View Full Version : Harry - Free to a good home

01-23-2007, 07:09 AM
Ok Harry lovers, now's your chance to get him for free!

He's been TORMENTING Pouncer, and stalking Allen. When either Allen or Pouncer go to the litterbox, he waits outside and stalks them. No wonder Allen refuses to use the box and Pouncer is constantly sick. Its getting BAD with Harry and Pouncer. I had to rescue Pouncer from Harry a hundred times last night. All Pouncer does anymore is crouch and hide from Harry. Now, even when Harry's not doing anything, Pouncer goes into defense mode and starts growling and hissing. He's once again stressed and on valium. It seems Harry gets more stalkerish and bullyish when Pouncer's sick. It seems Pouncer's getting sick from the stress of being stalked. A vicious circle.

As soon as I can afford it (hoping sometime in March) I'm going to get a couple Feliway diffusers for the house to try.

Anything else I can do to smooth things over and resume to a happy kitty home? Harry just always gives me the "hey, I didn't do anything" look, and Pouncer looks miserable. Its not fair to either boy. How can I make them happy again?

(and no, I'm not really giving Harry away)

01-23-2007, 07:17 AM
I wish I had some advise for you. The only thing that we do when we catch one of the cats is being naughty is to squirt him with a water bottle. It usually breaks things up rather quickly, the problem is you have to catch them in the act.

Good luck with naughty Harry, I hope he straightens up soon.

Queen of Poop
01-23-2007, 07:58 AM
Harry, if you're not careful, and if you don't leave poor Pouncer alone I'll ask your meowmie to send you North to Canada for an attitude adjustment!! Ok, I wouldn't do that, but Harry, you need to just get along. Quit picking on the more sensitive kitties in the household. Quit being a BULLY! You're too cute to have such a bad attitude.

01-23-2007, 08:47 AM
You're too cute to have such a bad attitude.
Did I hear someone call me cute?

Oh boy does he have an attitude. I fear he stopped listening after the compliment. ;) He has mastered looking sweet and innocent :rolleyes:

01-23-2007, 09:01 AM
Surely, that adorable and innocent looking boy couldn't be as bad as you make him sound!!! :eek:

Alright Harry, straighten up kiddo! Several of mine (actually most of mine) like to do the litterbox attack .... it's a game around here. Picking on those who already have "issues" however, is not a fun game! :rolleyes: Ease up fella, or Mommy will resort to desperate measures! :eek:

*snuggles, you incredible little cutie pie* ;)

Queen of Poop
01-23-2007, 09:36 AM
Did I hear someone call me cute?

Oh boy does he have an attitude. I fear he stopped listening after the compliment. ;) He has mastered looking sweet and innocent :rolleyes:

Wow, what an awesome photo. Harry, you're defininately too cute for words. Maybe you do want to come visit Canada??? Although I'm sure Sasha might have something to say about that!!

01-23-2007, 09:50 AM
The Found Cats say just send Harry up to the Found Paradise Cat Hotel, and there will be a spot on the Cat Bed for that Handsome Boy.Theres always room on the Moose Angel Pillow for one more!


01-23-2007, 10:13 AM
I have been having problems with one of my guys (oliver) attacking Charlie. I recently took him to a behavioral vet and she gave me some good suggestions. They were:

Put a collar with a bell on Harry (to warn the other guys)

Put soft paws on Harry so that if he does attack he can't seriously hurt the others.

Try to distract him from attacking and if you can give him a treat (if that is what motivates him). That way he may learn that by not attacking he will get a treat.

I was also given a prescription for Prozac (it was REALLY bad), but you may not want to go that route.

Good luck

Good luck

01-23-2007, 10:13 AM
Maybe HARRY should be on Valium!

(I am not sure I am kidding...)

01-23-2007, 10:29 AM
Catty 1 may have an answer.Of course it's up to your vet.Or maybe something different the vets use.
I use plug in Feliways all over my house.But i still have some trouble with one or two.

01-23-2007, 10:41 AM
I have a similar problem. I have one cat, Princess Ivy, who gets picked on by pretty much all the others! I have one room in the house, my computer room, that is off limits to all the other cats. Only Ivy is allowed in there. She has a litterbox, toys, scratching post ect in there. She spends a couple hours a day on her own. It greatly reduces the tension between all of them!

Since Harry is the instigator in your house, is there some way you could isolate him for brief periods? Like a kitty time out!

I use the Feliway diffusers too. I have three of them so most of the house is covered. I think they do work. I can always tell when they need to be refilled! I think they reduce the fighting, as well as helping with peeing in the wrong spots(like the kitchen counter!). I buy them from entirelypets.com. Even with the exchange rate and shipping, it costs about half of what my vet charges for them.

I put Rescue Remedy in the cats' water too. Don't know if it helps, but it can't hurt.

01-23-2007, 11:44 AM
Hmmm....giving Harry his own room, with box and everything....and he gets time outs!

Actually, he gets his OWN room, and I think he just might be a lot happier with his own space - and won't feel he has to bully everyone else for theirs.

Do you have a space for him???

01-23-2007, 12:11 PM
Great idea for his own room for time out.

This isn't for Harry's problem but may I also say that for pee problems w/Pouncer and URI problems....I've noticed since using Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Cat food
I'm hardley ever at the vets anymore.
I accually thought my Ethel had URI today (I was wrong..thank goodness)and brought in a pee sample but it showed her pee was perfect and had excellent concentration.She fooled me.(my Ethel)
I'm sure it's from this food I am feeding her.It has dried cranberries in it to help stop any cats from getting URI.
Plus I've been told by a veternarian that it's better than most vet's food.No kidding.
And it's not too expensive.About the same as other fairly good catfood.(Pricewise)
It's for all stages from kittens to adults.
I know I talk about this food a lot.Sorry.I just have had such unreal results.

01-23-2007, 03:48 PM
Everyone, Step Away From Harry!! He Is Mine !