View Full Version : Pictures and updates on my big guys

01-22-2007, 02:04 PM
He's about the same healthwise with his kidney failure but he's beginning to show some sings of losing his mind. He will be 15 years old in March.

She's doing fine but all the others like to pick on her for some reason.

She's doing great and is the only one who took the new kittens in stride.

More in next post...

01-22-2007, 02:06 PM
I thought I would get some cute 'cat in the basket' shots of him but he had other plans for it.

I'm afraid my chunky monkey is sick. I think she is the one having pancake poops. It's time for her annual anyway so I'll have the vet check her out, poor PuddinPants.


That is the latest on my adult guys. Moxie and Decker are doing well and growing fast. I will try to post some pictures soon.

Thanks for looking.

01-22-2007, 03:01 PM
LOVE that photo of Rocky and the basket - looks like something Pouncer would do.

Good to see your gang again.... I don't get to see enough of them (hint hint)

01-22-2007, 04:10 PM
Aww, you have a special gang there, such sweethearts. :) It's sad that Ripley isn't doing so well. A good thing that Scout have a place to overlook what goes on - oh just look at her expression up there.

Rocky sure is having fun with that basket. :D

I hope Rumor will pass the vet check with flying colors!

Kisses to them all! :)

01-22-2007, 05:32 PM
Ripley, Miss Tucker here, don't listen to anything you meowmie says about you loosing your mind....we all know that at our age we are as sane as anyone.

Lori, I always love seeing your gang.

Miss Scout, you have the cutest face around.

Jazz, you are an elegant queen. Your meowmie took some really good photos of you....we all know how hard it is to capture black beauties but your meowmie did good.

Rocky and Rumor....well what can I say. I am absolutely amazed :eek: :eek: at how big you have both gotten. I can not beleive that you are the same age as Gracie and Gabriel. :)

01-22-2007, 05:50 PM
Ripley is as handsome as ever. I love his sunning photo! I'm sorry to hear that his mind is starting to go, but glad that his kidney's are holding out for him!

Jazz is a beauty, and sounds even more like my blackie Bonnie. Bonnie has always been the kitten friendly girl here too!

Scout has the cutest face! I just love her expression! I'm sorry everyone picks on her! It's probably because she has a non-confrontational personality, so they take advantage of her. I've got some of those here too!

Rocky ... what a clown! I love that boy!!!

Rumor, your sister was a full-figured girl and still had some poopy issues now and then too. Maybe you just need another de-worming! Good to see you sweetie!

Great pictures, now we need to see the BABIES! :D

01-22-2007, 05:55 PM
Aww they are all so pretty! I ecspecially love the Orange one, Scout was his name. such a pretty color and very interesting eyes. Just love em!:D What great pictures you got, your babies know how to pose!:)

01-22-2007, 06:21 PM
Hard to believe you have SEVEN kitties now Lori! Well, not too hard to believe I guess ;)

Emily gets picked on here too. Sometimes I wish she would fight back and maybe it would stop.
Smack those kitties, Scout!!

01-22-2007, 07:47 PM
There Was An Article In Cat Fancy Fairly Recently Which Discusses When Cats No Longer Seem To Recognize Places , People Or Things.
Somewhat Like Human Alzheimers.
I Know There Are Days When Micheal Walks Around And Bellows, And Has To Have The Food Wiped Across His Mouth.
We Are Praying For Your Dear Senior Ripley.

01-22-2007, 10:42 PM
What cuties!

01-22-2007, 11:29 PM
Lori, I love seeing new pictures of your gang.:) It's so hard to watch them get older and have health problems. I hope that Ripley will continue to do well. Your girls sure are gorgeous and I'm glad that at least one of them like the kittens.:) Rocky sure is a goofy boy and looks like he has a wonderful personality.:) I know all too well about pancakes in the litterbox:( and I hope that Rumor will start having fimer stools soon and will get a clean bill of health.:) I can't wait to see some new pictures of Moxie and Decker.:)

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-23-2007, 04:53 AM
They ALL are gorgeous!! Sorry to hear about Ripley's bad health; I hope your vet can make him better asap!!

01-23-2007, 05:34 AM
They are all so gorgeous! Great pictures and thanks for sharing them.

01-23-2007, 06:01 AM
Thanks for giving us an update on those cutie furballs. It's been a while since we saw them, ripley is soooooo handsome!