View Full Version : Boots Tails ~ for 2007

Cinder & Smoke
01-22-2007, 02:42 PM

HI, to all my FurFriends and the 2-Leggers of Pet Talk!! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/wink.gif

Boots, da Ranch Kat, here in not-so-sunnie an verry *chillie* Oh-HI-ho.

In response to:

I was just thinking yesterday... how is Boots?
Is there room for him in the big bed?
Does he eat and drink enough?
Does he come and cuddle with you?
Does he take little strolls outside to scare any intruding mice away?
Oh, all these questions.
We need updates!! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/wink.gif

Well, da quick answer is: I'z kinda "OK" ... not great, but not so bad off.

Got a kupple "issues" we'z werkin on ...
Those durn "Crystal" thingies are forming in my *pee* system - again. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif
So that started a UTI inna tank ...

Whilst I wuz gettin anti-biotikz ta fix dat problemo, I started *drinkin* like a Phish;
an *peein* like a race horse!
Ole Doc Mike tellz Dad that maybe I'z turnin into a Dia-Betik Kat http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif

Reminds me of years ago when I wuz Bus Ridin to da Shop ebery day so's Dad
could keep an *eye on me* ...
Off we all go inna Bus to .... OMG! ~ Doc Mike's Place!

Dey kept sayin I wuz bein a Gud Boy - how could I NOT be?
Doc's Pet Gorilla (da BIG Girl inna skrubbie uneeform) but a Death Grip on me so
tite I could hardlee breathe! Then Doc grinds sum fur offa my arm! WHAT da ...??

http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif Dat's a BIG Needle, Doc! ... Leave a lil blood IN me, will ya!?
Lotta *dippin* an *strippin* wiffa Test Kit ... an we started Plan B!

More Anti-Biotiks fur da UTI;
anna NEW Diet - no more Plian ole Premium Edge krunch fur dis ole Kat ...
Now I'z eatin jest like Bowser - outta Doc Mike's GOURMET Food Shoppe -
onlee mine comes inna Hill's BAG an *krunchez*.
Dad sez good steak would be cheaper!

We're not seein a lotta progress ... I STILL drink an awful lotta wadder;
pee ALLUA tyme;
an eat like a li Horse! ... Course I'z onlee been *munchin* da New Grub fur a week -
Doc sed mite take months to get things "stable".

We found a Diabetic Cat Forum - Dad's been *lurkin* an readin ...
last nite they went shoppin at Wally's World ... kame home wiffa new lil
"Glue-Kose Monitor" an stripz an *JABBERS*! OMG!

We haven't got past da first *JAB* yet ... Dad's thinkin of tryin it out on
hizzself - but we're still thinkin bout it. The Fiur Guys *JAB* folks purdy offin;
an Dad sez he's done it to hizzself inna Station ... we're still *thinkin*.

Super krowded wiffa Dad anna Two Mutts up there;
I try ta not step onna FluffBall Dawg *sprawled* onna floor when I jump up ...
Findin a place is kinda tuff. I offin just Dawg-Step on sumbuddie an jump on up
to the headboard/bookcase shelf.

I'z tried da sleepin asside Dad's tummie trick ... but da SmokeMutt alluz sleeps
onna UDDER side of Dad;
an about da tyme I get settled in, hangin onna edge of da bed -
durn SmokeMutt *kicks* Dad fur more space an MY side gets REAL Tite!
Anna FluffBall Dawg does NOT like havin a KAT fall offa BigBed on top of him!
Lil Dawg hazza NASTIE Tempur when woke up at Oh:dark:Thirty by a Fallin Kat! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif

OUTside lookin fur Meecez??

I duzzint *DO* outside!
Onest inna while I'll drift out onna frunt porch when da Mutts *pop* da door opin
commin in an furget ta have Dad close it ... but I really don't DO outside!
Rain, snow, wind, pestulance .... YUCCKIE out there!

As fur da MEECE ... they stay inna Basement; I stay onna furst floor -
an ebberbuddie (cept Dad) is HAPPIE!
Iffin THEY come up - they better be wearin their Track Shoes -
kuz there's gonna be sum *runnin*!
Last Cheeze-Eater that came up hadda Heart-Attack doin lapz 'round da litter box!
Dad passed out Pounce Treetz durrin da funeral!

So .... life is sorta Good ... few ruff spotz ... but we tries ta manage.
THANKS so much fur askin!!

/s Boots, da Favorite Ranch KAT

01-22-2007, 02:49 PM
Well, Boots, it's good to hear from you - usually your canine siblings do all the yapping. Oh, be careful, hope you aren't edging towards being diabetic - it's not the funnest thing in the world.

Thanks for checking in!

01-22-2007, 05:08 PM
Boots boy, it's good to hear from you. I have been wondering about you too!!!

I'm hoping your new grub will keep the old diabetes far far away!!!
Please keep us uppie dated when you can!!!

My 4 fur kids send lots of head bumpies to you!!! :)

01-22-2007, 06:46 PM
Boots The Found Cat Paradise Hotel Cats Are Praying And Puurrring For You To Get All Better, And That You Can Find A Diet To Keep You Healthy!

01-22-2007, 06:58 PM
Boots - so good to hear from you at last!

Sorry to hear about the "crystals and the horsey-like peeing"? :eek:
Wishing you speedy JAB FREE recovery ....:D

01-22-2007, 11:44 PM
Boots, I hope that you get better soon. I sure hope that you don't have diabetes.:(

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-23-2007, 04:49 AM
Awww, I am so happy to hear a report from you directly, dear Boots!! You are a brave cat!!!

I always love to read your "words", you have a great way of writing "English" ;) :D

Edwina's Secretary
01-23-2007, 09:17 AM
Dear Boots,

Ys know....some times "sorta good" is the best you can ask for...and sure beats the alternative.

With affection...


01-23-2007, 09:24 AM
Thanks for checking in Boots, but I was hoping to hear you didn’t have any issues with the plumming system. Sorry to hear that. :( However, you can’t get totally blocked up, as you had the same surgery as Fister. His vet said that you can still form crystals though, so it’s prolly best to keep eating what you’re told. ;) Fister is now on a mixture of Hills C/D and W/D crunchies. It works just fine :)

I’m really sorry to hear you may have a Diabetes problem, is that the reason you’re drinking so much and peeing like a race horse? I do hope the new diet will change that - at least, you seem to like the food! :) Not that it sounds like you’re slimming.

Fister’s Glucose level was slightly up on the last check and I was worried about kidney problems, but the vet said it was probably due to the anaethesia (he was having his teeth cleaned also).

Lets hope you don’t need to go on any more suspicios car rides and have put needles into your pretty little paws!

Boots, you have to put your paw down and tell Smoke to move over a bit, it’s only fair that you get your cuddle space with dad too! -
Lil Dawg hazza NASTIE Tempur when woke up at Oh:dark:Thirty by a Fallin Kat! - I can just picture that!! :eek:

LOL about the mouse hunt, that little fellow certainly chose the wrong house to explore!

Fister and I send lots of kisses and headbumpies and hope you'll be fine for a long time to come!