View Full Version : Helping Belle get Comfortable

01-26-2007, 07:52 PM
Well we bring home Belle tomorrow

Is there anything in particular we can do to make her feel more comfortable when joining a new home? or to put her at ease?

01-26-2007, 07:58 PM
Meet outside the house, and take a walk with her and the other dog- remember coming into the house the older dog will know this is there house- so pick up before hand toys and make sure you have an extra water bowl for the new one- .. Keep company down to just you guys for the day- and watch doors... ( so she doesnt bolt..)

01-26-2007, 08:05 PM
They will be meeting outside :D

We already got her a collar, lead, food and water bowls, and a couple of toys that haven't been played with by another dog yet LOL.

But once everyone gets settled and the initial excitement is over and she starts to get used to her new house is there anything we should do to help her get used to the new house and be comfortable?

I will be home for 4 days with the dogs. I took time off work and won't be having any visitors :D

01-26-2007, 08:09 PM
Even if its only there for a few days- I always put a comforter on the floor for the new dog... Remember she might be nervous so feed lightly the first day..

01-26-2007, 08:11 PM
Should it be a freshly washed blanket or does it matter if it has Teddys smell on it?

We have a bunch of blankets all over the couches, a dog bed on the floor, plus a seperate room that is just for doggies with a couch and chair, perhaps if she gets uncomfortable she will make use of the quiet secluded room for a sleep. But all of these things are covered in Teddy smell.

01-26-2007, 08:14 PM
Having a routine helps particularly at the start, so she can quickly learn what to expect.

Think about when you enter a new job. They often give you a repetitive task at the start, to keep your mind busy while you are observing around you, meeting folks, learning to put names to faces.

So since you will be home, if you can develop a few things to do over and over, that will help her. For example

- you hum X song, sit in X chair, and pet her
- you turn on the radio, it in a certain place, and brush her. Note, this won't work if you are (like me) someone who has the radio on most of the time. In that case, pick a certain CD to turn on.
- set up a routine for taking her outside too. Something that you do NOT do when you are going to work, going on errands without her, etc. I'll let you wok on that one. :D

Even if you just to the petting and the brushing twice per day, that will set a routine for her. Once you think about it, you can probably set up a few that will work with your regular day.

I know, once you start work, you are not going to be petting her twice per day at those times. That is OK. Once you learn the new job, you move on to other more independent tasks!

Hope this helps. Best wishes!

01-26-2007, 08:15 PM
sorry but I don't remember.. :o didn't she just get spayed? If she did, I would let her take it easy for a few days and no rough housing. :)

01-26-2007, 08:19 PM
Yeah she was spayed on Tuesday. We are going to keep play to a minimum but unless I lock them up seperately LOL I won't be able to prevent any playing between the two at all LOL

routine is a good idea. Of course I am not sure how house trained she is, if at all. She was a stray so they don't know. So the first day or two I will be taking her out every hour or two just in case she hasn't been housebroken.

01-26-2007, 08:39 PM
She should be fine if she was just spayed on Tuesday then. :) If she has sutures in still be careful. you wouldn't want them to rip out. all I can say is have fun and good luck! :D I am so excited for you! :)

01-26-2007, 08:45 PM
She should be fine if she was just spayed on Tuesday then. :) If she has sutures in still be careful. you wouldn't want them to rip out. all I can say is have fun and good luck! :D I am so excited for you! :)

Thank you :D we are super excited too.

That is something that we have been very worried about.... if she has sutures we don't want to open them. Her and Teddy are both very playful and especially with each other judging by the first time they met lol but we are hoping a few nice long walks will tire them out and keep them pretty mellow so the rough play will be kept to a minimum. Of course I am sure once they are together that logic will go out the window LOL

01-26-2007, 08:50 PM
You're welcome! :) Just ask them if she still has sutures and if so when she needs them out and I'd have a vet do it. :) I can't wait to see more pics of her.. she's gorgeous!!!! :D oh gawd, I just love hounds! :) It will be fun to see how they interact, them being two hounds. :)