View Full Version : THURSDAYS 196 - what's your guilty pleasure?

01-24-2007, 10:44 AM
I'm going to be busy this afternoon so I figured I better open the bar early. But before you order a drink, I'd like to know if you have a guilty pleasure - you know, the sort of thing you know is silly or bad or stupid, but you just can't resist.

I have two guilty pleasures that I'd like to share. I enjoy looking up E's fashion police web site after any major hollywood event to see what people wore and what the critics have to say.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I also like those 1 star sci-fi movies on the sci-fi channel. The ones that are just too predicitable, with low-budget special effects.

What's your guilty pleasure?

01-24-2007, 11:41 AM
Ooo .. guilty pleasure? Well, watching Buffy and going Antiquing (and looking at things i can never afford to buy!). I'm sure i can think of more :D

So... can I get a glass of scotch - neat? I've got a bit of a cold and could do with the antibacterial fixins that a good scotch brings :D

01-24-2007, 11:54 AM
Ooo .. guilty pleasure? Well, watching Buffy...

LOL LOL LOL Another Buffy addict here! :o I have all of the seasons on DVD and I've been watching the entire series from beginning to end!

I'd like an irish coffee, please!


01-24-2007, 12:06 PM
LOL LOL LOL Another Buffy addict here! :o I have all of the seasons on DVD and I've been watching the entire series from beginning to end!

I'd like an irish coffee, please!


hehe ... i'm so bad, I was out at the comic store buying a box of Magic cards, and ended up coming out with a Spike comic mini-series :rolleyes:

But yeah, i've got all the series on DVD and have watched it through several times -- generally something I do on my own since my bf isn't as much of a Buffy fan *lol*


01-24-2007, 12:11 PM
Ah...guilty pleasure???? I can't tell you on this family website!!! :o :o

Help me please. I woke up to this big bright ball in the sky. It hurts my eyes to look at it. What on earth could it be??? It's been dark and stormy for days and days. I'm confoozled!!!! :rolleyes:

One giant Lemon Drop Martini for me please. It's time to dig into my busy workday. Oh yes, could you throw a couple of winning lottery tickets my way too?? ;)

01-24-2007, 01:34 PM
Guilty pleasures? Trashy fashion or Hollywood gossip magazines and I try to NEVER miss Entertainment Tonight and/or The Insider - gotta keep up with who's who-ing who, which stollywood harlot is in treatment this week, who's flashing their bits in public, etc. It's a great escape for me after dealing with clients with REAL legal problems during the day. Also, (can I tell this here?) don't tell anyone about my nailpolish addiction :rolleyes: :D

Just a cuppa coffee for me this morning.

01-24-2007, 01:46 PM
hehe ... i'm so bad, I was out at the comic store buying a box of Magic cards, and ended up coming out with a Spike comic mini-series :rolleyes:

But yeah, i've got all the series on DVD and have watched it through several times -- generally something I do on my own since my bf isn't as much of a Buffy fan *lol*


Too funny! Did you see that Joss has a Buffy "season 8" comic series coming out soon? Wheeee! :o

01-24-2007, 01:50 PM
Does watching the late shows interview with Johney Depp over and over count? :p :o

01-24-2007, 02:46 PM
Can we please stop and say some prayers for T&P's Mom. Little Peanut is making the big trip to da bridge and they need all the love and hugs they can get.

RIP little Peanut. :(

01-24-2007, 03:10 PM
RIP to Peanut ... :(


Since theres no barkeep (yet), i'll do the honours (since my dads gf works for the liquor board, i'm well stocked) ...

Wolflady -- Irish Coffee served up. You want whip cream and chocolate sprinklins on that?
Slick -- Giant Lemon Drop Martini comin up, in a fancy-schmancy glass
RedHedd -- Coffee, no problem-o!

Too funny! Did you see that Joss has a Buffy "season 8" comic series coming out soon? Wheeee! :o
A buffy comic you say?! Eggsellent!! :D

Killearn Kitties
01-24-2007, 05:28 PM
I've brought you some whisky,Blue Frog - very good for a cold. Burns' night is tomorrow, so whisky is traditional, but if you have a sore throat you are excused from reciting any poetry. :D

01-24-2007, 05:33 PM
hmmmmmmmm ok if I tell my guilty pleasure it has to stay a bar secret!
Pokemon. I adore them, I have collected their cards since my 20 year old brought the game home years ago! I have boxes and bags and crates of em. I love to play the game with my kid and grandkids but I try to pass it off like I am doing them the favor.......... :eek: :o :rolleyes:

May I have a Vodka martini? extra dry with double olives? the olives are dinner I am too tired to cook tonight.........

smokey the elder
01-25-2007, 07:19 AM
My guilty pleasure is...Pro wrestling! It's all my SO's fault. :p

01-25-2007, 08:52 AM
Killearn Kitties -- I've been switching between the Glen Garioch and the Glen Fiddich scotches the last few nights (aparently a mug of scotch will cure what ails ya!), and the sore throat is pretty well beat :) So tonite, i'll drink to Burns' Night (goes off to Google Burns' Night)

Dr.Goodnow -- Vodka martini is a go - i'll even open the fancy bottle of Martini Olives just for admitting to Pokemons. If its any consolation, I have Pokemon cards too (bought a starter set on a whim once, you're welcome to them if you want em -- i'm sticking to Magic the Gathering), and have been playing a Pokemon game on my Nintendo DS ;)

01-25-2007, 10:23 AM
Oh, you are all so bad ( just kidding!) I guess at this point my guilty pleasure is PT. Yes, I'm supposed to be doing serious work on the computer at this very moment, but what am I doing instead???? Oh yeah, visiting PT way too often. I think I need a big cup of real coffee, caffine & all!

Thanks for the note about Peanut, I'll go right over to the cat side now. RIP, little one.

01-25-2007, 11:31 AM
MMM lovely Martini well done TYVM, hehe another closet pokemon fan? I have a huge collection of the magic cards too! Love it. My son is into it also and the yu-gi -oh thing but I never caught that game. The new vid game that has ALL of us hooked? NeverwinterNights! its a rpg on the PC that can link up globally! very addictive.! :rolleyes:

01-25-2007, 11:37 AM
Chocolate I love it.Yugioh the series.I know it's werid but I have fallen in love with the show and plan to buy the whole series on dvd.I don't like the cards.NCIS I have watched the first 2 season at least 10xeach.I am so excited to get season 3 on dvd in april or may.

01-25-2007, 11:40 AM
MMM lovely Martini well done TYVM, hehe another closet pokemon fan? I have a huge collection of the magic cards too! Love it. My son is into it also and the yu-gi -oh thing but I never caught that game. The new vid game that has ALL of us hooked? NeverwinterNights! its a rpg on the PC that can link up globally! very addictive.! :rolleyes:

Oh, I totally hear ya on that one -- thats why i stopped playing World of Warcraft -- too many hours spent in front of that game! I still like the old single player RPG games like the Final Fantasy series and such, but for multiplayer fun almost nothing beats Diablo (old and cheesy as it is) :D

01-25-2007, 11:46 AM
Oh, I totally hear ya on that one -- thats why i stopped playing World of Warcraft -- too many hours spent in front of that game! I still like the old single player RPG games like the Final Fantasy series and such, but for multiplayer fun almost nothing beats Diablo (old and cheesy as it is) :D
LOL yep Diablo and the expansion sets are all here shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no one knows that! But it is fun to use NWN as a link with the my grown kids out in AZ and we all get to play!(plus you can talk to eachother in it so its kina like msn with a kick ! rofl

01-25-2007, 11:55 AM
My guilty pleasure is dark chocolate covered pretzels from Harry and David. YUMMM!

Where is Richard?

Mario, it is a rare, lovely, sunny (but very cold) day - I'll be able to toast the sunset which is getting a minute or two later each day. So, can I please have my usual, diet Coke with a wedge of lemon? Here's to a beautiful winter day and to the wonderful people here on Pet Talk.

01-25-2007, 12:00 PM
I though I had none until I realized one very obvious one........please don´t laugh......;)

I enjoy watching a kid show named Lazytown.........just to see Sportacus!!! he´s so athletic :o :p .......haha.......I told you not laughing.......well.......just a bit

and I would like to have a fresh homemade Lemonade (I know it´s a bar, but I just LOVE lemonade) :P

01-25-2007, 12:07 PM
First, RIP sweet Peanut...you now have your angel wings. :(

Blue_Frog...check this out: http://www.wizarduniverse.com/magazine/wizard/002837101.cfm ;)

How could I have forgotten about WoW as a guilty pleasure! Granted, I haven't played in quite awhile because it really did suck way too much time. It's amazing how fast the time flies when youre in Azeroth...*snicker* Now that the BC expansion is finally out...I may have to start playing again. I was all excited about the 2 new races

01-25-2007, 12:29 PM
First, RIP sweet Peanut...you now have your angel wings. :(

Blue_Frog...check this out: http://www.wizarduniverse.com/magazine/wizard/002837101.cfm ;)

How could I have forgotten about WoW as a guilty pleasure! Granted, I haven't played in quite awhile because it really did suck way too much time. It's amazing how fast the time flies when youre in Azeroth...*snicker* Now that the BC expansion is finally out...I may have to start playing again. I was all excited about the 2 new races
Oooo... thanks!! I'm looking forward to that coming out now :D
I -can't- get back into WoW ... it's just too deadly, even with the new expansion out :eek:
must ... resist ... WoW ....

LOL yep Diablo and the expansion sets are all here shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no one knows that! But it is fun to use NWN as a link with the my grown kids out in AZ and we all get to play!(plus you can talk to eachother in it so its kina like msn with a kick ! rofl
Lol -- i hear ya! You using TeamSpeak? I used to use that playing Americas Army (AAO) online with a bunch of guys in the US, and it was a riot being able to talk to people all over the place. Plus, it saves on Long Distance!

Where is Richard?
I don't know? :confused: :confused: I've been keepin' an eye on the bar for now (since I have a large drinks cupboard), but just 'til the usual barkeep RICHARD is here!

*picks some lemons*

cassiesmom -- Diet Coke with a wedge of fresh picked lemon - all set!
Husky_mom -- Fresh squeezed homemade Lemonade - hope it's ok, I haven't had the Juicer out lately. Might need more sugar ;)

01-25-2007, 01:13 PM
Blue_Frog...check this out: http://www.wizarduniverse.com/magazine/wizard/002837101.cfm ;)

oooo... Buffy Overload ...



01-25-2007, 07:14 PM
I've brought you some whisky,Blue Frog - very good for a cold. Burns' night is tomorrow, so whisky is traditional, but if you have a sore throat you are excused from reciting any poetry. :D

Does a sore throat excuse Blue Frog from haggis, too? :)

01-25-2007, 08:40 PM
guilty pleasure..chili dogs with extra onions, easy mustard and dripping with smoky sweet barbeque sauce with a mug of ice cold beer.
speaking of beer... mug of foster lager please, wanna see my id? :D

01-26-2007, 12:51 AM
Guilty pleasure??? Hmmm, it is probably spending too much time on Pet Talk when I know I should be working. And then there is always chocolate!

Who is serving? Hmm, the place is pretty quiet. I think I will have some Bailey's over the rocks before bed. It has been one very long day.

01-26-2007, 03:50 AM
I am here.....and sorry to hear about T&P's mom and the Peanutter...


Thanks for opening the bar.....Can I sit over by the wall this week? :rolleyes:

Killearn Kitties
01-26-2007, 07:07 AM
Does a sore throat excuse Blue Frog from haggis, too? :)
No no no! Why on earth would anybody want to be excused from haggis??? ;) :D

Can I sit over by the wall this week? :rolleyes:
Certainly not! Get over here and have your haggis and whisky and tell us about your guilty pleasures. Actually, on second thoughts ...

01-26-2007, 11:16 AM
No no no! Why on earth would anybody want to be excused from haggis??? ;) :D
Haggis? Sure, I'll give it a shot! I'm sure I can find a local Haggis dealership somewhere here in Toronto. There were actually some guys on TV last nite on Discovery trying to set a record for juggling haggis's's (whatever the plural is) :D

Who is serving? Hmm, the place is pretty quiet.
I've been serving part-time until anyone else takes over for me - I've opened up my drinks cupboard to all the PT folks (its like the wardrobe that leads to Narnia - who knows whats in it?) :D

joycenalex -- Frosty mug of foster lager - no problem, and yes, I -will- need to see some ID
gini -- Bailey's onna rocks? Sure! You want Original, or one of the new flavours Mint or Caramel? ;)
RICHARD -- I've been minding the bar for ya (hope you don't mind!) - can I getcha a scotch, or something more fancy with an umbrella and some fancy things onna stick? :D

01-26-2007, 11:56 AM
Richard you are sitting on my Pokemon cards Mario stole!! Scooch just a bit please....ah there thats better thank you, who is tending bar? a martini needs refreshing ........Jas popped in with me and wants one of those umbrelly things virginal though since he is driving..

01-26-2007, 12:10 PM
? ........Jas popped in with me and wants one of those umbrelly things virginal though since he is driving..

Now if you walked into a regular bar and asked for "One of those umbrelly things"
I wonder what they would serve you.:D

01-26-2007, 12:20 PM
LOL I have NO IDEA! I don't drink them, but just for kicks next time we are out I will have Jasper order one that way! :eek:

01-26-2007, 02:48 PM
No no no! Why on earth would anybody want to be excused from haggis??? ;) :D

Certainly not! Get over here and have your haggis and whisky and tell us about your guilty pleasures. Actually, on second thoughts ...

Haggis and a shot?

My GP is watching documentaries.

Any kind! I will sit for a whole hour and not talk.....

But, show me any other kind of show? I chortle, yell and make fun....

01-26-2007, 02:48 PM
Best I could find for an 'Umbrella-y drink'

Umbrella Man Special recipe

Scale ingredients to servings
6 cl Absolut® vodka
6 cl Kahlua® coffee liqueur
6 cl Bailey's® Irish cream
6 cl Grand Marnier® orange liqueur
6 cl Drambuie® Scotch whisky

Mix all ingredients in a shaker. Serve with straw and ice cubes, put a cocktail umbrella beside the straw in the glass.
... although, I always considered an Umbrella-y drink to be something sickly sweet in a coconut with half a fruit salad inside and an umbrella and/or other garnishees.

Dr.Goodnow -- Refill on the Martini with extra olives ... but I'm not sure what to get for Jas - maybe some fancy juice slushie with an umbrella? ;)

01-26-2007, 03:12 PM
Best I could find for an 'Umbrella-y drink' ;)

Wow, that sounds absolutely deadly - I hope the umbrella is big enough that you could hide under it after you drink that one!!

Hey - you are a great bartender - and Richard does need someone to take his place sometimes, so he can rest a bit.:D

01-26-2007, 04:00 PM
Wow, that sounds absolutely deadly - I hope the umbrella is big enough that you could hide under it after you drink that one!!

I'm debating on going home IRL and making one of these this weekend. For science of course :rolleyes:

01-27-2007, 01:43 AM
WOW thats not an umbrelly drink thats a HUT drink! LOL wow poor Jas, guess we are using a cab......................... :p

01-27-2007, 09:57 AM


That Umbrelly Drink must have a fire suppression system built into it..

That's alot of alky hall in a confined space.

Yes, things are a little off kilter this week.... :eek:


What do I wear under MY kilter???? :eek: :rolleyes:


01-27-2007, 11:10 AM
Hi. David P here. Hey, that umbrella drink sounds great! It's COLD here in East Hartford! We're going up to see the gang in Mass. today!

01-27-2007, 11:17 AM
No no no! Why on earth would anybody want to be excused from haggis??? ;) :D

Certainly not! Get over here and have your haggis and whisky and tell us about your guilty pleasures. Actually, on second thoughts ...
David p here in Connecticut! I'm willing to try some haggis! :)

01-27-2007, 03:22 PM
hmm well embarrassing pleasures. I like pickled bologna and similar substances but haven't had any in years. i like the show Jericho, lol. I like to shower clean then have a bath so I have a clean bath, a waist of water though so a guilty pleasure and not done nightly. I just need a hot tub instead.

I think I'll just have a coco this week and sit by the fire. Pua wants to climb around in the rafters. Mario follow her around with a net in case she falls. she is a little clumsy.

01-28-2007, 10:54 AM
DavidP -- One crazy umbrella-y drink comin' right up. But I think you may need to talk with Killearn Kitties about the haggis though ;)

TamanduaGirl -- Hot cocoa, no problem - with or without the fancy whipcream and chocolate sprinkles? ;)

01-28-2007, 03:25 PM
oh boy fancy please :)

Pua was awake and active this morning so I took her out on a walk. Was a bit chilly but felt warm with the sun and running around. Will have pics to post later.

Hope we don't need to do any dishes Pua's now sleeping in the sink.

01-29-2007, 05:18 PM
just checking in...very quiet taoday except for the little earthquake....

Don't worry y'all........it was minor. :confused: