View Full Version : Trigger finger

01-25-2007, 07:56 AM
I'm just curious if anyone else has dealt with a condition called trigger finger. I am having my 5th (yes, 5th!!!) surgery tomorrow. No big deal but just wondering how many people get to go thru this fun besides me.... :rolleyes:

01-25-2007, 12:54 PM
I and a co-worker got it from a job. She also did mountain climbing and that might be why hers was worse. She woke up one morning and her fingers were locked. Mine didn't get quite that bad but it was the same thing and had a break from work then it never happened again. So I was lucky and no surgery but they said she probably would. It was worst in the mornings and sometimes were sticky in the mornings and were difficult to bend but worked themselves out each day. I could feel the bumps on the tendons in the finger that cause the problem.

01-25-2007, 02:01 PM
Yep, I had trigger finger on my right thumb. I had "surgery" a couple of years ago, and have had no other probelms with trigger finger since then. The healing was very quick, which was a relief since I am right handed!

However, I did have to have my left thumb joint rebuilt in 2005 due to arthritis. That was a much more detailed surgery and I was off of work for a week, and in a cast for a month. My Mother had her right thumb done in 2006, and I am probably going to need to have my right one done also.... but hopefully not for a while. There is a nasty bone spur on it, but the arthritis is not as bad as it was in the left. My specialist is treating it with some shots that hurt worse than the pain from the surgery! AAGGHHH :eek:

Good luck! Keep us posted!