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View Full Version : Dsh and water

01-18-2007, 07:09 PM
My cat loves to play with water, if you have the faucet on and let her she will play with the water, splashing it all over the place. The water bowl is another place of entertainment she will push the bowl around and watch the water move back and forth and splash on the floor. I tried a heaver bowl but she just layed down beside it and pushed with all four feet, then I put an outside rubber mat down and that worked for a little while but then she figgured out if she put her paw in the handle hole she could pull the dish around. So I put a brick in the bowl but then i had to fill the bowl up more often so tonight i bought some cement and turned the bowl upside down and poured it in. I hope its enough or ill have to get some more. What a brat cat she is :D

01-18-2007, 09:39 PM
I keep both food and water dishes on a boot mat. Catches anything that goes over, on purpose or not! :rolleyes:

01-18-2007, 10:24 PM
I Have Waterproof Palstic Under The Food And Water Dishes Too, And They Can Make A Mess.
Thats A Good Idea With 12 Found Cats, Some Of Whom Are Messy Eaters.

01-18-2007, 11:37 PM
Welcome to the Club. ;)

01-19-2007, 04:16 PM
:) First of All Welcome to Pet Talk & enjoy all the talks & pictures..
Second of all = Yes I have all my food & water dishes on matts too.. My girls have those days of bowls are too play with..