View Full Version : I'm a great aunt again.....

01-22-2007, 06:13 PM
My niece Carly on my husband's side gave birth to a healthy 7 pound nine ounce baby girl as expected AAleyah Rae on Jan 13th,she had what she called a good birth experience, not even a stitch, lucky girl.

Carly is only 19 and her support is basically her best friend who has a young baby too, the father of the baby is in prison and due for release in two months time, for burglarly,yep not a good situation ,she herself was in a bit of trouble and was doing Periodic detention whilst pregnant,Carly's mother basically left her too at the age of 13, choosing drugs, music and a useless man over her children, a very selfish person in my opinion, and even now is of no support to her, she did not even go see the baby for two days after she was born and say's she is too scared to hold her, whatever,makes me fume inside.

Because my hubby is estranged from his family members the situation is a tad difficult, but Carly only lives down the road from me, and I am going to help her as much as possible if she will let me, I think i will invite her down for a day of pampering and helping with bubs,she seems to be coping extremely well considering and is a good mother,and very relaxed, but it is a tough time with a newborn, all alone,.

I have no pics yet, but hope to get some, she is a sweet lil girl with very dark hair, Carly used to be a blonde, but her partner is dark haired,but i was expecting a little blondie lol.

Anyhow just wanted to share my news with you all. :)

01-22-2007, 06:19 PM
CONGRATS!!! I am so sorry to hear she will have it a bit rough. However it sounds as if she has a huge resource in you if she is willing to tap it! Lucky girl! and Lucky baby!

Prayers and blessing for all!

finn's mom
01-22-2007, 06:42 PM
Wow, Carole! Congratulations on being a great auntie! I am also sorry to hear of the situation, but, hopefully it will be the start to a life of lessons learned from other people's mistakes for the new girl. I'm sure she will be well taken care of and definitely well loved.

01-22-2007, 08:13 PM
Congratulations on your new little niece! It's so sad how many young people are raising children under such difficult circumstances these days. It's difficult enough to raise children even with the best of circumstances. :(
Thank you for being there for both mom and baby Carly! Can't wait for pictures!


01-22-2007, 08:21 PM
Congratulations! Now to set about being a great auntie, as wll as a Great Aunt! :) No baby can have too many people who love her!

01-22-2007, 09:37 PM
I think i will invite her down for a day of pampering and helping with bubs,she seems to be coping extremely well considering and is a good mother,and very relaxed, but it is a tough time with a newborn, all alone.

Carole, I don't have kids, but I think raising a newborn all alone sounds so hard and so sad. Every new mother needs a support system. I'm sure anything you can do will help her out.

01-23-2007, 03:11 PM
Well i talked to her yesterday via phone, she said her girlfriend who has a young baby is showing her the ropes and is there most of the time, i made it clear to her i was here for her 100 percent, but i also am not a pushy person and won't interfere, she knows she can call on me anytime and so far she has not taken me up on my offer, but that is ok, as long as she is coping, she had a bad day the other day she said, prob the baby blues, I am so close to her and I have the time to help her, so i do hope she turns to me eventually, I have not seen much of her over the years, so I guess she does not know me that well, and is more comfortable with her friend, which i completely understand,but at least she knows she is not alone.

She is a very loving girl who just took a wrong turning really, she was alway's a little mischievious child with heaps of energy,and i feel had she had the right parental control and love ,she might never have taken this turn, oh well too late now, her parents are divorced and that is when it all turned to custard really, dad lives in a beach settlement about 2 hrs away and has been over to see her, but mum lives nearby and as far as i know does not bother with her much, did not even see the baby till two days afterwards and is scared to hold her, what utter rubbish, very very selfish woman,makes my blood boil, what i would do to give her a good kick up the rear and a telling off,be a waste of my breath though.

I think i will drop some nappies off to her in the weekend, she is on a very tight budget as well, welfare really, it will all help and a good excuse to check on her and Aaleyah, dying to see her again and take those pictures too. :)