she has issues and might not fit in a multi-cat household, which i understand competely , she may well indeed suprise you, give her that chance,I think it is way a better call than putting her to sleep, i am sure you will do right by her and i wish you all the best, and comfort in your time of troubles. :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
01-28-2007, 02:33 PM
Craftlady - thanks - that Bach Rescue Remedy sounds like a great idea..... maybe if/when Ally arrives in the USA you could organise to get a bottle to her?

Like I said, I realise that Ally's best chance of finding a home is in the USA - most of you know the circumstances in Bahrain, and also how long I have been trying already to make a plan for her over there.

If I have a definate place* for her there, we can make a plan to raise the cash. (we will be selling up some household stuff which isn't going into storage, so that will raise a bit of cash).

*By "definate place" I mean someone who is prepared to give Ally a chance, and see if she fits into their house. With her issues, and not knowing how she will react to a multi-cat household (and if she will be better with hearing cats who she can communicate with), I don't expect anyone to commit 100% to keeping her without a "trial-run". But t least if I can get her to someone, and it doesn't work, she has a better chance of being placed somewhere else.

Thanks again to everyone here for your unwavering support - you are treating me a LOT more kindly than I am treating myself at the moment. I KNOW I have done all I can in Bahrain, but I still feel awful.

01-28-2007, 03:22 PM
Catty1 - the airline rules prohibit flying a sedated pet. I discovered this when I adopted Sugar in December.

01-28-2007, 03:25 PM
OK...I know we have some members here in the UK...it would mean a shorter flight for Ally if she went there.

I guess with the altitude, a cat could get dehydrated, and the tranquilizer overdose them as a result....not good.

Jen, you game to try? Gary? Tracy?

01-28-2007, 03:38 PM
I'm definitely up for it. Like I said, I can help donate and I can foster her... let's try to work this out. I'd hate to see someone have to put their pet to sleep because of this!

Ally Cat's Mommy
01-28-2007, 03:43 PM

Most airlines don't recommend tranquilisers - I hve heard it is due to dehydration, and also been told that, even though pets are transported in a temperature-controlled section of the hold, it can still get quite cold. Tranquilised pets are unable to shiver, which helps them to regulate their body temperature....

Re the UK - the entry requirements for cats to the UK are MUCH more complex than to the US:
- animal must be microchipped
- certificate confirming treatment for tapeworm and ticks must be obtained, and must include the microchip details.
- blood test for rabies innoculation must be sent to a lab in the UK

If ANY of the paperwork is not in order, quarantine of up to 6 months can result.

When I shipped Connor, the info I got from US Border Control was that an export permit / health certificate from the vet in Bahrain is all that was required. Rabies rules vary by state, but all states will accept a completed vaccination card, and do not require blood tests.

Of course the other challenge is the flight routings - most airlines will not accept live animals for a journey for which that particular airline is not "online" for the entire journey - ie the journey must all be on one airline, and not have legs by more than one airline....so this limits the destination airports which Ally can fly into....Connor flew Emirates via Heathrow to Washington.

01-28-2007, 04:02 PM
I know nothing about transporting an animal via airlines. But if you can't find a complete flight on one airline, maybe a PTer could pick her up and get her onto the next flight? I don't know. I just want to help poor Ally. :(

01-28-2007, 04:19 PM
Julie, you shouldn't hesitate to post, we all want to hear about Ally. Oh, I do hope you'll find a home for her, somehow. I know she has issues, but she may thrive in a only one cat home. :)

Sending lots of positive thoughts to little Ally, and hugs to you two.

Ally Cat's Mommy
01-28-2007, 04:54 PM
It looks like Ally may have found a home with one of our PT members - will post an update as soon as we have sorted out the details!

***fingers and paws crossed***

01-28-2007, 05:15 PM

Even if this was a temporary home, or a foster home....OMG! Prayers here!!!!

I am ready to chip in any time!

01-28-2007, 05:29 PM
I will contribute to the fund to bring Ally to the U.S./Canada/wherever she will be welcome.

If she has a potential home in Canada but it is easier to ship her to America than to Canada, perhaps you could ship her to me and I would be glad to drive her to Canada, at least as far as Windsor, perhaps farther. (I don't know what would be involved for me to take her across the border, but I can find out.) If she can go to the Found Cats Paradise Hotel, I'm sure we can get her there.


01-28-2007, 05:42 PM
Getting into the UK would NOT work without a great amount of time. And if Jennie (jenn_librarian) would be your temp foster I would MOST DEFINITELY be a back up home if something would happen. I have been wishing all along that I could foster her, but I (on the other hand) didn't want her to stress even MORE.

SO................WHO!?!?!?!?! (I can't stand the suspence)

Scooter's Mom
01-28-2007, 06:00 PM
Oh my gosh, my fingers are crossed!
I can't donate much, but can certainly donate a little to help with travel expenses. (my husband even says it's okay, lol)

01-28-2007, 06:46 PM
Julie, I'm so glad to hear that another PT'er will be able help Ally.:) I can't wait to find out who it is.:)

01-28-2007, 07:19 PM
OK. Deep breath. Letting the cat out of the bag.

I have agreed to foster Ally.

Like all of you, I feel for Julie, and for Ally. And time is running short.

I was watching this thread develop praying that a better solution would appear. I have not even told my dad yet. :eek:

All I can say is what I have told Julie: I am willing to give it a try. I don't know what my clowder will think about this. You know cats are matriarchal. I have 6 females, one is an alpha queen. Julie thinks Ally is an alpha. No idea how Ally will adapt to a dog, older, smaller, slower than her.

If someone has a better option, PLEASE step forward, I won't have my feelings hurt, for sure.

I think we are all just trying to figure out what is best for Ally; and she is making this a challenge. I agree with all of you, rehoming her from here will be easier.

As I told Julie, all I can do is try. The rest is unpredictable. I have a lot of kitties, and no extra rooms to keep one separate.

If it doesn't work, I have never rehomed a cat before and will be asking all of YOU for help, ha ha.

Craftlady, if the offer still stands, I sure would appreciate that Bachs Rescue Remedy!!! Here is what I know about Ally, and I am sure Julie can added to this: 5 year old spayed female, likely an alpha. Gets agressive with others - feline, human, doesn't matter. I haven't been able to figure out WHEN she gets upset, but Julie may be able to add to this.

Next, let me give an update about things here:
1. Monday - tomorrow! - Sugar goes in for her cataract surgery. Please keep her in your PT prayers. There will be 6 to 8 weeks of eye drops and follow up visits to the eye specialist; that will overlap with Ally's arrival, I guess. I will have to make certain Ally does not scratch the cornea or anything else on Sugar!!
2. After a preliminary exam, I learned last Monday that I need 2 new knees. Sigh. Will learn more this week from the results of the xrays and the blood work. Getting out and about is a challenge just now.

So, this is how things stand. I look forward to meeting Miss Ally, and I really hope she does a bit better in the social graces area!!!!

01-28-2007, 07:25 PM
Freedom - how wonderful!

Might I suggest you borrow a dog cage, and cover it with a large blanket. We used to do that at a boarding kennel I worked at for overflow, and it kept the cat from freaking out and feeling exposed.

Plus, it is big enough you can get in with Ally and bond with her. And the others can sniff her, they can all get slowly acquainted.

Maybe tell your dad you are FOSTERING Ally. :)

01-28-2007, 07:27 PM
Yeah, well, the one and only time I FOSTERED, it lasted all of half an hour and I said I could never let her go! So Dad will see right through THAT story line!

01-28-2007, 07:29 PM
:D There are SO many failed fosters here....lol

Hey - ask your DAD to foster her! hee hee hee Then he will be able to give her up NO PROBLEM (yah right!) :)

01-28-2007, 08:32 PM
Freedom, I'm so glad that you're able to do this. I hope that everything will go smoothly.:)

01-28-2007, 08:34 PM
Freedom - you are in Rhode Island...that is closer to Jen and Jenn than Bahrain is!

All I am saying, is I think there are a couple of backup fosters here if things get too much for you. :)


01-28-2007, 08:56 PM
No problem just let me know when you get Alley.
What I will also need to know is Alley's background before she came to Julie.
That will help in the remedy mixing.
During Thumper's reiki treatment today we talked about situation with Alley and she felt certain that it's fixable and she will be a new kitty after the remedy is all gone. :) We are doing a website for the gal I will send you the link via pm (whe it's up and running) so you can read more about remedies.

01-29-2007, 04:23 AM
This whole thing is simply amazing! The miracles people here accomplish just blow me away; whether it's Boomer or Ally, so many folks just step up to the plate and get things done. I am in awe.

And, yes, put me down for a donation!!!

01-29-2007, 07:54 AM
Craftlady - Julie found Ally as a 4 week old kitten! Don't know how much we can learn prior to THAT?, ha ha. But Julie will need to pipe in here to add some info.

Thanks everyone. Dad is sitting here in shock, now that he has stopped hollering at me. :( So I appreciate all the positive support from everyone here!!!

01-29-2007, 08:09 AM
I'm in Connecticut, if Ally is flown into NY I can definately do a transport through Conn to RI. Just let me know if you need something like that. I'm also in for a donation of money to transport her.

01-29-2007, 11:13 AM
I have been following this thread, but am just now posting! It is always amazing to me to see how the "PT Family" comes together to help one another out! I will help with donations for transport. Please let us know when and how! I don't have a lot of expendable cash, but I have some and I will gladly donate it to such a worthy cause!

Three CHEERS for Freedom for volunteering to foster Ally! :D :D

01-29-2007, 12:34 PM
I hope this plan works out. Good luck!

01-29-2007, 12:47 PM
Oh my gosh! I just finished reading through this thread, and I have to agree that I am just in awe with the generosity of our fellow PT members! Simply amazing! :D I hope this plan works out and Ally melds into your clowder ok, Freedom.


01-29-2007, 07:29 PM
I am simply amazed people in rescue are amazing people and this is the proof in its self. There is a reason for loving this forum and this is the reason why? You all deserve so much more than I can even express!!! I just can't tell all of you how awesome that this is....... I am in tears. Is there still a need for transportation cost??? Maybe I missed it? Please let us know so those of us that can only help with that can help get that covered. You are are the greatest souls on earth :D

01-29-2007, 07:36 PM
Julie has been in touch with me today. She was on a friend's connection and only had a very few minutes to type.

Ally (if I may let the cat out of the bag ;) ) will be heading to Allentown PA! :) (Freedom, you are off the hook, but MANY MANY thanks for the offer!!) My very good friend, Jenn_Librarian will be fostering Ally and I get to be God-meowmie!

I am so excited. Can't wait for details. And yes, any financial help, I am certain, will be appreciated, even in the smallest amounts. Details to follow..... :cool:

01-29-2007, 08:12 PM
Freedom....maybe your dad will be secretly broken-hearted at this news, and will go out and rescue a kitty! :)

I hope you are not sad...but think of the big picture, how many Pet Talkers have all jumped in to help Ally and Julie!


01-29-2007, 10:23 PM
I am so glad that Ally has a new "home'. YAY! Good luck and I hope all goes well!

01-30-2007, 04:50 AM
Julie has been in touch with me today. She was on a friend's connection and only had a very few minutes to type.

Ally (if I may let the cat out of the bag ;) ) will be heading to Allentown PA! :) (Freedom, you are off the hook, but MANY MANY thanks for the offer!!) My very good friend, Jenn_Librarian will be fostering Ally and I get to be God-meowmie!

I am so excited. Can't wait for details. And yes, any financial help, I am certain, will be appreciated, even in the smallest amounts. Details to follow..... :cool:
This is wonderful news!What would we do without people like you and so many others here.Now we get to see updates and pictures. yay!

01-30-2007, 08:40 AM
Hey, Catty1, I am NOT sad! We are all working to develop a plan for ALLY, she is the priority here. I think this is wonderful, happy happy news. I am only sorry that I will not "see" Miss Ally in person. But I know more photos will follow in weeks and months to come.

Hooray for Jenn and Jen, mom and God mom to Ally!

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-30-2007, 10:27 AM
Aw gosh, that is WONDERFUL news!!

01-30-2007, 10:38 AM
Julie has been in touch with me today. She was on a friend's connection and only had a very few minutes to type.

Ally (if I may let the cat out of the bag ;) ) will be heading to Allentown PA! :) (Freedom, you are off the hook, but MANY MANY thanks for the offer!!) My very good friend, Jenn_Librarian will be fostering Ally and I get to be God-meowmie!

I have told Julie I will be more than happy to take Ally in for her as long as she needs. I was telling Jen L. in an email yesterday that there is so much strife and conflict in Lagos and the surrounding countries to begin with, I'd be worried about anyone going there, Julie, her husband and the cat! That area of Africa is not a happy one at this point... Hope they will be in a safe area, and are comfortable about going there. I know I'd be looking for another alternative.

Many countries in the middle east and africa view cats the way we view squirrels here in the USA. They're merely pets. Cat food is generally not available, and they eat table scraps. My ex was from Egypt, and it was really bad there. The cats he had seen and been around growing up disappeared all the time, or they were sick and injured and there wasn't anything like a vet available. Dogs were even lower on the food chain. They were considered dirty and normally not welcome in houses. My ex said this was because the prophet Mohammed said in the Qur'an said this, and so it was to be followed. Also calling someone a dog was akin to cursing at them. I know if I ever touched a dog while I dated him, he wouldn't even touch me. This helped TREMENDOUSLY when I wanted him gone, lol. "Oh honey, I met the sweetest dog today! He licked my hands and gave me kisses! OOOh! and I had the most delicious BLT Hoagie with extra bacon at WaWa too!" Had to make sure I was "untouchable", lol. :D :D

01-30-2007, 10:39 AM
Oh, and if she flys Ally into JFK, I can pick her up easily. Have been there and back NUMEROUS times. It's an easy trip for me!! ;)

01-30-2007, 11:39 AM
Oh what great news! Bless your hearts Jenn and Jen! ;) I can't wait to follow Ally's journey to the states now;)


01-30-2007, 02:55 PM
Wow! Ally will now be a PA cat! This is so great, all the outpouring of support for Ally and her family.

I will watch with excitement!

p.s. Let me know about donating.

Felicia's Mom
01-30-2007, 03:56 PM
So Ally has a new home; that is great news!!:D

01-30-2007, 04:05 PM
You all deserve major hugs for making such an effort to save Ally. I know Julie can't believe this. How wonderful! :)

01-30-2007, 04:53 PM
p.s. Let me know about donating.

Me too - I want to contribute to this adventure for Ally.

01-30-2007, 06:18 PM
You can count me in also on a donation. :)

I pray that everything goes smoothly in the transportation of Ally.

01-30-2007, 07:02 PM


01-31-2007, 05:43 AM
That is just fantastic news! Well done everybody, I love this forum!
You should all rule the world!! :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-31-2007, 06:06 AM
WOW... I just managed to read through this thread and it has made me cry!!

I love it here so much at Pet Talk sometimes... watching everyone pull together for a special kitty kat!!! :)

I'm so happy for Ally and the WONDERFUL Jen.. who is able to foster her!!!

critter crazy
01-31-2007, 06:08 AM
Awsome News!! Yeah Ally will have a new home! you guys are just so awsome!!

K & L
01-31-2007, 06:49 AM
This is so exciting! I will be watching for updates and how to donate!

01-31-2007, 07:46 AM
That Of Course Is The Best Possible News For Ally , And Her Guardian And The Found Cats And I Are Cheering.
There Are So Many Great People Here, Its An Honor To Belong With All These Heroes.

01-31-2007, 02:06 PM
OMG, these are the most wonderful news!!! Yay!!! I'm so very happy for Ally and Julie that Ally found a place to live!!! :)

That's awesome!! :)


01-31-2007, 04:17 PM
This is the kinda of stuff that makes PT so special, if you are ever feeling disillusioned with PT, just check this thread out and it will soon change your mind, when i tell fellow kiwi's about this amazing site, and how one kitty was sent from America to England, and how one member paid for spaying of my now adopted girls, they look at me as if I am crazy,little do they know what they are missing out on, now look at this, truely there are some wonderful human beings in this world , and I for one am so happy to know them. GOOD ON YOU everyone WELL DONE, here's hoping all goes well for the transistion for Alley. :)

01-31-2007, 04:22 PM
That is WONDERFUL news!!! Please keep us updated on Ally's travels.

01-31-2007, 04:34 PM
:) OMG I was in just dissmay on how I missed this Thread until now.. I am just in tears due to the good news for Julie & Alley.. I am so glad for our Jenn & Jen in their support.. I am here if a donation is needed.. Jen just PM me on what to do.. ****CONGRATS ON ALLEY COMING TO THE PA***** ;) ;)

01-31-2007, 11:29 PM
I'm happy to take Ally in. That's the least I could do since I have room. I don't think of myself as being wonderful or anything like that, just trying to do something that I hope someone would do for me if it ever came to this kind of situation. So many times things are out of our hands/control, and being able to make a difference in one life, it does matter. (Can you tell I'm a teacher, lol... lord know I don't do that for the pay! :p ). Everyone deserves a chance, and if you can make a positive change/influence, then you should do it. That's just how I feel.

01-31-2007, 11:36 PM
Awaiting donation instructions.... :)

Will that be in a new thread?


02-02-2007, 11:50 AM
Hey Julie,
Just wondering if you have any time frame in mind... I know the internet issue is dicey over there. Let us know when you get things organized for Ally. :)

02-02-2007, 02:21 PM
Just checking in for information on donations! please keep us posted!

Laura's Babies
02-02-2007, 02:23 PM
Another PT miracle is happening here. All it's members pulling together for another one of our fur kids that needs help and creating a miracle.

I want to contribute to her travel fund also and as fast as things happen once all the details are set, I think that fund should be set up now and lets get the money flowing into it... If this goes on for months then donations could be made monthly from some of us. I will be going back to work in 27 days and would like to send in mine before I leave to make sure I am not left out of this wonderful event...

(Drats! The things I miss when I am at work!!!)