View Full Version : Vomitting

01-18-2007, 10:49 PM
Zeke was licking his lips a bunch for a few minutes...like he was either thirsty or was sick or something....so I took him down for a drink and he kept going to door saying "let me out" just as I got to the door, he threw up. Not to be gross, but it was a large amount. It was mostly food, and it wasn't very runny or anything...(again, sorry for the detail) there was a little bit of off-whitey stuff mixed in too???

Do you think it's anything other than he just felt sick? It's not totally unusal for him to throw up, although he hasn't done it in a while. It's 1am, and I'm exhasted from work. I was about to go to bed, but now I'm sort of concerned....do dogs normally do that weird "licking lips" thing before their throw up?

He seems totally fine now...he even scratched his back on his stick outside...And chased the cats inside.

01-18-2007, 10:53 PM
Why is it that pets get sick at night?? Butter was sick late in the evening, Jo cut her paw in the evening, this, and like any other time something bad happened to my pets was at night D: Does this happen to anyone else?

I mention that because the vet is closed, or it's right when I want to go to bed

01-18-2007, 10:55 PM
I sure don't know what could be wrong with him. I'd just keep an eye on him and if he gets worse take him to your vet.

01-18-2007, 11:05 PM
I can't say for sure in dogs, but a couple of my cats lick their lips alot before they vomit.

I agree with Lute, just keep an eye on him and see what develops.

But make sure not to give him any food for at least 12 hrs, and keep the water to small amounts, you don't want to throw a bunch of stuff in on an upset tummy.

01-18-2007, 11:07 PM
The problem is it's 1am and I work tomorrow. I really need to get some sleep but I don't want sometime to happen to him....if that is a symptom of something serious I would stay up with him, but if it's just that he had an upset belly I don't think I will

01-18-2007, 11:12 PM
IMO if Zeke hasn't vomited again, I wouldn't worry. Sometimes Logan will upchuck when she's outside and then be fine. If he's in your room at night, you'll hear him if he starts again.

01-18-2007, 11:14 PM
Did he drink a lot of water or run around before throwing up? Nebo will sometimes throw up after doing that if he had just eaten. My guess is that Zeke was just licking his lips because he knew he was going to vomit. I hope Zeke will be ok, it does sound just like a bit of an upset stomach to me, lets hope that is all it is.

Oh, and yes my dogs all seem to get sick/injured at night/weekends when the vets are not open.

01-18-2007, 11:19 PM
I went to check on him, and he was in a dark room and I turned the lights on...and the look on his face I thought he was really sick. I could have swore he was shaking...but once I got over to him and he got out if his bed he seems fine...I guess he was just saying the lights were too bright...but it scared me.

He normally sleeps downstairs on the couch or in my dads room...I'm hoping he will sleep in my room or my dads room

01-19-2007, 12:24 AM
He probably just has an upset stomach...if you notice any other symptoms...diarrhea, or not pooping at all, not eating or drinking normally, etc. then I would pursue going to the vets and such.

They get sick at night because they know how much you have to spend at the emergency vet's, and want to know how special they are to you to have you spend all that extra money. :)

01-19-2007, 12:32 AM
I would make sure he has plenty of fresh water available. If you're really concerned, you could offer him some boiled chicken and rice for his next meal, it's super mild and easy on the tummy. Pink Bismuth CAN be given to settle and upset tummy in dogs, but for that I'd call a vet and ask.

Poor guy, I hope he's feeling better soon. When Jasper got Giardia he decided to announce it......explosively.....at around 3am, so I know how that goes. -_-

01-19-2007, 08:07 AM
The licking is an involuntary reaction. The saliva starts to pour into the mouth, as the stomach acid is not good for the mouth and needs to be washed away, either out or down. Happens with humans also, your saliva starts pouring in just before you throw up.

If he's not better in 24 hours, call the vet and talk with them.

01-19-2007, 09:04 AM
I would just keep an eye on him. I think throwing up once is nothing to worry about. As long as he is still eating, drinking and pottying.

And as far as the getting sick in the middle of the night. I know all about it. That seems to be the only time Zoee has her anxiety attacks. :p

01-19-2007, 03:00 PM
He seems fine today. I think I over react a lot...

01-19-2007, 03:04 PM
The way you described Zeke's throw-up is the same that happens to Ki right after she eats and eats too fast. The white stuff is most likely mucus.

Nala usually licks her lips before throwing up.

01-19-2007, 10:20 PM
Well, just thought I'd pop back in and share that Jasper just ralphed too. He's always got to do it on the carpet. Poor Jasper, no dinner tonight. At least Zeke tried to get outside. ;)

How's he doing today?