View Full Version : Any Welsh Terrier Experiences?

01-21-2007, 06:27 PM
I was 99% sure my next dog was going to be a Brittany. But, I missed out on the litter I wanted a male from. No big problem, I just get on the waiting list, and wait for a dog to become available. However, I had the fortune of meeting a Welsh Terrier when I was in Dundas a couple weeks ago. It really made me realize how much I do love little wire-haired terriers. Very friendly little guys. I researched them a little, and they sound like a very nice breed, well suited to me, and they DON'T SHED, which is nice, because it took alot of convincing to get my dad to accept that we were getting a shedding breed. They're reportedly the calmest of the long-legged terriers, and they're a good size for our house. Anyway, I'm considering one of them now, so I just wondered if anyone here at PT owned or knew Welsh Terriers, because I find that people who have experience with a breed seem to be able to tell you about them better than any dog breed info website. I noticed a Welsh was DOTD in October 05. Does one of the PTers own him?



01-21-2007, 07:16 PM
The only experiences I've had with welsh terriers have been with two of our grooming clients -- I forget what one is like, but the other is older and a little crazy -- has to be muzzled quite a bit. I think she's just senile though.

01-22-2007, 08:57 AM
Lovely breed- and yes- they are calmer of the 'long legged' terriers- but they are still all terrier.
Sounds like a interesting prospect- keep us posted..

Suki Wingy
01-22-2007, 02:30 PM
All I know really is that the coat will go all soft and almost floppy if you clip the coat instead of pull it.

01-22-2007, 03:31 PM
Suki Wingy, that's a good point about the coat. If you clip the coat, it becomes soft and fades, and may start to shed lightly because the dead hairs are coming out themselves, as they haven't been stripped. I was actually going to ask WolfSoul, does stripping a dog's coat cost alot to be done? Is it something that one can do themselves?

01-22-2007, 04:31 PM
A long time ago we had acquaintences who had a Welsh Terrier. It was quite calm for a terrier come to think of it. I've not had one myself but did have an Airedale which has a similar type coat. We just had it clipped and that worked out very well. I would suspect that unless you are quite talented in this area, a professional groomer ever 4 - 6 weeks would be needed. That is an added expense that a Brittany would not require. Personally I would choose the Welsh hands down. Brittanys can be quite active dogs and require lots of exercise.