View Full Version : ohhhhGARY......New pics of the kittens,eyes starting to open.1/23/07

01-23-2007, 09:23 PM
Thought I would post a few pics of the kittens, btw Gary smoke is the first one to begin opening her eyes! :D
The handsome boy is the rescuer of their mom, our son Adrian. Needless to say mama dobies are never far from the kittens or the boy :rolleyes:

01-23-2007, 09:31 PM
cuteness alert :)

01-23-2007, 09:32 PM
oh my goodness..*squeals* how ADORABLE!

01-23-2007, 09:48 PM
AWWWWW! So teensy! How old are they now?

01-23-2007, 11:52 PM
AWWWWW! So teensy! How old are they now?

12 days old, 13 if you count this post as a Wed. post lol !

hehe I really shoudl have put cuteness alert up there. I guess I am spoiled about it cause I get to see them everyday *grins*

01-24-2007, 12:40 AM
*Sigh* So precious.

Hi Adrian, remember me? We talked on the phone! You're quite a mature, special young man!!

01-24-2007, 07:54 AM
AWWW!!! 4 Star cuteness warning required... lol..

01-24-2007, 09:47 AM
if the kittens are only 12 days old they shouldnt be handled or near dogs!!!!!

The kittens are absolutely fine being handled. I always handle the newborn rescues I've had immediately after they are born. It makes them much more tame, and also if something happens to mom or they need medical attention, they are easier to work with! ;) The doggies are fine too, as long as they are supervised, and I'm sure Dr. Goodnow and son are doing that! :)

01-24-2007, 05:17 PM
The kittens are absolutely fine being handled. I always handle the newborn rescues I've had immediately after they are born. It makes them much more tame, and also if something happens to mom or they need medical attention, they are easier to work with! ;) The doggies are fine too, as long as they are supervised, and I'm sure Dr. Goodnow and son are doing that! :)

Yes we are Kim LOL and since Rustys bed is the one you see mama kitty in the first thread, and he was there with her through the birth, and she purposely waits until he lies down next to her bed to get up and go eat and litter box duties, I am thinking the old "trust the mama" credo. Lilly and Rusty adore each other, she will even crawl into his crate when he is there to snuggle up with HER dog.

O would supervise more however she was the one that moved the litter from under Adrians bed to Rustys crate so go figure. :rolleyes:

I appreciate your concern Sproket, but we have always handled our newborn pups and kits from birth. In 25 years of animals, pups, birds, cats, ferrets, rats ,pythons, Guinea piggies, it has always been our practice to do so. For some of the reasons Kim stated , and also for others, such as keeping an eye on a litter that was high risk (several feral litters I can think of) or checking for suckling ability in a pup that looks off, possible cleft palates etc.

critter crazy
01-25-2007, 08:46 AM
i think they are adorable, and that you are doing a fab job!!!

01-25-2007, 09:20 AM
That Sure Brings Me Back To The Week Where Pouncette , Her Babies Gary And Ivon Were In The Spare Bedroom.
They Were Such Tiny Little Babies , And Now They Are Big Healthy Cats.
They Are Such Little Sweethearts, Especially That Little Gary Smokey.

Anita Cholaine
01-25-2007, 09:46 AM
OMG, they are so cute! :D I'm sure you and your son are doing a great job!

01-25-2007, 11:08 AM
Well Gary! . Miss Lilly says she is very proud that you like your Smoke! she thinks all her babies are beautiful! But Catangel Smoke seems to take a special interest her little namesake!

I really think though Gary you should let Miqueltto come visit us! We love his pictures, and Lilly says he is rather adorable and sends him special headbumpies!

Sprokket, I have heard your opinions, and I thank you again for your concern,however I will reiterate that in 25 years we have never had a mother reject any litter for being handled.Ferrets included. Lilly and her siblings are all feral rescues at(approx) 14 days old , their mom was run over by a car. My son bottle fed them and raised them all by hand, with a doting dobie to watch over them. As Lilly and the kittens will be spayed in another few weeks the point is moot,in regards to her litter.

As a side note, as I said she has moved them to her dogs crate, and she loves the extra attention she gets when we have the kittens , as that leaves Dads hands free to give her double belly rubs and head scritches. :)

01-30-2007, 04:26 PM
Dr. G., I just realized the quads will be 3 weeks old on Thursday! How are they doing? :-)

01-30-2007, 04:34 PM
They are doing well, thank you for asking! I will post some pics in the next day or so, I am battling the flu so I am not handling them. Adrian and Jasper are though after a squirt of sanitizer. I will ask the boys to get a few shots.

Our little tabby still seems way behind the others, but Tulip, Violet and Smoke all seem rather hearty.

Lilly is doing remarkably well as a mommy for such a young girl, but I am certain she is now jealous of her sisters surgery(she teased her awful while crated back when it happened) :rolleyes: Bet she wishes she had the nakkie tummy and stiches too!

All the kittens and Mom go in on Valentines day, and all will come home that night barring any complications. It is our Valentines present to them, a stress free life with no more OOOOPSIES!

01-30-2007, 04:36 PM
:( and no affence but i dont belive that people handle kittens when they are still feeding from the mother
then theres more of a chance the mother will reject the kittensI think you need to do some more research... it's not true with ferrets either...

Cute pictures!!

02-20-2007, 04:52 AM
what i never said that where did i say that i only said that theyre is more a chance momma wil reject

OMG brothers!!!!!!

02-20-2007, 08:02 AM
what i never said that where did i say that i only said that theyre is more a chance momma wil reject

OMG brothers!!!!!!
Afraid not sprokett. If the mother knows who is handling her kittens, she is just fine. Even if its a stranger- the concern is not whether or not the mother would reject ( which she wouldnt) but MORE so that the intruder might be treated as such.
A wild animal might leave their babies- but not a domesticated. and even then- most wild animals will take them back.
Handling kittens or puppies when young, is the best way to help them adjust to human contact.

02-20-2007, 12:50 PM
tell that to my brothers how do i change password so they cant get o my account??

02-20-2007, 02:25 PM
Dr. G., how are the kittens and their momma doing? Could you give them just a gentle little pet for me, since they are little.