View Full Version : Kommanding KaDi!

01-21-2007, 08:06 AM
Hey, Kadi girl, you sure do run a tight house, making sure everyone does EXACTLY what you want the way you want it done, ha ha. "Pet me, no don't. Daddy pet me, OK." I don't know what made me chuckle more, seeing your charming photo or reading about how you rule the roost! You sure are a special cat. I hope you choose to have some special treats today, Happy Cat of the Day!

01-21-2007, 08:11 AM
You are such a pretty cat. You remind me a bit of my Sunkist. It sounds like you're the boss and your parents know it! Enjoy your travels. Congratulations on being cat of the day!

01-21-2007, 11:12 AM
KaDi....what an interesting name:) and cute pose in your pix:cool:
What is a "ginger cat"?
Glad to hear that you have everyone wrapped around your paw;)

How adventuresome your family is to be taking you camping....hope you are wearing id and microchip in case you should get lost:eek:
Be careful when riding "shot gun" in the vehicle--:(

Congrat's on being the COTD...it is a special honor!

Purrrrrs from: Pearl, Keiko & June

Spay or neuter your pets please and adopt your next pet from your shelter or rescue org.

01-21-2007, 12:03 PM
KaDi, you have a purrrsonality like my Chaz. He hates for me to touch him, but he will come to his Dad for affection now and then. Congratulations on your COTD status, pretty ginger girl, and hope you get to enjoy a nice car ride today in celebration! :)

01-21-2007, 12:28 PM
Greetings to you, precious KaDi...love your fab photo:D How appropriate that you should be crowned our Sunday Cat of the Day sweetheart for you were truly heaven sent, sent to comfort your grieving Mom after the passing of her beloved Pete and how well you have filled that role, what a blessing you are! You may not be a cuddler or snuggler, a Daddy's girl in fact, but there's no doubt your Mom feels your love in all the ways that are truly important! :) Her love is truly selfless, the most precious love of all! So, I hear you're a camping kitty?:D That's so cool and what fun! I'm sure it's exciting, taking in all of the wildlife and exotic smells! Just stay close to the campground now, no "exploring!:;) Congratulations on your well earned day in the spotlight, sweetheart! I'ms wishing for you and your wonderful, devoted family a very happy day of celebration and a lifetime of love and companionship! Hugs and kisses to you, sweetheart! Oh, I forgot you're not a touchy, feeley kind of girl; well, maybe a treat or two then!;):D

01-21-2007, 12:40 PM
Wow Kadi you are definately a beautiful cat! I just love that picture of you. You seem to know what you want in life. And your parents love you so so much! I wish that my cat could ride in the car so nicely like you do, my cat meows so loud and hates car rides.

Well congrats Kadi on being our Cat of the Day!:D

01-21-2007, 12:44 PM
Miss KaDi!!! I think you are the very first ORANGE LADY that I can recall as our COTD!!! Yes, you are the one in charge, and you make sure that one forgets that!!! At our house, there are several cats that ADORE their dad, and I am just the food preparer, medication/sub q giver, brush and comber. We are weel aware how SENSITIVE an ORANGE cat can be, Ralph Syracuse gave us a great amount of instruction in that area!! HAPPY COTD!!!

01-21-2007, 12:56 PM
KaDi you certainly look like royalty posing on your pillows!!!

No wonder you family love to do your bidding!!! I'm sure glad they shared your wonderful self with us today!!! :D

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D

01-21-2007, 02:06 PM
And like All Cats KaDi knows how to mke herself more cofortable!!!
She looks so cozy on her couch, and I am betting that Petes there too , and that he and KaDi are fast friends.
:) :cool: :rolleyes: :cool: :p :cool: ;) :cool: :D :cool:

sasha the cat
01-21-2007, 04:01 PM
CATgratulations to you, KaDi. What a cutie-patootie you are. Our purr~ents said if you ever need a new Palace because your humans suddenly can't care for you, we will pay your airfare to bring you to our Palace in Montreal, Canada!

What a sweetie you are. I, Norman the King and my baby brother, Felix the Prince are in love, mew-mew-meeeow! RB Pete must have arranged this...getting you to his loving purr~ents at his Palace.

Live long and prosper, loved, cherished, well-cared for and adored which is what every pet deserves as our birthright! Have a fab day...

Dear KaDi Purr~ents: There car seatbelts for pets. Perhaps your Queen would consider wearing one. We haven't tried this with Norman [he dislikes travel] and Felix will go into the carrier and sleep. The Cat of a friend wears a seatbelt. This website has belts for dogs under 30 pounds -- cat-sized belts: http://www.champk-9.com/autosafetygear.htm

01-21-2007, 04:21 PM
KaDi, I love the position you were in when your photo was taken! You are the most recent in the January series of orange Cats of the Day! Welcome! There was an orangie girl in December, too. I agree with everyone else who wants you to be careful when you go camping. We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to such a pretty lady. Please have a very happy day, perhaps your dad will give you a pat for me.

KaDi's Mom
01-21-2007, 08:24 PM
To all who are concerned about KaDi going camping, our camping consist of a camper in a gated campground Kadi stays in the camper and all sorts of bells and whisles go off if she gets near the door. Also she must stay in her pet carrier for most of her travels, she is allow out or short periods. Trust me I am very carefull with my furr baby. :) And KaDi is Ginger in color or tan or brown, she is very unique.

01-22-2007, 08:43 AM
;) ;) This is just to sweet & adorable of you KaDi!**** CONGRATS ON CAT OF THE DAY ****hOPE you got lots of treats..