View Full Version : Which sex, male or female, shows better judgment? :)

M&M's Mommy
01-20-2007, 02:17 PM
A man was arguing with his wife over which sex, male or female, shows better judgment. Ultimately, she gave in. "You are right. Men excercise better judgment, and the two of us are living proof of it, aren't we? I mean, you chose me for a wife, and I chose you for a husband."


A man and his wife were browsing through the men's section of a department store. Flipping through neckties, the man turned to his wife and asked, "Honey, do I like this one?"


"My wife and I have it all worked out," said David. "I make all the major decisions, she makes all the minor ones, and we get along beautifully."
"What kinds of minor decisions does she makes?" asked his friend Jason.
"Oh, when it's time to buy a new car, for example. Or where young David is going to college. Or whether we should move to another state."
"Those are minor? Wow! What kinds of major decisions do you get to make?"
"Practically all the important stuff. Like, who should be the next president, what level of trade should be established with the Ukraine.."


'nuff said, eh? :D

01-20-2007, 02:22 PM
Okay- I have found that small decissions or ones that require process, the females are better. Males have a tendency to jump in, then fight the obsticles- a female will see the obsticles and take the 'side route'...
Case in point- My guys love the delivery people- hey half the time they bring toys from petsmart.. Anyway- Zubin jumps in the truck= femka and galina would meet the drive then follow them back to the truck... Hottie- well he waits on the steps for the driver to bring HIM the package... rofl..

Killearn Kitties
01-20-2007, 04:09 PM
A man was arguing with his wife over which sex, male or female, shows better judgment. Ultimately, she gave in. "You are right. Men excercise better judgment, and the two of us are living proof of it, aren't we? I mean, you chose me for a wife, and I chose you for a husband."
Well yes, the way you put it, it is just so obvious that men show the better judgement. Can't think why I didn't see it that way before! :D