View Full Version : Football, cats and recliners?

01-22-2007, 06:39 PM
It’s Sunday morning, time for sports!
Donned my game shirt and my shorts.
A title game, after chores
A little house work, a trip to the store?

Cat fed and watered, changed his litter,
No reason for the Edster to be bitter!
My work is done, time to rest
This game will decide who’s the best!

Snacks are ready, I’m in my chair.
It's the devilish Saints, against the Bears.
The game does start, It bores my soul!
The scoring’s stalled, It's just field goals..

Stay tuned!

01-22-2007, 06:42 PM
Richard now you know while you are bored and dozing Ed is going to eat your snacks........... :p

01-22-2007, 07:07 PM
It's time to grab a little snack
Commercial break! I’ll soon be back!
Some yummy chips? A large glass of pop?
The game’s back on, I 'll just have to stop!

I round the corner, There’s MY seat!
I think the cat has got me beat….
To lose to a cat? That’s pretty lame..
He writes the rule to this little game.

He’s pooped and watered, had a feast
Time to turn into that recliner beast.
I was lining up a drink and my eats.
He made the move into my seat.

Balancing drink and a food platter,
Ready to relax? It really don’t matter!
In less than two minutes, a short finger snap?
The cat’s in the chair, taking a nap!

I longingly gaze at my recliner,
A white tuft of hair, the only reminder!
“You lost this game, You gave up your space!
That’s what you get for feeding your face!”

“How’s about a penalty? The cat took my chair!”
“Look it up in the rules, that play was quite fair!”
This ruling is right, It makes me just stutter!
Under my breath some curses I mutter.

The clock ticks on, the couch is my place.
The final game score brings a scowl to my face
Today there were losers, The Saints to the Bears..
And I got my arse kicked, Ed got the chair!

01-22-2007, 07:14 PM
After All, In The Rule Book Of The Cat World, Everything In The House Belongs To The Cat.
Chairs, Snacks , The Whole Works.
The Edster Says That You Are Lucky To Have The Couch.

01-23-2007, 05:22 PM
Sounds like he deemed you sofa-worthy - or else he simply deigned to let you sit there... Cassie Cat would expect to sample your snack too. You get a double bonus if it's something she likes -- do I smell yogurt in that cup, Mom?

01-24-2007, 04:21 AM
I've always heard that if you want the best seat in the house, just move the cat!!!

01-29-2007, 04:58 PM
I am thinking of seeing the SB on the road this year.....

Let the cat have the remote and the chair! :eek:

01-29-2007, 05:19 PM
LOL!!!! RICHARD. It's good to see one of your poems again.

Another goodie, that's for sure.

So tell me, when is your book of poems coming out???