View Full Version : RIP Scooter

K & L
01-17-2007, 11:15 AM


RIP Dear Scooter. Sadly Scooter had to be put down this morning. Scooter was the feral we caught around a year ago that had a deformed penis, and we had surgery to try and correct this. Intermittently he would have problems with infections and would have to be medicated. This surgery also made him incontinent, which didn’t help matters. Scooter never tamed up well, but would let me near him so it wasn’t always easy to know if he was having a problem, or to medicate him if he was. Yesterday I was home sick when I noticed he kept licking himself and seemed to be leaking more than normal. This morning I managed to get him in a carrier and took him to the vet. Scooter’s condition was only getting worse, and the vet could not see a good future ahead for him. If he hadn’t been as feral as he was it might have been easier to prolong his life a little longer, but our vet recommended euthanasia. We, including our vet, did all everything possible for little Scooter. RIP little one!

01-17-2007, 11:23 AM
Aw, RIP little Scooter! He knoew love and a warm home, what a lucky boy!

01-17-2007, 11:49 AM
:( So sorry about wittle Scooter.. Now you can be with Angel Corinna & the other PT angels at RB.. RIP wittle one & you will always be in our hearts as a fighter for Love & Life..

01-17-2007, 12:10 PM
Oooh poor little Scooter, RIP.

01-17-2007, 12:23 PM
This is such sad news, Scooter will be missed. Take comfort in knowing that this sweet little feral knew love and caring because of you and is telling all the RB kitties how very lucky he was to have found you. RIP Scooter and [[[[[HUGS]]]]] for Meowmie :(

01-17-2007, 01:21 PM
Scooter you were a very, very lucky baby...to have found such wonderful people who cared for you.

RIP Sweet Scooter Boy
Play hard and make lots of friends over the RB

01-17-2007, 01:31 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Scooter. He knew lots of love and kindness while he was with you.... and there is no comparison to the life he would have had as a feral. He was such a sweetie, with those big eyes and the fluffy fur!

RIP little Scooter. Play hard at the RB. You will be missed.

01-17-2007, 01:36 PM
LES here....Scooter was a heart-babe to me, as I never got to see my Cole as a kitten, and I am sure he looked like Scooter-bug!

How old was he?

Thank you Lisa, for giving this dear boy a home and love, and a wonderful life.

RIP, baby....love you! :(

01-17-2007, 02:06 PM
I am so sorry to hear that. RIP Scooter you were loved in this life

K & L
01-17-2007, 02:22 PM
Thanks everyone! Sometimes you just feel kind of guilty wondering if you ever really helped them in the first place. I sure hope he wasn't in much pain before all this. :(

01-17-2007, 02:40 PM
RIP Scooter. So sorry this happened he sure was a handsome guy! :(

01-17-2007, 03:02 PM
:) Of course you help him & all others.. You gave Scooter a name, warm heart, loving home & open arms..
Thanks everyone! Sometimes you just feel kind of guilty wondering if you ever really helped them in the first place. I sure hope he wasn't in much pain before all this. :(

01-17-2007, 03:11 PM
RIP dear little Scooter. I hope you're happy at the RB.

Thank you for taking care of this little guy; the life you gave him was infinitely better than the one he had before.

He looked like such a little darling........... :(

01-17-2007, 03:18 PM
Lisa, I have NO DOUBT that you did everything possible for little Scooter! He was blessed to have had you to love him and help him to his resting place! RIP dear Scooter!


01-17-2007, 03:24 PM
Thanks everyone! Sometimes you just feel kind of guilty wondering if you ever really helped them in the first place. I sure hope he wasn't in much pain before all this. :(

Don't feel guilty. It's not your fault this happened. You did the best for little Scooter and he thanks you. Scooter wouldn't want you to feel guilty. He would want you to feel happy because you freed him from pain! :(
RIP scooter
Good Luck at the Rainbow Bridge, Scooter

01-17-2007, 03:28 PM
RIP Scooter. I never realized that you did not "tame-up". But I Do know that you were loved and well cared for. Your life was too short, but it was FULL. Be a healthy angel now that you are at the RB.

01-17-2007, 04:39 PM
Oh Lisa, I'm sorry. You guys tried so hard to help Scooter. At least he knew what it was liked to be loved and cared for.

Rest in Peace sweet Scooter.


K & L
01-17-2007, 04:57 PM
Don't feel guilty. It's not your fault this happened. You did the best for little Scooter and he thanks you. Scooter wouldn't want you to feel guilty. He would want you to feel happy because you freed him from pain! :(
RIP scooter
Good Luck at the Rainbow Bridge, Scooter

Thank you KittyGurl and lvpets2002. I guess I question whether when we initially opted for surgery if that really was the best decision. He wouldn't have undergone surgery, incontinence and infections. Maybe putting him down in the first place would've been best. :confused: I guess you really never know, but at least we did try.

It's funny, no matter how many cats you have, when one is gone you feel a void.

K & L
01-17-2007, 05:04 PM
RIP Scooter. I never realized that you did not "tame-up".

We were working on him but with him being incontinent he had to be secluded to the garage and cat run once healed from surgery. I couldn't continually clean-up all the pee that he was leaving behind. Because of that, our inter-actions with him got less and he didn't tame like he should have. Another reason I question myself. Hopefully he knows we tried to make his life better.

01-17-2007, 05:45 PM
Please do not beat yourself up!!! I think what you did for Scooter was above and beyond the call of duty!!! Scooter understood that you did all you could to help him. And he loved you for that. Perhaps he remained untamed so that you would not become too attached to him and when he left it would be easier for you, but now he knows differently. Scooter was so lucky that he had you to care for him and love him. Just think how different his life would have been if not for you....Sleep softly sweet Scooter... and (((((hugs))))) for you!!

01-17-2007, 06:12 PM
Hopefully he knows we tried to make his life better
Now listen, Lisa, go back in time.......If yu did NOT try the surgery, do you think you would have felt better about your decision to PTS?? NO! You know darned well that you would have thought "DARN, I didn't even give him a chance. :( " You could not have known back then that the surgery would not turn out 100%. None of us have that ability. All we can do is what is within our hearts (and means).

I am certain that you are glad to have Scooter memories. And rest assured..... HE KNOWS.

01-17-2007, 06:18 PM
Tonight the Pet Angel Army is having Scooter Night in Freeport in the Bahamas.
They are grazing at the finest restaurants and ahve a Scooter Party planned at the Five Star Hotel where they are staying.
Scooters a happy healthy Angel, and wants to thank you for loving him, and beig sad when he passed on.
There are so many Angels would never get that love.
And Scooter wont forget you, and wants you to know that he will see you again, and be your Friend again in Paradise.
One Fine Day.

01-17-2007, 06:44 PM
Lisa - I was looking for earlier threads of Scooter - when he got up in the towel rack, and lost the fear in his eyes...I couldn't find them.

When you feel up to it, if you could post them...then you will SEE he had happy and cute days, and you made a HUGE difference to the little fella! :)


01-17-2007, 06:52 PM
Rest in Peace little Scooter. Your owner gave you an amazing life and helped you so much. And now I bet you are at the Rainbow Bridge in a perfect wonderful body and playing with all the other animal angels.

01-17-2007, 07:42 PM
Even a little love in his life made all the difference in the world! You cared for him and gave him something no one else did, a warm place to sleep and the love that every single kitty deserves. Don't beat yourself up, as I know he is at the RB thanking you for the good in his life.

*hugs* and *headbumpies* from us


01-17-2007, 08:27 PM
We humans are lucky if we find love at all in this world. But a cat, especially a feral one, is one lucky feline to find love and warmth and shelter and good vet care. You did all you could, Lisa. Scooter knows now more than ever how good he had it. Sleep well.


K & L
01-17-2007, 08:32 PM
Thanks so much everyone! You all are the best!!

01-17-2007, 08:45 PM
RIP, sweet Scooter with the big eyes.. and bless you, Lisa, for taking him in and giving him the best life you could.


01-17-2007, 09:37 PM
We humans are lucky if we find love at all in this world. But a cat, especially a feral one, is one lucky feline to find love and warmth and shelter and good vet care. You did all you could, Lisa. Scooter knows now more than ever how good he had it. Sleep well.

You said that better than I could have.

Cats need love...they don't all need the same type of love...you gave Scooter what he needed. RIP little Scooter. I was very fond of your pictures.

01-17-2007, 11:25 PM
Kevin & Lisa, I'm just now seeing this and I'm so sorry to hear about Scooter's passing.:( You gave him a very loving and caring home but sometimes a feral cat can never be tamed. I remember how scared he was when I was there in August. Please don't beat yourself up. You did much more than most people would ever do. Now he's at peace and playing happily at Rainbow Bridge. RIP sweet Scooter.:(

01-17-2007, 11:42 PM
Poor baby.....
lighting candle for Scooter.......

01-18-2007, 12:28 AM
what a beautiful kitty!
May he rest in sweet peace. Godspeed sweet Scooter.

01-18-2007, 05:27 PM
I'm so sorry to read this - he was such an adorable little guy. His last year was filled with love and a good home - can't ask for anything better than that.

01-18-2007, 06:45 PM
I am so very sorry to read about Scooter. I remember following his progress and being amazed at what you were coping with on a daily basis. Comfort yourselves by knowing that he had a mostly fun-filled year with more comfort and care than many other cats who live longer lives.

K & L
01-19-2007, 06:43 AM
Thanks everyone for your kind words and thoughts. We both have been feeling pretty bad and this sure helps lift the spirits!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-19-2007, 09:54 AM
I'm so sorry, Kevin & Lisa! I haven't been on PT in the last few days and I had no idea poor little Scooter was gone. :(

Scooter knew you loved him, even if he did not know how to return that love. You did everything you could for him, and you did WAY more than most people would have done for a feral cat. He was so lucky to have crossed paths with you. He also was my inspiration to use diapers on Peanut, so his surgery and resulting incontinence was not for naught.

{{{hugs}}} to both of you.

RIP little Scooter. :(

01-19-2007, 10:02 AM
RIP Scooter. At least he had a year of being loved by you. Now he can run and play and chase the mice on the Rainbow Bridge with no pain or leaking or anything bad. Rest dear Scooter, your pain is over.

01-23-2007, 06:14 PM
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa.....your doing the "what if's......" and you know that is not like you!

Thank you for bringing me up to date on this, even though it is a sad, very sad thread. You KNOW you both did everything you possibly could for Scooter, and not to mention all the other park cats who have entered your lives and home!

Scooter was one of a kind, he WAS kind to both you & Kevin, a little skiddish to the rest of us, but as least I got to "look" at him before he darted under the bed! ;) Remember all the cute things he did, and the diapers.....he just looked SO adorable in diapers! He knew he had to have them on to be with the rest of the family, and he willingly obliged :D Not too many kitties (or humans) would have gone along with that!

He did love you as much as you loved him. He will always be a part of your huge cat family along with all the kitties in the park, too.

It is always tough to loose a family member.

Scooter had a wonderful life, even though it was short he knew he was loved by you and the other kitties. You gave him more chances than many might have.........you know you guys are the best in my book!!!


Keep up your good work, and help all the Scooters, Hazel's, Porch's and all the other kitties out there!!!


So sorry this is so late - computer problems! :rolleyes:

01-23-2007, 09:18 PM
Lisa & Kevin, I am so sorry on the loss of Scooter. If it weren't for you two, I would hate to imagine what he would have gone through, but because of you, he knew what it was like to be loved and cared for. You gave him the best year of his life. There are no if's, and's or but's about it, you did the right thing. I'm sure it wasn't pleasant for Scooter to be this way.

Bless the both of you for all the hard work, love and care that you are so willing to do for our feline friends.

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} Lisa & Kevin

Rest in Peace dear Scooter and have fun on the RB.

01-24-2007, 09:25 AM
Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear Scooter is gone. :( I know you did all you could to help him. He felt your love and the comfort of clean soft sheets - the operation... you had no way of knowing how it would turn out. Scooter is not suffering now, and he had the best year of his life with you.

Rest in Peace, dear Scooter.

Hugs to you, and thank you for all you do for the strays in the park. You are an inspiration to us all. :)

K & L
01-24-2007, 09:53 AM
Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear Scooter is gone. :( I know you did all you could to help him. He felt your love and the comfort of clean soft sheets - the operation... you had no way of knowing how it would turn out. Scooter is not suffering now, and he had the best year of his life with you.

Rest in Peace, dear Scooter.

Hugs to you, and thank you for all you do for the strays in the park. You are an inspiration to us all. :)

Thank you so much! We love the strays as if they were our own housecats!