View Full Version : Happy Birthday Sadie!(pics + cuteness warning)

01-23-2007, 11:08 AM
On the 19th Sadie turned 2 years old. She has been a huge part of my family's life. Life would not be the same without getting a slobber filled frisbee jabbed into your leg. Without Sadie there would be no spilled water on the floor, no chewed pens on our beds (for some reason her favorite thing to chew is pens), no nose prints all over the windows, no one to wake us up every 2 hours to go outside. She truly is a special dog although to most it wouldnt sound like it. Well I will stop my blabbing and get to the pictures :D
We got Sadie on Aprils fools day, my mom and I were only supposed to look at the puppies. As you can see that worked out well
This is her first day home. As you can see by Daisy's face she is not thrilled.
Don't be fooled by the cute face
What I didnt know that was your sock..
She once was the size of Daisy
akward puppy stage :p

01-23-2007, 11:14 AM
She always was goofy
Growing bigger and doing what she loves best going to the lake
Sadie now
This is the look you get when you ask her "Wheres your boyfriend Sadie" She goes to a park near our house and she has many doggy friends and most seem to be boys. Its almost like shes asking "which one are you talking about?"
This one is just to show the size difference between Daisy and Sadie now
I love her eyes she is truly beautiful
Thats all for now thanks for looking at my girl :D

Ginger's Mom
01-23-2007, 11:27 AM
Happy Birthday, Sadie. From absolutely adorable puppy to beautiful young lady, we loved seeing your pictures. :)

I really like the ones showing her as a little pup with Daisy, and then as a grown girl with Daisy (size-wise). As I tell Ginger when she meets large dog pups, be nice to them now, because they will be able to crush you in a few short months. :)

Daisy and Delilah
01-23-2007, 01:00 PM
Happy Birthday Sadie!!! -- Have a great day pretty girl!! :) :D :)

You were a gorgeous puppy and you're still gorgeous, Sadie. We hope you have a really fun day!!

p.s. I see her birthday was on the 19th but I hope she's still celebrating today :D

01-23-2007, 01:58 PM
Happy Birthday Sadie!

You're such an adorable girl! :D :D

01-23-2007, 03:14 PM
What a GORGEOUS dog! Happy Birthday Sadie!! :)

01-23-2007, 05:56 PM
Happy Birthday Sadie! What a cutie! :D

01-23-2007, 10:52 PM
Thanks for all the birthday wishes for my Sadie girl. She really is a special girl. Its hard to think that she is 2 now. I will hopfully get more pics of her and Daisy soon.

01-23-2007, 11:09 PM
Happy belated birthday, gorgeous Sadie!! :D

01-23-2007, 11:30 PM
How quickly they grow!! Sadie is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Happy Belated Birthday Sweetie!

01-24-2007, 12:25 AM
Happy birthday Sadie! You have turned into a really beautiful dog. I hope your day is very special and you get lots of treats and lovin'. Love that head tilt! Just how many boyfriends DO you have now?