View Full Version : I just entered this tanning contest thinger! Oh Boy!

01-20-2007, 06:03 PM
I work at a tanning salon for those of you who dont know, and i like to learn about the lotions not just for the customers but because i like to tan too! So i was looking on some of the tanning lotions website and i happened to notice a contest for spring break to be one of their new models for their lotions (poster's ect.) well i entered! it asked for swimsuit pictures so i had to hurry and throw mine on, do my hair, load some make-up on so my face didnt look so uneven! (from tanning and my complexion, my skin tone on my face is really uneven) I feel kinda dumb haha and i just wanted everyone else to know how dumb i felt too! haha! It'd be cool if i got qualified but im sure theirs alot prettier girls out their who dont eat as much as i do before they take pictures(opps, i like dounuts a little too much) so in the picture i look bloated and not to mention tan to much so my neck and chest are a little red!
OH DID I MENTION....that my swimming suit hasnt fit me for the last two summers so of course the ladies are poppin out everywhere...oh geezzz!

01-20-2007, 06:40 PM
Good luck. Maybe you'll win. You never know.

01-20-2007, 06:43 PM
ohhhhhhhhhhh honey- I read this and my heart sunk- I have had several friends last year battle skin cancer- PLEASE DONT.. please.. I am sure I am wrong but pleaseeeeee dont! I am begging...

01-20-2007, 06:49 PM
Well good luck with that, I hope you win if that's what you want. I hate the way tanning makes the skin look leathery, not to mention the skin cancer issue, so I don't do it myself, but good luck!

01-20-2007, 07:05 PM
dont worry everyone, not only do i work there but im trained in what i sell(tanning sessions that is) i know all the risks and health problems that occur. Im not saying im immune to health problems i just no more then the average joe with tanning procedures! I practice safe tanning and pass that to my customers!

01-20-2007, 07:10 PM
From what I have learned, there is no such thing as safe tanning. Tanning is skin damage, and it will show up, sooner rather than later. The only "safe" tan is the sray-on stuff, but who knows how safe that is in the long run!

I never have tanned, my skin always burned, just genetics, but consequently I wore sunscreen, and many women my age that I know used to "tan" have skin that is much wrinklier, more creased and leathery, and I am only 42.

I had a teacher in High school who explained her very wrinkly, leathery skin that way, said when she was in high school everyone envied her dark tan.

All that said, good luck with the contest, okay?

01-20-2007, 07:16 PM
thanks for the contest support everyone, it'd be cool to be on a poster or something.
here's a little advice to anyone who wants to take it: the sun is more dangerous than tanning beds. Of course if you burn in a tanning bed more often than in the sun...then the bed is much worse! Happy Safe Tanning Everyone(that goes for me too) :)

Lady's Human
01-20-2007, 07:19 PM
Being that tanning is the skin's response to excessive radiation, and an attempt to avoid further damage, there is no logical way to assume that tanning in any fashion is safe.

01-20-2007, 07:25 PM
then i recomend staying inside for the rest of your life ;) As long as the ozone layer stays in tack(no help to us people here on earth littering, using gases ect.) small amount of UVB and UVA and hope to god that UVC doesnt slip through the ozone, then we're all realitively safe as long as wel use sun screen and wear sun glasses!
Although one of my friends (who is a an eye doctor) told me that most eye damage in done when we are very young, whether it's true or not who knows!

01-20-2007, 07:35 PM
Honey- I understand your training but there is one fact to consider- the genetics.. please do not.. please.. Two of friends- one now critical, and one just died last week, had no NONE NADA history of skin cancer.. please dont..( read condolences.. in general)

01-20-2007, 07:39 PM
From what I have learned, there is no such thing as safe tanning. Tanning is skin damage, and it will show up, sooner rather than later. What she said, or is this a joke? I noticed you posted pictures of your dog - you are joking, right? There's nothing funny or to be commended about a tanning contest IMHO. There can be no winner, as the grand prize is skin cancer or death. Not a glamourous look in my book.

Lady's Human
01-20-2007, 07:47 PM
then i recomend staying inside for the rest of your life

No need. I spend a great deal of time outside. I control my exposure by dressing properly.

Being that the holes in the Ozone layer appear to be cyclical and centered on the poles (Less radiation=less ozone) I don't think we have too much to worry about on that score for the time being. The chemicals which were harming the ozone layer (in theory) have now been banned for years.

01-20-2007, 07:59 PM
This contest has nothing to do with tanning itself, just tanning lotion! I could be white as day but they chose me and then they load me up with a bunch of make up, baby oils and change the lighting to make me look darker than i really am! Just the fact that i do work at a salon so i am aware of alot of these lotions prior to visiting these sites on the web.

Daisy and Delilah
01-20-2007, 08:06 PM
My mother was a beach bunny back in her younger days. So was my sister. Neither if them could live without being on the beach and keeping a bronze tan at all times. We lived a couple of blocks from the beach in Daytona for 25 years. That was 30 years ago, long before the ozone was as severely depleted as it is now.

If you could see my Mother today, I guarantee you would never even think of tanning again, in any way, shape, nor form. For many years, her skin has been covered with multi colored blotches. Unfortunately, a great percentage of these unsightly marks are skin cancers. She has cancerous masses removed almost every six months. Her skin is like leather and it's very hard for even us, her family members, to see her the way she is. You can only imagine how she feels to be seen in public. She wears long sleeves and special UV clothing, exclusively. She is unable to ride in a car for longer than 15 minutes due to the repercussions she suffers. This is only part of her story. There's alot more to it and none of it good. It's one of the saddest things I've ever seen and it's all because she lived to get a tan for so many years. Trust me, my sister is right behind her. She has already had numerous cancers removed and her skin is taking on the exact same appearance of my mother's.

I understand that this may be partially due to some hereditary conditions and everyone may not suffer to this extreme. However, I strongly urge you to reconsider tanning in any way. Please think about it. You're only bringing harm to yourself. It may seem really cool now but you'll pay for it later--trust me. :(

01-20-2007, 08:16 PM
My mother was a beach bunny back in her younger days. So was my sister. Neither if them could live without being on the beach and keeping a bronze tan at all times. We lived a couple of blocks from the beach in Daytona for 25 years. That was 30 years ago, long before the ozone was as severely depleted as it is now.

If you could see my Mother today, I guarantee you would never even think of tanning again, in any way, shape, nor form. For many years, her skin has been covered with multi colored blotches. Unfortunately, a great percentage of these unsightly marks are skin cancers. She has cancerous masses removed almost every six months. Her skin is like leather and it's very hard for even us, her family members, to see her the way she is. You can only imagine how she feels to be seen in public. She wears long sleeves and special UV clothing, exclusively. She is unable to ride in a car for longer than 15 minutes due to the repercussions she suffers. This is only part of her story. There's alot more to it and none of it good. It's one of the saddest things I've ever seen and it's all because she lived to get a tan for so many years. Trust me, my sister is right behind her. She has already had numerous cancers removed and her skin is taking on the exact same appearance of my mother's.

I understand that this may be partially due to some hereditary conditions and everyone may not suffer to this extreme. However, I strongly urge you to reconsider tanning in any way. Please think about it. You're only bringing harm to yourself. It may seem really cool now but you'll pay for it later--trust me. :(

I appreciate everything you've said and i feel terrible about your family! Also thank you again to everyone who is concerned. I know it may not seem like im all that concerned, but tanning is a part of my life everyday, practically all day long! i dont tan everyday, but i do tan regularly. I try and reduce any health issues that may occur with time in between each tan to give my skin time to rejuvenate itself and rebuild cells that were damaged due to tanning (specialist say give your skin 24-48 hours{more if needed} to rebuild burned or injured skin cells) if i burn i dont tan for about a week so i give myself plenty of time to rebuild.
But yes tanning is regular for me like i said. I take precautions and try to stay safe. But like i said previously tanning is an everyday part of my life just because i work at a tanning salon, i work very hard to keep my clients safe from burning and keep their eyes safe with proper eye wear.
But thanks again...and HEY i even promise to minimize my tanning time! If i really wanted to, i could stop completely but im awefully scary with white skin, and spray on tanners are just too expensive.

01-20-2007, 08:18 PM
:< what is up with jumping her for tanning? My sister is a model and tans all the time, as does my other sister. They do it as little as possible to maintain a tan, and they use lots of special lotions.

She works at a tanning salon, so OF COURSE she knows the potential dangers of it! And I'm sure she sees people who tan way too much all the time. Who are we to judge some one's lifestyle, especially when it's something like tanning? People do WAAAY worse stuff to their body, such as eating very unhealthy food every day & not exercising, and I doubt anyone here would jump another member for that. I just don't get it.

My point is: Good luck! You should post them, if you're comfortable doing that. I'm sure you look awesome. =] I know I wouldn't be able to get the courage to send in swimsuit shots to a modeling contest.

critter crazy
01-20-2007, 08:20 PM
:< what is up with jumping her for tanning? My sister is a model and tans all the time, as does my other sister. They do it as little as possible to maintain a tan, and they use lots of special lotions.

She works at a tanning salon, so OF COURSE she knows the potential dangers of it! And I'm sure she sees people who tan way too much all the time. Who are we to judge some one's lifestyle, especially when it's something like tanning? People do WAAAY worse stuff to their body, such as eating very unhealthy food every day & not exercising, and I doubt anyone here would jump another member for that. I just don't get it.

My point is: Good luck! You should post them, if you're comfortable doing that. I'm sure you look awesome. =] I know I wouldn't be able to get the courage to send in swimsuit shots to a modeling contest.

I agree! To each their own!!
I smoke, jump down my throat!:rolleyes:

01-20-2007, 08:22 PM
Thanks a bunch the last two of you who posted! To each their own! But again i do see everyones point. thanks again!

01-20-2007, 08:26 PM
We understand you, just are concerned because we know stories, things that have happened to our friends and families. Please do try to stop, or at least put a strict minimum on your time spent tanning. We just don't want you to be hurt-emotionally or phisically- by this. Trust me, I've got russian heiracy; I know white skin!!!! I can't even wear a white shirt because it will make me glow! IMO It is better to be white now then hurt later.


01-20-2007, 08:52 PM
I'm pasty white and proud of it. I would never purposefully tan myself. I wear UV protection every day. I don't go out without my polarized lenses.

My grandmother, her mother, and her grandmother all died from skin cancer. I already spotted one mark on my left arm and watch it like a hawk.

I think your information is slightly skewed towards making sunless tanning sound better than it is, Of COURSE your boss and the manufacturers of the tanning beds and supplies are going to downplay the risks.

Goodluck on the competition

PS: Pasty white sounds much better than what you've described happened to your face.... I don't like the sound of uneven - warning sign to me.

01-21-2007, 09:44 PM
I'm pasty white and proud of it. I would never purposefully tan myself. I wear UV protection every day. I don't go out without my polarized lenses.

My grandmother, her mother, and her grandmother all died from skin cancer. I already spotted one mark on my left arm and watch it like a hawk.

I think your information is slightly skewed towards making sunless tanning sound better than it is, Of COURSE your boss and the manufacturers of the tanning beds and supplies are going to downplay the risks.

Goodluck on the competition

PS: Pasty white sounds much better than what you've described happened to your face.... I don't like the sound of uneven - warning sign to me.

No no no...nothing happened to my face. It's just how it is whether i tan or not! It's alot easier to see when i dont tan because my uneven-ness of my face is red/blotching and not attractive whatso ever, but when i tan it makes the redness fade but is still uneven. It's pretty much a loose loose situation with my face. It's a never ending make-up battle of trying to cover up new uneven'ness! haha!
The tanning didnt make my face uneven, it was like that already.

finn's mom
01-21-2007, 10:26 PM
Good luck! Most people have an unhealthy vice that can potentially be lethal, whether it be smoking, drinking, drugs (including caffeine), tanning, etc. I don't tan often, but I do when I can and want a tan. I know it's risky, and I've seen young girls with skin cancer. I don't smoke, never have...I don't drink a lot, I don't take caffeine in on a daily basis, although I want to remove it entirely from my body, but that's hard for me. There are a lot of things people do all the time that present huge health issues. People are usually aware of them, but for their own reasons, choose to take the risk. Again, I say good luck!

01-21-2007, 10:36 PM
Yeesh, you guys. I can see why so many people are leaving PT.

Coco-bean: Good luck in the contest! Let us know if you wind up on any posters!

My friends would look at me wierd if I tanned, I'm goth and happy to be pale. :)

01-21-2007, 11:11 PM
:< what is up with jumping her for tanning? My sister is a model and tans all the time, as does my other sister. They do it as little as possible to maintain a tan, and they use lots of special lotions.

She works at a tanning salon, so OF COURSE she knows the potential dangers of it! And I'm sure she sees people who tan way too much all the time. Who are we to judge some one's lifestyle, especially when it's something like tanning? People do WAAAY worse stuff to their body, such as eating very unhealthy food every day & not exercising, and I doubt anyone here would jump another member for that. I just don't get it.

My point is: Good luck! You should post them, if you're comfortable doing that. I'm sure you look awesome. =] I know I wouldn't be able to get the courage to send in swimsuit shots to a modeling contest.I agree. This is why PT is being so "unhapy" latley. Guys it her life and of course your trying to offer her advice but you don't have to take it so far and bash her for her lifestyle.
Goodluck. It will be cool if you win!

01-21-2007, 11:28 PM
I, for one, just wanted to make her aware of the dangers of tanning in a way she will never hear from her bosses at the tanning salon.

If you notice, I also wished her well in the contest, and I do hope she stays safe.

01-21-2007, 11:36 PM
I think this whole converstion is very interesting. I am willing to bet that the younger people, teenagers and people in their early 20's are ok will tanning and are wishing you luck. While the older ones 30's and up are warning you about all the dangers on tanning. Why? Well us old folks have seen what skin cancer can do. It is not pretty. Not just the cancer but the long term effects on the skin. But when you are younger then 30 you don't care, because 30 sounds so old and far away. Heck I did such dumb, dangerous things when I was young, me and my friends are all amazed we are still alive. We grew up in the drug world of the 70's. Our teachers used to smoke pot in the morning before coming into class. Only way they could get through the day. If my kids did half of the **** I did when I was younger I would have grounded them for life. And what did my friends and I learn from all this some 30 years later, all the drugs, boys, parties? We learned how dumb, stupid and worthless our lives were. How uncool we really were. Sad, sad, sad. We should have buckled down and studied and once we had our college degress and we were making $70,000 a year, we could have partied in a nicer house with a way cooler crowd.
So here is my two cents on your tanning. Go ahead and do what makes you happy. You like everyone else will pay or not for what you do now. Maybe you will win the contest and it will lead to great things. At least you are taking a chance, be brave, be true and study hard. 30 is right around the corner.

01-22-2007, 07:24 AM
I, for one, just wanted to make her aware of the dangers of tanning in a way she will never hear from her bosses at the tanning salon.

If you notice, I also wished her well in the contest, and I do hope she stays safe.
I agree- I make the same type of comments sometimes in the dog sections- not throwing a 'wet blanket on the party" but offering some advice on the other side of the coin so to speak.
My grandfather, God rest his soul, use to say as the philosphy of how he lived his life was " everything in moderation, and nothing in excess" is the best way to lead a healthy life. ( He lived to be 94...)

01-22-2007, 07:40 AM
so where is your pic???

I am curious now and I am sure we would all be interested in seeing. You should have sent it to me first for some professional retouching. I could have touched you up a bit (just like the cover models have done) and evened out any blotchiness that you mentioned in your face (or even overall tones). Just keep all the advice everyone offered in mind and remember, "everything in moderation".

01-22-2007, 07:44 AM
Yeesh, you guys. I can see why so many people are leaving PT.

Coco-bean: Good luck in the contest! Let us know if you wind up on any posters!

My friends would look at me wierd if I tanned, I'm goth and happy to be pale. :)


Interesting angle!!! I was always curious about the Goth thing. Have a neighbor girl who is in to the whole Goth look. She seems very nice and always says hello - she just looks weird to us who don't understand it. I guess like alot of things, you are naturally wary of that which you don't regularly see.

Daisy and Delilah
01-22-2007, 08:03 AM
For the record;
I don't see anybody here bashing coco-bean for her lifestyle. As MG stated(very well, I might add), we are older and have seen what skin cancer can do to a person. No one is angry at coco-bean for what she wants to do. We are merely having a healthy discussion of these issues so she is aware of what some of us older members have seen or experienced. If we weren't concerned about her welfare, we wouldn't have bothered.

The contest she's in deals with tanning lotions for the most part. I have fully realized that and I have PM'd her to apologise to her in case I may have offended her. I have given her my congratulations in the contest and she has accepted graciously. If anyone wants to know, she was not upset with my comments and thanked me for replying. As far as I know, she is handling this whole thread with a positive attitude. The outcome is bothering some of you much more than it's bothering her.

If a healthy, informative discussion such as this is making people leave PT then I hope they're happy wherever they go. This is what makes the world go round. When I can't express my opinion or respond to something on this forum and feel it's my right, then I'll leave PT. I think it's time that some of us become more thick skinned and stop seeing everything as bashing someone.

Some of you may need to consider giving some people the benefit of the doubt before quickly deciding they're wrong. Some of us really do care about people and are only offering evidence of certain situations that may happen in certain scenarios.

01-22-2007, 06:44 PM
so where is your pic???

I am curious now and I am sure we would all be interested in seeing. You should have sent it to me first for some professional retouching. I could have touched you up a bit (just like the cover models have done) and evened out any blotchiness that you mentioned in your face (or even overall tones). Just keep all the advice everyone offered in mind and remember, "everything in moderation".

My picture is kinda scary, im sure NO ONE would want to see that haha :eek:

01-22-2007, 06:49 PM
The doctors told my mom to go to tanning beds and lay out in the sun, she has alot of problems and is sick alot and I guess the tanning and sun would help her with one of her sicknesses, im not sure which because she is sick alot but my point is tanning is good for some people in certain cases.

01-22-2007, 07:04 PM
I don't get what some people are typing. NO one was telling her she couldn't tan or anything. No one was telling her how to live her life, some people were just warning her about the risks and dangers of tanning...and are just saying to be aware and careful.

How would this make coco-bean want to leave? IMHO, it's great that we are warning her about the risks of tanning. It shows we are a community that cares for one another, not a community that wants to leave. I'm sorry, I just don't understand how Coco-bean would want to leave because we are caring for her. :rolleyes:

About the skin cancer issue, I'm glad you know the risks and dangers. That is great. But just be aware. My mom had cancer(not skin cancer) last year, and I would not wish it on my worst enemy.

Good luck and be safe!

Terri, I had no clue your mother had to go through that. I'm so sorry to hear this. ((hugs))

01-22-2007, 07:09 PM
Hope you win! and yes we want to see the entry pics!!!

Not touching the tanning issue as I am a redhead and dont tan naturally anyway and the sprays all make me orange! the cat thinks I look like him but he is 90% blind anyway........ so I will sit here with a martini dble olives and wait for the entry pics *HINT HINT*

01-22-2007, 07:52 PM
Hope you win! and yes we want to see the entry pics!!!

Not touching the tanning issue as I am a redhead and dont tan naturally anyway and the sprays all make me orange! the cat thinks I look like him but he is 90% blind anyway........ so I will sit here with a martini dble olives and wait for the entry pics *HINT HINT*

WARNING:as i previously stated...the swimming suit is too small so my upper half is a kinda fallin out everywhere and i ate alot of dounuts and cookies like 15 minutes previously...so im kinda bloated. WARNING!!!
this is the swimming suit picture entry.

and this is the stupid head shot...haha!!

Daisy and Delilah
01-22-2007, 08:02 PM
You look absolutely gorgeous!!! How could you not win? You are one beautiful lady and I honestly don't know how you could lose :)

Thanks Alyssa :)

01-22-2007, 08:04 PM
You look absolutely gorgeous!!! How could you not win? You are one beautiful lady and I honestly don't know how you could lose :)

Thanks Alyssa :)

well thank you very much! If i win i should ask if i could get my pups in the poster with me! haha! that would be so cool!
thanks again!

01-22-2007, 08:05 PM
Oh you look great. I wouldn't go any darker against the white however. You really are very pretty and I am sure you will win. Best of luck. Oh to be 17 again.

critter crazy
01-22-2007, 08:06 PM
umm......WOW!!! I wish i looked half as good as you!!!! WOW!!!umm...my hubby aw the ic, and he liked it!! he he he he he he he!!! I would definitely vote for ya!! good luck!!!

01-22-2007, 08:07 PM
Here let me tell you guys a little secret...but i dont want to jinx myself so SHHHH.....
i really just wanna win some money so i can get a bigger place and rescue a bunch of doggies from the pound! But SHHHH....thats just between us! :cool:

01-28-2007, 04:30 PM
now coco-bean.... how could you even think "you didn't look good" in your bikini - falling out or not???

good luck and update us on the outcome... hubba hubba

01-28-2007, 07:52 PM
YOU LOOK GREAT HUNNY!!!!!!!! I really hope you get the shot and that you sign one of the posters for us (winks)

Good Luck hun!

01-29-2007, 08:00 AM

Last Post on the Subject. Here ya go - INSTANT TAN!!! Just like the Pros - and you don't even have to spend second in the booth or out in the sun. So nobody has to worry about your skin, you can say, "it's all done electronically"!

P.S. My son is your exact age... blonde hair and blues eyes - can't tan (takes after his Mom) and he says your cute and you've got his vote!!! LOL!

01-29-2007, 09:49 AM
Good luck. You do look great!

Catnapper....meeeeee too! I freaked when I went to CA and even though I had sun block on I still tanned. I ranted for like 3 days over that....lol.

I had a boss of mine she kept telling me I need to tan because I'd look healthier. I was like "Yeah, I'm toasting my skin, and I'm sure I'll look real healthy when I have splotches all over me, or skin cancer." She left me alone after that....lol. I guess to each his own. I just learned when I was young the damaging effects, and I often got praised for my skin. People always said I looked like a little porcilin doll. So I took it I looked classic, and it stuck with me ever since. Being more careful about it does help, but it's still causing damage.

01-29-2007, 11:16 AM
I think you look great.... just like me when I was 17. ;) :D

Seriously, a nice tan does make you look better, but there’s no doubt it’s bad for your skin if you overdo it. :eek: A friend of mine did the tanning thing too, back in the eigthies, she looked gorgeous, but when I saw her a few years later, her skin was kind of leathery and brownish/grey - not very flattering.

Funny, back in the 20ties - yeah, OK I wasn’t around then, but I know it was high fashion to be a pale as possible. The reason was that pale women “sent the message” to others that they didn’t have to work in the fields for a living.

Good luck on the competion!

01-29-2007, 11:55 AM
Fenway says "hubba hubba". :D

01-29-2007, 12:14 PM
Ok, you look fine for the contest. Now can you take a few more pictures
of your pups to post on PT. In your sig picturesI can't tell one from the other
as they look so much alike. Please, more pictures of the pups?

As to the tanning thing, I don't really have an opinion & don't think you
ever asked for one, did you? :p