View Full Version : Prayers for Tabitha, please!!!

01-21-2007, 10:34 AM
This morning after I had just set the wet food plates down for the kitties, something happened to Tabitha. She was lying half way on her side and waving her head all around from side to side in a confused stare. I spoke to her and she didn't respond to me at all. Then I tried to gently stand her up and she couldn't stand on her feet. Finally she did get up but she was staggering around on her back legs. I called Jerry into the room, and by the time he got there she was acting a bit more normal. At that point she was just swishing her tail really hard like she was mad. A few more seconds and she was pretty much back to normal and sucking on Daddy's earlobes again. I am thinking that she had some sort of seizure! :( The only other sort of weird thing that has ever happened to her, is that she has gotten sprained legs about 3 different times. They usually are better within 24 hrs, but a couple of weeks ago we were ready to take her to the vet, as she was carrying it so high for several hours. By the next morning, it was back to normal again. I don't know if these leg sprains have anything to do with this apparent seizure or not, but I am getting more concerned! I am fixing to do some internet research into seizures but from what I saw, I am nearly 100% sure that is what she had.

Tomorrow I will be calling my vet! Please spare some prayers and good thoughts for my little Tabitha!


K & L
01-21-2007, 10:49 AM
Oh gosh Kim I sure hope everything is OK. We've had some of ours do some really weird things and never happen again. I'll watch for updates.

01-21-2007, 10:53 AM
Oh Kim, not our sweet Tabitha. :(

Big time prayers and positive thoughts on the way.


01-21-2007, 11:26 AM
Hi Kim,
Is Tabitha a cat? Does she go outside? You can always call the vets emerency number and it an opinion. I hope all turns out well. Good luck to you both.

01-21-2007, 11:52 AM
OMG, Kim, how scary! Indeed it sounds a lot like a seizure. I don't want to scare you, but I would call the emergency vet. Not sure about the sprains, but if these injuries caused a blood clot, this may very well result in some kind of stroke, I suppose.

Another option would be an epileptic seizure. If that's the case, meds may help her a lot to deal with it, but only a vet can tell.

I sure hope our sweet Tabitha will be fine, and of course I will keep her in my thoughts!


01-21-2007, 11:56 AM
Kim, that does sound like a seizure. After seeing my Dad have several of them before the docs got him on medication I can tell you it sounds familiar. My sister's dog has started having them and it sounds very much like what you described too. They've started her dog on medication and so far so good. My Dad takes Dilantin and I'm thinking my sister said that was what her dog is on too, or at least the animal version of it.

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-21-2007, 12:02 PM
Sounds like a seizure to me :eek: . I hope you can get her to the vet asap!

Scooter's Mom
01-21-2007, 12:04 PM
I will be saying prayers for sweet Tabitha. My friends dog (an australian shepherd) had seizures and is now on medication for them and is doing well. Thinking good thoughts for Tabitha.


01-21-2007, 12:10 PM
Dear Tabitha - hopefully it is something very treatable! HUGS to you both!

01-21-2007, 12:33 PM
Oh no! Poor Tabitha. I know you'll keep us posted.

01-21-2007, 12:38 PM
Poor Tabitha! Hopefully the vet can shed some light on what is going on with her. Prayers and good thoughts are on the way for her now.


01-21-2007, 12:55 PM
Poor little girl. I hope you find out quickly what the problem is.

Keep us posted. ((((hugs))))

01-21-2007, 12:58 PM
Many prayers from all of us for one of our very favorite girls. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/17/17_1_10.gif

01-21-2007, 02:39 PM
After doing some research it does sound like a seizure, except without some of the symptoms .. like convulsing or twitching. Of course those may have happened before I found her. :confused: Anyway, because it only lasted a few seconds or no more than one minute, I am "ok" with waiting to see the vet tomorrow. However, if she were having several back to back then it would mean a trip to the ER vet. So far she seems totally back to normal, but I will be keeping a close eye on my little girl all night! I will post updates regularly!


01-21-2007, 03:12 PM
Hoping and praying that Tabitha is okay...


01-21-2007, 04:28 PM
I'm so glad she seems back to normal. Prayers and good thoughts on the way for one of my favorite PT kitties.

Queen of Poop
01-21-2007, 04:32 PM
Prayers for Tabitha. Oh goodness, how scary for you both.

01-21-2007, 04:39 PM
Prayers for Dear Tabitha.You'll feel better too after the vet visit tomorrow.So much money for vets here.I need to get 2 of mine this week to the vets.
I hope Tabitha gets what she needs for her seizers.My mom had a cat that had them,but I don't know much about them.(seizers)
My girlfriend's mom also had a cat that had them and if I remember correctly,her mom's vet put her cat on a quarter valium every day I THINK.Not sure though.I don't know how that would help but that's what I remember her saying.

01-21-2007, 05:17 PM
Kim, How scary!!!:eek: I'm so glad that she's back to normal now and I'm sending lots of prayers and positive thoughts her way. I sure hope that it's nothing serious and that the vet will be able to help her. I'll continue to look for updates.

01-21-2007, 05:43 PM
Kim!! I am so sorry to hear about your Tabitha. Do not worry. the Clan have all their paws folded in prayer for her. And ((((hugs)))for you!! Hope the vet will be able to tell you something tomorrow!! Sandra

01-21-2007, 07:53 PM
The Found Cats Are Adding Tabitha To Thier Prayers, And We All Are Hoping Your Little Beauty Is All Right.
Moose Angel Will Stop By, And See If He Can Help.

01-21-2007, 08:14 PM
Dusty had a siezure last year, and scared the crap outta me. I took Dusty to work with me and the vet looked her over said he couldn't see any apparent reason for the siezure and since it lasted under a minute and it was her first one, I was told to just keep watch on her, no meds. Dusty hasn't had one since that I know of and has been fine.

I hope Tabitha's incident was similar and will not happen again.

01-21-2007, 09:39 PM
Dusty had a siezure last year, and scared the crap outta me. I took Dusty to work with me and the vet looked her over said he couldn't see any apparent reason for the siezure and since it lasted under a minute and it was her first one, I was told to just keep watch on her, no meds. Dusty hasn't had one since that I know of and has been fine.

I hope Tabitha's incident was similar and will not happen again.

THANK you SO much for telling me this. That is pretty much the same thing I read online. One site said that seizures generally start between ages 2 and 3 years, which is exactly where Tabitha is! Very strange, and Tabitha seems perfectly normal now. She's even been running around here like nothing ever happened! :eek: I will check with my vet and see what she thinks tomorrow! Thanks again, and I will post an update!


01-21-2007, 10:01 PM
Oh Kim, I just saw this! Glad to hear that it sounds like a one-time thing (I pray it is only a one time thing)

Many prayers coming for sweet little Tabitha

01-22-2007, 08:55 PM
I spoke with my vet about Tabitha today. She said the same thing as every website I visited. There is nothing that can be done for them unless she continues to have them on a regular basis. My vet told me to keep a record of any seizures Tabitha has, and then if they become fairly regular, she will start her on medication. Thankfully, Tabitha has been perfectly fine all day today and you would never think anything had happened yesterday! Thank you for the kind words for my baby girl. I will definitely keep a close eye on her and post if anything changes!


Maya & Inka's mommy
01-23-2007, 04:57 AM
Let's hope and pray that this won't happen again... :)
Give Tabitha a gentle hug from me :)

01-23-2007, 08:03 AM
Sounds as if you got some reassuring news from your vet. Prayers being prayed that this was a one time thing and will NEVER happen again. Feel better scritchies being sent for sweet Tabitha.....

01-23-2007, 08:17 AM
So glad she is now ok! We went thru this with Oatmeal a few years back. Came home from work and he couldn't stand to come greet us. I stood him up and he made it a few steps and back down. Off we went to the Emergency Vet. They said the same thing. Since it was the first time, keep an eye on him and if he has another within 6 months they'd start to look into it. Thankfully it was the only one he has ever had....

Hugs to Tabitha! And some calming vibes for you Kim :)

01-23-2007, 07:39 PM
So glad to hear that things are well with Tabitha. With luck she won't ever have another seizure, and even if she does, you'll know to get her to the vet who will be able to treat it.


01-23-2007, 08:40 PM
Guarding hands and songs surrounding Tabitha.

01-23-2007, 09:22 PM
Guarding hands and songs surrounding Tabitha.

That is so beautifully said rosethecopycat. :)

Prayers and positive thoughts for our dear ear sucking Tabitha that this was a one time thing.

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} Kim.