View Full Version : Really need a pep talk about airplanes.

01-22-2007, 02:31 AM
I am still incredibly frightened to go on, be on, and travel on an airplane. Everyone tells me that taking off and landing is the worst part but touching back down on the ground is my FAVOURITE (giggle!) part! :D

Last summer, I took six flights. Dallas to Vegas, Vegas to Portland, Portland to Pendleton. Then I stayed with my parents for a week and went from Pendleton to Pasco, Pasco to Portland, and Portland to Dallas. I was extremely nervous (cried for the first half hour of the Dallas-to-Vegas flight, which I am sure was incredibly unpleasant for the woman next to me) about everything involved. By the time the Vegas to Portland flight, I was okay with things and just went with the flow.

Then, on the Portland to Dallas flight, there were some clouds and there was some turbulence (pretty mild compared to the things that my mind conjures up). It was weird though because we had been flying, intermittently, through clouds for about twenty minutes prior and it wasn't really bumpy at all. The older gentleman sitting next to me explained that while we were going through the clouds, we were hitting air pockets, but we would be just FINE. Then, the pilot announced we would be starting our descent and etc etc. While we were pretty much touching the ground and all that jazz, he had explained over the announcement system that we had gone through a thunderstorm and I thought I heard him ask if anybody heard thunder. I didn't. The weather was excellent every which way except that last little bit from PDX to DFW. I, also, went on a couple of flights (Shreveport-Portland and vice versa) when I was about four. I only remember that I was amazed that the pilot could turn the plan on its side and my cup didn't spill! :o

It still has me shaken up. I absolutely, positively, need to get on this plane but my husband may end up having to drag me kicking and screaming (well, crying anyways :p ). I am so petrified. This is pretty much my second or third worst fear (the others being Troy dying and not being able to say goodbye and whatnot). I do not want any of us to crash and die. :( I guess I could talk to my SIL, too. She recently went on a trip and the weather was infinitely worse when she left and she made it to Minnesota on time, even!

I was hoping any PTer who frequently travels by air could give me a word of advice, a comforting word (to assuage my literal quaking :( ), etc? I need to go on this plane but I am so, so, so frightened. :(

Troy and I will be travelling together (first time in an airplane *together*). He has travelled " a bunch" (six or seven times :p) and keeps telling me that I have nothing to worry about. Every single person tells me that but I guess I would feel a lot better if I knew that would be what someone who travels frequently would say (because they're more exposed to such risks, etc etc). Plus everyone keeps debating and weighing logics with me and I don't know. I'm just really frightened and scrambled right now. I don't know why my mind won't listen ESPECIALLY considering that most people I've talked to, that have travelled frequently, AND encountered one incident and their weather/turbulence was SOO much worse than what I experience.

I don't know. I am weird! :p

Lady's Human
01-22-2007, 11:59 AM
I fly several times a year, as I have to go to off site training for my job. I hate flying with a passion,( I split my trips between flying and driving) but commercial airlines are the safest way to travel.

I hate to reccomend meds to ANYONE, but.........

One of my co-workers is afraid of flying and claustrophibic. (Great combo when you have to fly :rolleyes: )

The only way he can get on an aircraft is to take valium beforehand. It calms him down enough to get him through the flight. You may want to talk to your doc about that.

01-22-2007, 12:13 PM
:) You would guess me being in Aviation that I would love to fly.. Well yes I love to fly.. I just hate the whole airport thing.. But once I am on the plane then its smooth sailing.. Just look at this away = you get to see so much more of God's creation.. ;)

01-22-2007, 12:17 PM
I do not frequently fly, but I love being in planes. If tickets and traveling didn't cost so much, I swear I'd be flying much more. :)

Phobias are nothing to laugh at.

I have to second the comment on valium or some other medication that may relax you.. like Xanax or some other anti-anxiety medication.

01-22-2007, 12:23 PM
For work, I fly twice a month. This may not be what you want to hear, but I figure what will be will be. We're all going to go when it is our time and it's all been decided already, so why worry? I can't control and I've made my peace with it so I just go with the flow. I refuse to limit my life because of my fears. I am much more frightened of dying in a car wreck and flying. Thousands of people check out every inch of a plane throughout the year -- hardly anyone checks out cars -- or their drivers.

Bobcat is terrified of flying. He takes a valium before getting on the plane and is much more relaxed -- and so am I since before valium, he used to get stinking drunk on the plane.

Please consider asking your doctor for a prescription. Sure, you don't want to come to rely on medication for every-day stresses and strains, but since your fear of flying is negatively limiting your life, why not try it?

01-22-2007, 12:55 PM
Im flying feb. 14th to go to disney world in orlando florida, and its my 3 yr old sons first time.... Im a bit scared to seeing I havent been on a plain since the whole 9/11 thing but its really not that bad im sure, depends on how long you will be on the plain, we will only be on 2 hours so I will just close my eyes and try to forget im on the plain.... Dont worry though grab a book or something and take a nap once your on the plain.

01-22-2007, 12:55 PM
I have flown many times, and had a great time usually - even though my very first time in an airplane, we had to "buzz" the tower twice because the indicator light for the landing gear wouldn't come on - so they shone a big light straight up, and looked to tell our piot if the gear were down.

Know that you are safer, and have more people looking out for your safety - in an airplane than you are in car on your own street! Bring books, crocheting - something to keep you busy while you wait, and on the flight itself. You can do this, I promise!

01-22-2007, 01:36 PM
If you're flying in the very near future, I'd suggest you take 5 mg. of Valium an hour before departure, that I'm sure wil relax you. :) If you have some more time before you go, then, how about one of these "courses" for people scared of flying? They really seem to help a lot - from what I've heard.

I don't mind flying at all, I actually enjoy it, mostly the take off, landing, drinks and food. ;)

The very first time I was on an airoplane, I didn't really know what to expect, thought I might get sick, since they had these paper bags in front of every seat. :D But I didn't. I suppose it was a good thing that my first flight was the worst I ever experienced, because I had no idea if what was happening was normal or not. It was a propellar (DC8 I think) flying over the alps (which is not allowed anymore), and in a thunderstorm.

Perhaps getting to know all that goes on, and what the different noises are, will help you relax. I guess, the more you know, the better.

I was lucky in 2000 to be invited to sit on the flight deck during landing, that was really interesting, but of course, after 9/11, this will not be possible anymore.

Hope you have pleasant flight! You WILL survive! :)

01-22-2007, 04:04 PM
I fly several times a year... and it is definitely the way to go! I agree with Karen, it is a much safer mode of transportation than traveling by car... and you get there that much faster! ;)

I have flown in some rough weather, even a thunderstorm that had produced tornadoes. The last trip I took (this past Christmas and New Years) the flight from Florida to Indiana was so bumpy that they had to stop the beverage service. But I just concentrated on my book, and I was fine.

I would agree with a little something to calm you down before your flight, but don't overdo it. If you are flying in the day, there is so much to see from the window. Heck, the lights are gorgeous in the evening also! You want to keep your wits about you... but still be relaxed. Have fun! It truly is one of the safest modes of transportation!

Suki Wingy
01-22-2007, 07:46 PM
I have a pilot in the family. He flies every day pretty much from Pitsburg, PA to Jamaica, and he's never run into trouble. I also fly a lot. Commercial Airlines can make it through a lot. Heavy storms over mountains will create turbulance (been there) but nothing will go wrong. The one time a craft did loose one engine, it drifted and everyone was ok.

01-22-2007, 07:55 PM
OK, this is what you do.

On take off: just picture the old Flistones cartoons. There's Fred and Barney running their feet like mad down the runway trying to get enough speed to pull in their feet (landing gear) and get rolling! You can actually close your eyes and hear their feet going "pitter patter pitter patter" until they (you) leave the ground!

On landing: you picture them dragging their feet to slow things down!

Works for me for years. Hope it helps you, too!

01-23-2007, 11:55 AM
I'm with Kuhio98 on this one.

I had a friend who was fearful of flying. My dad had been an RCMP bush pilot since before I was born, so I flew in all makes and models! :D

I found there are two reasons for the fear:

1. Not understanding HOW the flight process works, ie:

a. Plane is NOISIER when at takeoff as it takes a lot of power to fight gravity and get up to cruising altitude. Watch the wing flaps - they go down a bit fo "scoop" up air to give the aircraft lift.

b. It levels off at cruising altitude...takes less power to STAY up than to get there...so it is quieter. (My friend thought it was LOSING power). :)

c. BIG ROAR at landing - watch them wing flaps -waaay down plus engines in reverse blasting into the flaps to BRAKE that big baby to a halt!

2. Control

a. You are not in the driver's seat. You have to accept that and be ok with it, whether you like it or not.

b. Here's Kuhio's point - the more at peace you are with the fact of your mortality(we are all going to die one day), the better you will feel about flying. I'll bet anything.

#2 - in my opinion - hinges on the relationship you have with your Creator and how much trust you have. A person can believe in a Higher Power, and not have trust.

Work on your inner relationship in that regard, and I think it will help.

In the short term - a med might be the thing. Easier on you AND those around you.


01-25-2007, 06:05 PM
I did it!!!

Woo! There was a bit of turbulence from Dallas to Denver but it was okay. I know, now, that if I can withstand all that then I'm fine. Plus, I was told that it feels worse than it actually is. I'm still nervous about the return flight but I'm pretty okay!

thank you guys sooo much! :D:D Your suggestions and words are fantastic! :D

I don't think I'm afraid of dying, just heights and falling from them! :D :o

01-26-2007, 09:48 AM
Well, as long as landings equal take offs, you should be fine. :D

Pawsitive Thinking
01-26-2007, 09:59 AM
Well done!! wasn't so bad was it?

01-26-2007, 10:17 AM
WOOT congrats at being ok during your flight :D

But if you want to get over your fear do what I did.

My ex was learning to become a Pilot... His instructor wanted to come on one of the flights as I was scared of planes (I would shake & be quite stiff). It was just a small plane (Cezna 4 seater.. 2 front & 2 back, single propeller on the nose)... I learned SOOOOOOO much on that 1hr flight, & have NEVER been scared after that... I WAS scared on the Cezna, but I learned what the noises where, & the whys & hows, etc.

They have 30min go up with a Pilot classes. You have the chance to hold the stick/wheel if you want... Of you can just talk to the pilot the whole time, while they explain every single little thing to you.. Its about 50.00CDN for the 30 mins, but I HIGHLY recommend it.. BUT make sure you tell them why your going up, so they can set you up with a super understanding Pilot (that makes a big difference too).

Edwina's Secretary
01-26-2007, 10:42 AM
I am just home from my 6th flight in two weeks.

I go through phases of hating flying and not hating flying. I seem to be in "not" right now.

I will take a center seat over an window (I prefer an aisle but sometimes...)

I do not want to see where I am going or what I am doing.

I always have TONS of reading material. And I read. Let the book take me somewhere else....

and next thing you know....I have reached my destination!

01-26-2007, 10:45 AM
I did it!!!

Woo! There was a bit of turbulence from Dallas to Denver but it was okay. I know, now, that if I can withstand all that then I'm fine. Plus, I was told that it feels worse than it actually is. I'm still nervous about the return flight but I'm pretty okay!

thank you guys sooo much! :D:D Your suggestions and words are fantastic! :D

I don't think I'm afraid of dying, just heights and falling from them! :D :ohttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_17_11.gifGreat job!