View Full Version : A funny thing happened tonight

01-20-2007, 07:56 PM
A guy at my work is always trying to play jokes on people. He's bad. Today he came rushing in saying someone stole a TV out of the rooms. And he really looked paniced. So I was like OMG!! What...oh...you j**k. Hahah.

Tonight me and my mom pop into work and there is a lady sitting on the computer. The guy tells my mom to go talk to the lady working the bar, and he pulls me to the side and says "OMG, that is Whoopi Goldburg out there!! She likes to travel to small places where people won't know her. And my mom is like really? It doesn't look like her..? Daniel is REALLY good at convincing people of stuff that isn't true, so of she believed him. She went ot get paper for her to sign.

I went down and was like "It's a joke, right??" and the bar lady was like yeah...

So I go up and mom is like "omg, is it really you?" yada yada *hugs her* etc. Hahah. Then Daniel tells her it's not her. And my mom is like Ohhh, you wait. I am totally getting revenge! It was all for fun of course. And the lady was more than happy to play along. (who by the way, wasn't whoopi)

I went up after and talked with her. She is very nice. Doesn't look like Whoopi at all other than her hair and how she talks (and she has glasses) but her face, IMO looked nothing like Whoopi.

01-21-2007, 12:30 AM
haha how funny. Looks like revenge for something big eh? he's sure a man who cries wolf. one day he'll be telling the truth and noone will believe it haha.

Daisy and Delilah
01-21-2007, 07:46 AM
I actually love to see the outcome of practical jokes. This guy sounds like he could go into show business himself. Can he take a joke played on him? :)

01-21-2007, 08:58 AM
I don't know, we haven't thought of anything yet...but he has a great sense of humor so I imagen he can so long as it's not really mean or hurtful.

He's played a couple jokes on me too, and he ALMOST got me on this one but I'm starting to get how he works. He got me once that day so.....

anyone have any good revenge ideas?

01-21-2007, 11:41 AM
I would call up the local radio station and tell them a made up story about the boss. Such as it's his 75th birthday and have people call in and wish him Happy Birthday. Something like that were other people call him to wish him well because he has something wrong. Good luck. Your boss sounds like a trip.

01-21-2007, 03:43 PM
He's not the boss lol :)

that's a funny idea though

01-21-2007, 04:12 PM
Yeah like i hear on a radio station it's about that a guy/girl will call the radio station person and will say he wants to make a prank on they're spouse or friend. They will mostly say that they are having an affair with someone else... your wife is gone... or something like that and later they will be like i agree yada yada but you just got pranked lol and then they will get all like screaming and all and yell at the friend and then they are all kidding around and such.

That's an idea haha make like a prank phone call type