View Full Version : Exercise in Winter?

01-22-2007, 09:25 AM
I am finding it challenging to keep Sugar active now that Winter has finally arrived here.

I take her for a 30 minute walk daily. We are usually back by 10:30 AM. For the rest of the day, Sugar lies on the loveseat. She flips from her left to her right and heaves a sigh. Boredom? Twenty minutes later, she flips back to the other side, heaves a sigh. Poor thing.

We had three days of rain. Sugar REFUSED to set foot out in the rain. We both had rain coats on, and I was holding an umbrella over her. Didn't matter. I managed to get walks in, between rain showers, but I was watching the weather all day for 3 days.

Sugar has NO interest in toys. I have only managed to walk her twice in one day a few times; it is dark out before I know it. Once the daylight is longer, I will get better at that.

Just wondering what I can do to keep her active and / or mentally challenged?

Sled dog owners in northern Canada and elsewhere, you can stop laughing now, I realize this is not an issue for you, ha ha! :D And I LOVE seeing your photos.


01-22-2007, 10:06 AM
Freedom, I know the feeling!

Believe it or not I have a dobie here that HATES the rain puddles wet sidewalks etc! I have the advantage of she likes toys though. What I have done is to get her a puzzle ball, which I play with to get her interested in it, (you fill it with crunchies and munchies hehe) then I kick it around the house so she chases it, Lame I know but I feel better knowing she got some active excercise on the icky days.

Don't know if that will help but even if she doesn't like toys she might like treats (hidden in the toy)!
Good Luck and give sugar some sugar from all of us. :)

01-22-2007, 10:08 AM
My guys adore the snow- hate the rain... It sounds like its a good size walk for her, and meanwhile- we just wait..

Ginger's Mom
01-22-2007, 11:13 AM
Oh Sandra, I can definitely sympathize with you. Although Ginger will chase a squeaky ball in the house, that only lasts for five or ten mnutes at the most, and I do not feel that it compares to our half-hour afternoon walks. I understand that Sugar isn't interested in toys, but what about you. By that I mean can you act silly and get her to run from room to room after you? Or perhaps play hide-and-go-seek with her, and give her a little treatsie, when she finds you? Getting an older dog interested in indoor games is tough (not so easy with any adult dog). But, even if you just get her moving for five minutes three times a day, I think you will both feel better. There are also puppy einstein type toys that several people have posted. I keep saying I am going to order one, but I have yet to do it.

If you come across any good toys or ideas, please post them, I am always looking for indoor winter activities for an only dog. :)

01-22-2007, 11:55 AM
This is an excellent post! Thank you for starting it.

It's been below zero with the wind chill and I'm suffering from poison ivy so I don't feel like doing anything. So I'll take Fenway for a quick walk (30 minutes) and then he lays there with his head in his paws and sighs the rest of the afternoon, staring at me. I feel so guilty.

I took him to Petco on Saturday so he could stare at the farrots. But that was only for 30 minutes.

I play with him for about 15 minutes with his squeeky toys. And I'll give him some cheese stuffed in a toy so he can spend about 30 minutes with that.

But what else can I do (besides wait till Spring)?

01-22-2007, 11:57 AM
There are also puppy einstein type toys that several people have posted. I keep saying I am going to order one, but I have yet to do it.


Do you have a link for the puppy einstein toys?

Ginger's Mom
01-22-2007, 12:56 PM
Argh! I just tried three different times to insert the link and it kept coming up Page Cannot be Displayed. The ones that were posted on here are called "Intelligence Building Toys," by a company called Sit and Stay or something like that. Kater posted it. I will find her thread and link it here. I actually think I may buy some for Sammy for his birthday, I think he would love the find the egg ones.

Here you go. (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=114870) I hope that worked.

01-22-2007, 03:44 PM
Sled dog owners in northern Canada and elsewhere, you can stop laughing now, I realize this is not an issue for you, ha ha! :D And I LOVE seeing your photos.


LOL, nope not an issue. I have the exact opposite problem--what do in the summer that won't overheat them!

01-23-2007, 07:03 AM
Argh! I just tried three different times to insert the link and it kept coming up Page Cannot be Displayed. The ones that were posted on here are called "Intelligence Building Toys," by a company called Sit and Stay or something like that. Kater posted it. I will find her thread and link it here. I actually think I may buy some for Sammy for his birthday, I think he would love the find the egg ones.

Here you go. (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=114870) I hope that worked.

Thanks for the link. I actually bought Fenway the birds in the birdhouse one (about 1 year ago). I just didn't realize they were called einstein toys. He loved it at first (for about 3 months). But then de-stuffed the birds. However, for the few months of winter, I would recommend them.

01-23-2007, 08:55 AM
Thank you all for the ideas and the links! I am seriously considering getting one of those toys. Been wondering if her interest in things may change a little bit after her cataract surgery this coming Monday (Jan 29th). She will go from fully blind in the left eye to full sight!

I shouldn't have any trouble playing hide and seek with her; she is always right under my feet, so that would work for a short fun game; provided I can get away from her to begin with. :rolleyes:

Thanks to all of you!

critter crazy
01-23-2007, 09:11 AM
My guys LOVE the snow, and will play outside all day if i let them!! They are out right now playing as we speak, i can hear them barking at eachother! and running up and down my back deck steps!:rolleyes: Damn herd of horses i have!!!

01-23-2007, 09:30 AM
We have a family friend that taught their dog to play hide-n-seek with treats. Or rather hot and cold. They hide the treats under cushions and in corners etc. They taught him when they said warm he was near the treat and to keep going, hot meant he was right on it, cold well of course look elsewhere. But he loved it. He is 17 now and he will still search for the cookie when you tell him to(when you speak loudly, he's a little hard of hearing :D .

Also with my one boxer he loves when I take a towel or a blanket and wrap his toys up in there. I tell him the baby is sleeping....shhhh and he can't stand that so he attacks the blanket by pouncing and shaking it to get the baby loose. Maybe you could wrap a treat since your dog does not like toys. My dog will drag the blanket around the house until the baby is free. He loves this game and I find that it only takes me a minute to wrap it up but I can wrap it so well it takes him a long time to get the toy loose. When he finds it he will bring it back to do it again. Don't know if these are things you will be interested in...all dogs have their own thing but hey it is worth giving it a shot.

01-23-2007, 11:21 AM
Lou Lou has a puzzle ball and loves to roll it around. We also play with the lazer light with her, she loves that thing. Good luck finding something that works for you. :D