View Full Version : I dont do this often! But I need to vent!!!

critter crazy
01-22-2007, 09:41 AM
I hate my new Mortgage Company!!!!:mad: I have never ever had a problem with my mortgage company before, over the last 15 yrs, we have always been prompt, on time wigth our mortgage payment. we never skipped payments. Well strating 1 dec. 06 our mortgage company was sold to Wells Fargo. we so far have only made two payments to Wells Fargo, dec. and Jan. And so far they have Messed both up!!! :eek: They have cashed bot of the checks, but claim they didnt recieve dec. payment until jan 8th, and are still waiting for jan payment!! Even tho, both checks were cashed days after sent out!!!! Now they are saying we owe them, late payment fees!!! WTF!!!!! I am so pissed!!! Hubby just spent the last hour and a half on the phone with these jerks! now they are telling us we have been sending the payments to the wrong addy!!! How the hell can that be it is printed right on the payment cupon!!!! I am so furious!!!

Just after we heard about them buying oyr mortgage, i had gone to talk to my SIL, as she has her mortgage through them, and she gave me nothing but horror stories!!! They paid her school taxes, to some one elses account for two months!!!:eek: I am not happy right now!! this is just stupid!! how can a company be so freaking messed up!!!

Sorry guys, but i am not happy and needed to vent!!

smokey the elder
01-22-2007, 10:26 AM
Fax them a photocopy of the cancelled check. You might want to escalate to a manager. A mortgage is too big a deal to have them mess you around. I've had Wells Fargo for over 10 years and they've been ok. It's usually the city that screws up sending the tax bill to the bank.

01-22-2007, 10:36 AM
In that you are now aware of their propensity to want to collect the late fees, I would send that mortgage payment in as soon as you get it in the mail. I know it's not fair and their going to have the advantage either way, but it's just not worth the time, effort, aggravation, to try to get those late fees adjusted.

Good for you staying on top of what's going on with your payments. Don't throw any of the statements away either. I don't know what government agency regulates the activities of this type of account, but it may be worthwhile to find out and then give them a call.

01-22-2007, 10:38 AM
Wow you're kidding? I have my mortgage through Wells Fargo, and I am very happy with them. However, we do have the payments taken out automatically, so they would not have been able to tell us that they didn't get our check in time. What a pain to have to deal with! Sorry you are going through this, I hope you can work it out quickly with them! ((((hugs))))

01-22-2007, 10:38 AM
:) Oh yes I understand 100%.. Its called the companys too big & too many branchs & the right hand has no idea what the left is doing.. My Home Improvment Loan is with Chase.. This is what they did in Dec.. I sent two checks at the same time in the same envelope.. However the two checks were written on two diff.. bank accounts that I have.. They said I only sent one check.. They lost the second check {out of the same envelope}.. So they added a late fee & docked me && I was WHAT :eek: .. Oh then three days later they find the second check.. Well I came unglued & fueded with them & they took off the late fee.. The account is updated & on schedule now.. Do you think they said I am Sorry!! NO NO of course not.. :o

critter crazy
01-22-2007, 10:38 AM
The problem is they want me to pay a late fee for their error!!! They cashed my checks on time!!!! They just didnt process them, till almost a month later!! how the heck is that my fault??????

01-22-2007, 10:54 AM
I am sorry this happened to you - it is beyond frustrating to get it all sorted out.

Please be sure to keep copies of EVERYTHING. Also, this could impact your credit (showing late payments and late fees). Get them to write you a letter of apology and clearly state that it was their error.

This is YOUR CREDIT so it will be up to you to stay on top of this.

With these large companies personal service is down the drain and the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.

Funny how they always manage to cash the checks though, isn't it?

01-22-2007, 11:06 AM
I have had nothing but trouble from Wells Fargo as well. It's scary that they make such huge errors with accounts. This is my financial well-being here! :mad:
A couple of years ago, I went to close one of my accounts I had with them, but keep the other one open. What did they do? They closed ALL of my accounts. It was a pain in the butt to clean that mess up. :rolleyes:

Another big mistake on their part was a line of credit account. After paying it off, apparently their computers weren't tracking and I just found out last month that I've been accruing delinquencies on that account. :mad: WTF? I paid that sucker off and had no idea that all of this was going on until I tried to apply for a credit card and my application was turned down. I was shocked, considering I have exceptionally good credit. I pay all of my bills on time, every time. I called right away to find out why my application was turned down, and came to find out about the line of credit account, which had been paid off in full months ago. Even when I logged into my online statements there was a balance of $0.00 because I paid it off. It scares me to think that there is such a disconnect causing issues like these.

A friend of mine told me how Wells Fargo had associated someone else to her social security number, and that person then spent $17000 through her account! :eek: How does that happen? Not to mention it was a mexican man associated to a very clearly amerian woman's account! How can something major like that even happen?? Scary...

Lady's Human
01-22-2007, 12:05 PM
That strikes me as very strange, because after dealing with several mortgage companies between two houses, Wells Fargo would be the one I would recommend.

critter crazy
01-22-2007, 12:15 PM
I am just very frustrated, they say it will all be fixed, but i have my doubts! and to top it off, they want us to send them a letter explaining why we will not be paying the late fees! I am not paying for their mistake!! 140$!! Phtttttt!!!!!:mad:

01-22-2007, 12:51 PM
Here's a thought: There's a web site called Planetfeedback where you can publicly post your complaints about such things:


The companies often take notice and repair things. Not all of them, but sometimes.

If you choose to post your story, be sure to make it factual sounding and ask specifically for what you want done--correction of their error. (Don't ask for freebies.)

Good luck. Don't blame you for anger/frustration. They act of if it's OK to do a bad job.

01-22-2007, 04:52 PM
I would call your local Auditor's office and file a complaint. It could be
handled through your local Attoney General's office too. Call local officials
to find out where to file. Have you talked directly to them & still get no where? There are government offices that might be able to help. That or,
hire a private Attorney. I signed up for automatic deductions of morgage
payment through a bank account. Works great for me.

01-22-2007, 10:20 PM
I, too, have had and heard of nothing but trouble with Wells Fargo. We used to have the Humane Society's accounts there, when I first joined the board of directors, and it was nothing but one hassle and mistake after another. We moved everything to a different bank, and never a single issue since.

01-22-2007, 10:33 PM
Contact the Better Business Bureau. They have helped me with several disputes- they are wonderful! It's free and you can fill out a complaint online at: http://www.bbb.org/ . I hope you get it resolved!

01-22-2007, 11:06 PM
I just had..well a huge problem with my bank, where I wrote a check to a car repair company, and although normally they do not take checks, they did for me...my bank ran the check twice (how the heck?!), the second time they ran it through it *bounced*, I had no money in my account, I called them and I guess when they cancelled the second one they kept the fee there, from the bounced check...resulting in an insufficient funds once again when the original check tried to clear...the car repair company was calling me very POed...I was on the phone for about an hour with the bank...they said it was my fault...then their system crashed...it was about 3 hours later with a lot of yelling and getting higher up on the phone chain that they finally realized the error. :rolleyes: So my advice...yell like a banchee, ask to speak to supervisors, managers, CEOs, whatever it takes!

01-24-2007, 07:47 PM
Glad I didn't go through Wells Fargo, I was only going to go with them because they are in the same building as my company... HA not going with them not, esp since they are being turds about correcting their error... Its one thing for a company to make a boo boo, but its good when they say sorry & fix it themselves.

Canada Post hated me for that, but you know what? I had far MORE return customers then all the other outlets.. I had people coming from Quebec (when I lived in Ottawa, Ontario) just to go to MY outlet.. it was insane how busy I always was... I couldn't keep up, but I managed :eek:

Laura's Babies
02-02-2007, 09:53 AM
My friend who had his house in El Paso financed through Wells Fargo had his house sold and it was time to do the paperwork. Wells Fargo caused delay after delay over silly stuff.... One time required him to fax something to them and they kept telling him the fax number he was sending it to was wrong... It was the fax number on the form he was faxing.. If he called and talked to person "A", they would say they got it and the number was right... Then someone else would call him to tell him he faxed it to the wrong number... Now get this, they would HAVE the paper he faxed in their hand and telling him he faxed it to the wrong number! :eek: He had to fax it about 4 different times and when they would get it, they would call him and say he faxed it to the wrong fax number! :confused: It was the fax number ON THE FAX they sent him to SIGN! They delayed the closing of the house for a month over that silly nonsense.