View Full Version : My passion for photography

01-22-2007, 08:26 PM
I can't really explain it, but after I got my new camera, my interest in photography has grown so much. I love it. It's something I can't live without, at least I don't think so. It lets me express myself in so many ways. Especially, my love for gods creatures(animals) and nature itself. So, I've decided to persue a career as a pro photographer. Even thinking about going to a college based on photography. I can't wait!

Do you think I have what it takes:


I posted some of these, some I didn't. Sorry to bore you! ;)

those are just some examples. I know it'll take years of practice to become really good but I think I'm off to a good start. What do you all think?

01-22-2007, 08:27 PM

I LOVE that one :) You're getting good, keep practicing!

Daisy and Delilah
01-22-2007, 08:43 PM
Awesome pics Alyssa!! You are pretty darn good already. I think you'll do great in photography as a career. Follow your dream and you'll always be happy!! :D Best wishes with it :)

01-22-2007, 08:51 PM
These are very good Alyssa!

01-22-2007, 11:45 PM
I'm no photographer, but I think all of your pictures are very nice! With classes, I'm sure you would do great! If you love it, then go for it! ;)

finn's mom
01-22-2007, 11:56 PM
I think they're all good! You didn't bore by posting them, either. They're beautiful!

Anita Cholaine
01-23-2007, 10:15 AM
Allyssa, those pics are awesome! I'm sure you'll do great if you choose photography as a career :)

01-23-2007, 10:26 AM
I think the pictures are wonderful! I love the one of the fish. Are they your fish?

Follow your dream, your going to be a great photographer. :)

01-23-2007, 12:15 PM
I love all your pictures.Post as many as you want.Of course I love the fish picture.Follow your dream and become a photographer.Remember we want to see alot of the pictures. ;) You will do great.

01-23-2007, 04:33 PM
Thanks everyone. No those fish aren't mine, but I wish they were. They are in an aquarime.

01-23-2007, 04:39 PM
Those are great pictures. They aren't boring! If that's something you love to do you should pursue it! It's a great hobby and could turn into a great career!

01-23-2007, 06:09 PM
If I was to choose some for a book or somthing they would be --

Your Dog, The Candle & The flowers.

The rest are good but I love those the best.

Remember in photography odd is always beautiful.

01-25-2007, 08:16 PM
Actually, Alyssa, your photos are very good! I really like them!

01-25-2007, 10:36 PM
Awesome pics Alyssa!! You are pretty darn good already. I think you'll do great in photography as a career. Follow your dream and you'll always be happy!! :D Best wishes with it :)

All of your pictures speak louder than words!!! Each one provokes a mood, a memory, and a feeling.

You have a talent that begs to be explored and nurtured, so, JUST DO IT!!!

(oh, please post more fantastic pictures :p )