View Full Version : About my moms friends cat who passed away and her rescued cat

01-23-2007, 03:14 PM
Well this incident happened last year in 06.

My moms friends Stefanie who is a huge animal lover like me and my friends. She loves cats she actually has three now. But last year maybe during the winter in February her cat Andrew was acting very strange. So she took him to the vet and got him checked out. She found out he had a tumor growing on his neck. He was getting sicker and sicker everyday. The tumors grew out and looked like little golf balls sticking out of his neck. So she got him put sleep because she didn't want him to be in pain anymore. She was very upset but during the spring she found this cat on the street. It was a female she found. She named it some name that I do not know how to spell. But if I find it out I will tell you guys. But when she found the cat she thought it was pregnant but she ended up taking it to the vet and it wasn't. She was very happy she found a new cat even though Andrew would always be her first place cat.

So she rescued that kitty cat.

Thats just a cute and great story i wanted to tell you guys.

01-23-2007, 04:11 PM
I am so sorry about Andrew. It must of been hard to put him down. She made the right choice. He isn't in pain any more.
I'm glad Stephnie got a new cat. She will still love Andrew even though a new kitty came into her life. I'm so happy for her :)
Can you post a picture of the new kitty????

01-27-2007, 09:59 AM
Im sorry 4 wat happen 2 Andrew and I think it was a smart choice to put Andrew out of his pain. :(
But Im glad she made a new friend and I think Andrew is happy 4 her now 2! :)

01-30-2007, 04:18 PM
Im so sorry 4 wat happen 2 andrew and im glad 2 hear ur mom's friend made a new cat friend! :)

01-30-2007, 04:26 PM
:) That was a very nice story & many thanks.. Yes it is sad for the passing of Andrew.. But she was able to open her heart to this new baby.. ;)