View Full Version : Im a bit angry right now!!!

01-24-2007, 09:35 AM
OK so i called the vet today to see if I could take the pups to get there first shots since they are 5 and a half weeks old and they are only a few days short of 6 weeks and they vet says no you need to wait til they are 8 weeks old to get there first shots!!!! I already told everyone who was getting a pup that they would have there first shots but now they wont beable to because they wont let me get there shots until 8 weeks of age!!! I still have to take the one pup because her stool is alittle runny and it looks like there was alittle blood in it but it was hard to tell so they are going to check her out, but it also means another vet bill and another visit, even though I wanted to take them and her and get everything done at once!!!! ehhhh it just drives me crazy!!!!

01-24-2007, 09:38 AM
Shouldn't you wait till they are 8 weeks old to send them off anyway?? :confused:

01-24-2007, 09:40 AM
I am pretty sure 8 weeks is standard everywhere for first shots. And besides they should be atleast 8 weeks old before they leave their momma. Preferably they should even be 12 weeks.

01-24-2007, 09:40 AM
Honey- no pup should leave the littermates anyway until 8 weeks old, and I will not sit here and say your vet is wrong. There are many thoughts on giving shots- and your vet is the doctor- not me..
As far as the puppy with the runny stool- that one better go to the vet. This is all part of having a litter- it could be nothing but a upset stomach- it could also be parvo- not to scare you- but it could..
Doing a litter is a bottomless pit when it comes to vet bills.. I am glad you are spaying her after this is done- and no more surprises like this to repeat this.. I know the pups are cute- but now you see why there is so much to having a litter..
Take the one pup to the vet- get the others shots at 8 weeks.. Personally- I have found pups to be more dog social if they stay with their litter mates until at least 10 weeks old.. They also understand housebreaking etc more by then.. Most people I know the pups do not leave until 12 weeks- and 16 weeks is pretty common in sighthounds for a whole bunch of reasons I wont get into..

01-24-2007, 09:48 AM
Well we were still keeping them to 8 weeks, but we always took pups for first shots at 6 then i think it was 8 or 9, and I really hope its not parvo, she seems very fine and playful still and eats. she got out of the box this morning and I found her follwoing me and maybe she just ate something that made her upset even though we dont have to much stuff for her to get into, and I didnt know if its because they eat hard food now and she got into the older dogs food this morning maybe, or if its frm switching puppy food.

01-24-2007, 09:50 AM
Well we were still keeping them to 8 weeks, but we always took pups for first shots at 6 then i think it was 8 or 9, and I really hope its not parvo, she seems very fine and playful still and eats. she got out of the box this morning and I found her follwoing me and maybe she just ate something that made her upset even though we dont have to much stuff for her to get into, and I didnt know if its because they eat hard food now and she got into the older dogs food this morning maybe, or if its frm switching puppy food.
They have to be on puppy food.. The regular formulas are not made for puppies..

finn's mom
01-24-2007, 09:52 AM
They have to be on puppy food.. The regular formulas are not made for puppies..

I think maybe she meant that they switched kinds of puppy foods? I'm just saying that's how I interpreted her statement.

But to angelbow, this is not that big of a problem. Just take a deep breath and tell the waiting owners that they will have to get a set of shots themselves after taking the puppies home. The vet is just doing the right thing.

01-24-2007, 09:58 AM
They have to be on puppy food.. The regular formulas are not made for puppies..

yeah i switched puppy foods, they are now on a different kind, and she prolly snuck and stole some of her moms this morning because she got out of a box that we thought would be impossible for them to climb its like almost 3 ffet high prolly.

01-24-2007, 09:59 AM
I think maybe she meant that they switched kinds of puppy foods? I'm just saying that's how I interpreted her statement.

But to angelbow, this is not that big of a problem. Just take a deep breath and tell the waiting owners that they will have to get a set of shots themselves after taking the puppies home. The vet is just doing the right thing.

I might just tell them if we get rid of them at 8 I will be in florida but my parents will be here and alot of people want them by 8 weeks, so maybe they just will have to get there first shots since they dont want to wait.

01-24-2007, 10:14 AM
Angelbow--I think you are making a big mistake by wanting to rush the shots. You have a sick puppy anyway and sick dogs don't get shots. 8 weeks is standard procedure, why the big rush. You can't just dump pups when it's convenient. Right now they are still protected by mom's immunity, you can wait for the shots. Plus the loose stools and "maybe" blood in it doesn't sound too good. Get a clean bill of health for the pup and let them grow up before shipping them to new homes. These pups still have a lot of learning to do in the nest before being shipped off. :confused:

01-24-2007, 10:21 AM
No puppy or kitten should leave its mommy before 8 weeks of age. Sometimes it happens, because mommies quit nursing ... but it is not the best for the baby. Shots are never given before 8 weeks of age and many vets wait until 10 weeks to start them. Tell anyone who wants a puppy before they are 8 weeks of age, that they simply cannot have them yet! If they want a healthy pup, then they will just have to wait! ;)

01-24-2007, 10:32 AM
I really don't understand what the problem is. They shouldn't be taken away until they are AT LEAST 8 weeks. So if you get them shots right when they turn 8 weeks you can still give them to their new owners after they have already had their shots.

01-24-2007, 10:39 AM
Angelbow--I think you are making a big mistake by wanting to rush the shots. You have a sick puppy anyway and sick dogs don't get shots. 8 weeks is standard procedure, why the big rush. You can't just dump pups when it's convenient. Right now they are still protected by mom's immunity, you can wait for the shots. Plus the loose stools and "maybe" blood in it doesn't sound too good. Get a clean bill of health for the pup and let them grow up before shipping them to new homes. These pups still have a lot of learning to do in the nest before being shipped off. :confused:

well im not rushing them anywhere, I was always told to get first shots at 6 weeks and we did with other pups we have owned. they arent nursing from there mom hardly at all anymore she doesnt let them they have teeth and are being weened off of her, and the pup is going to the vets tonight to see how she is.

01-24-2007, 10:54 AM
Sounds good to take the pup in. If the vet thinks that 8 weeks is okay, that is what you go with..

01-24-2007, 11:00 AM
what exactly is parvo and what are symptoms (sp)? we once had an alaskan malumute that had it and died but that was years ago so I dont know how they exactly get it?

01-24-2007, 11:20 AM
what exactly is parvo and what are symptoms (sp)? we once had an alaskan malumute that had it and died but that was years ago so I dont know how they exactly get it?

It begins with simple diarrhea, then advances to acute depression and bloody liquid diarrhea.

Here's a link to information that every puppy owner should have.

Parvo information (http://www.workingdogs.com/parvofaq.htm)