View Full Version : Pet Talk Training Course #3 - Down

01-26-2007, 07:39 AM
How do you make your dog go down on all fours (on his/her belly)? Do you make your dog go all the way down (like its head has to be on the floor besides his/her belly)? Please share your training ideas on this.

Pawsitive Thinking
01-26-2007, 10:38 AM
With Tobey and Archie I have a treat in my hand and pat the floor with it while saying "down". If you keep it just a little bit in front of their noses they get the idea

01-26-2007, 10:47 AM
THIS IS NOT how to train a shepherd (!!)- this is how you teach a sighthound to down.. ( you professional trainers are going to roll on the floor with this one..).. I wait until they are standing ( Borzois do not sit ya know.. lol) then I lay down on the floor.. ( I think we just lost applesmom and agilityk9trainer with laughter at this picture..).. They lay right down with you.. lol.. " DOWN.." lol.. Few times of that- you say " down" they lay right down.. lol..
STUPID??? YES!! does it work?? YES!

01-26-2007, 10:49 AM
I trained my rottie mix in 4-H and I just point to the floor and say down and she lays down. :)

01-26-2007, 10:51 AM
After going to obidience school TWICE this is still one that we haven't mastered with Payson. I can't for the life of me get him to go down. All he can do is sit!

01-26-2007, 10:58 AM
After going to obidience school TWICE this is still one that we haven't mastered with Payson. I can't for the life of me get him to go down. All he can do is sit!
Got a stubborn one huh? Okay try this- ( I had a stubborn dobie once) .. I would have her sit in front of a couch so her butt was against it.. Let her see a treat- cup it in your fist- go slightly OVER her head.. ( yes over- i will say why in a second) then drop it down and slightly towards you.. She will go right down.. After a few of these- they have it..
I said over the head first because that pulls the shoulders up and forward- it would be harder to stay in a sit, and they have to callapse the shoulders.. POOF instant down..

critter crazy
01-26-2007, 11:33 AM
hmmm...gonna have to try this one!! rocky knows down very well, however Duke just stares at me and wags his tail!:D he only knows sit!:rolleyes:

01-26-2007, 11:39 AM
hmmm...gonna have to try this one!! rocky knows down very well, however Duke just stares at me and wags his tail!:D he only knows sit!:rolleyes:
In a dog class- the teacher stands right behind the dog.. Also down is not said when they are down- as you are teaching the movement here.. As the dog starts to move forward and down- that is when you say it- AND JUST ONCE UNTIL they are all the way down- then praise..

critter crazy
01-26-2007, 11:56 AM
OMG!!! Duke Did it!! And he stayed!! I am so Proud of my Boy!!! He did very well, it only took us Two tries!! OMG!!!!
and of course we did sit as well!
He looks so cute!!:D

critter crazy
01-26-2007, 12:06 PM
with his butt agains the couch, he got it, so we moved over to the middle of the floor, and did just as well!! now i just have to get him to keep his head down. he he he he! i just love that look!:D

01-26-2007, 12:09 PM
with his butt agains the couch, he got it, so we moved over to the middle of the floor, and did just as well!! now i just have to get him to keep his head down. he he he he! i just love that look!:D
See- it works- and putting the cupped hand over their head slightly first will straighten the shoulder.
This method works for the real stubborn ones.. lol. ( I love his ears!!! lol.. give him a kiss from me!)

critter crazy
01-26-2007, 12:14 PM
See- it works- and putting the cupped hand over their head slightly first will straighten the shoulder.
This method works for the real stubborn ones.. lol. ( I love his ears!!! lol.. give him a kiss from me!)
Thanks it worked fabulous! I love his ears too, but my favorite feature, is all that excess skin flopping on his neck!! he he he he he he! My dog has like twenty Chins!!:D