View Full Version : Steve Irwin Programs on TV

01-20-2007, 08:22 AM
On Sunday, January 21, there will be 2 Irwin programs.

Ocean's Deadliest is the documentary film they were making when Irwin died. They finished it in time to meet their deadline. Irwin's death is NOT part of this program. Phillippe Cousteau does most of the narration and was a part of the team for this film.

Immediately following is a tribute to Steve, with family video, friends etc. Not just recaps from his programs. Again, the film of his death is being kept private and is NOT part of this program.

Both air back to back, on Animal Planet and Discovery Channel, starting at 8 PM, Sunday.

01-20-2007, 05:02 PM
I heard that Terri has destroyed the original copy of the tape and all the other tapes have been destroyed also. She mentioned this when she was on the Ellen show.

Thanks for letting us know. :)

01-21-2007, 07:49 AM
I'm still very emotional about his passing, don't know if I can watch it, but I will save it.

Long live his legacy.