View Full Version : Chloe: Soccer Gal

01-19-2007, 12:24 AM
Chloe, I just love that photo of you with your paw on the ball. You look like you're ready for a game. You are a darling dog. I just love those ears of yours and your big smile. I'll bet you're so much fun to watch as you master that soccer ball. Congrats on being our DOTD. I hope you get to play a lot of soccer today.

Daisy and Delilah
01-19-2007, 07:41 AM
What a great picture of you sweetie!! You're a very athletic girl aren't you? That pic of you with your soccer ball, shows your true personality. We can actually see Retriever and Chow in your mix and it's made a darling combination!! You're adorable with that plush, reddish coat and smiling facie!! You only live about 60 miles from us too, Chloe!! Our Mom used to love to go to the dirt track races over there. So, Howdy Neighbor! Congratulations on your very big day today!! We hope the family can find time to give you some extra kisses from us to celebrate and we wish you all happiness always!! :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

01-19-2007, 09:03 AM
Hummm... looks like someone's ready to play ball!

Congrats Chloe on being today's dog of the day!

01-19-2007, 09:55 AM
A soccer loving pupster, a girl after my own heart!:) Not only are you beautiful Chole, but wow, quite the athlete and a sweetheart to boot!:) How lucky can a famiLy get! It's clear you're one happy doggie, just look at that HUGE smile!:D What a great shot of you doing your thing!; love that paw action:cool: I'd say you and your family both hit the jackpot, the day they welcomed you home!:) Congraulations to you precious Chloe, our extra special and most deserving Dog of the Day! Big, big hugs and kisses to you, sweet baby girl! Enjoy your day in the spotlight and each and every day of your wonderful life!:)

01-19-2007, 10:37 AM
Hello, Chloe, pretty girl! I love your happy face and your paw on the ball. I also like your lovely red coat! Please have a wonderful day as Dog-of-the-Day!

01-19-2007, 01:32 PM
You're just a "Sweetheart" CHLOE!!!!

Congratulations for Being such a Super Dog of the Day!!!! :cool:

01-19-2007, 04:15 PM
Hello Chloe,

What a lovely name you have Chloe. :) It fits your sweet self very well.
You seem to be an active.happy girl who loves her life with her human
family.You family is blessed to have you sweetheart. Happy congratulations
on being chosen as our delightful Friday DOG OF THE DAY.Hugs & kisses. :)

p.s. Oh Chloe, be very careful on those big jumps over the fence tricks.OK.?

01-19-2007, 06:00 PM
Hi, Chloe! What an adorable soccer player you are! That is a cute photo. I hope you enjoyed your special day today and got to play soccer and was cuddled and given extra treats to celebrate. Congrats on DOTD! :D

01-19-2007, 06:05 PM
Chloe, you are the cutest thing I ever saw with your paw up on that ball. And what a beautiful smiley face. I'll bet you and your master have so much fun wrestling around, don't you sweetie?
Hope you're getting lots of hugs and treats today. Congratulations on being our DOTD.