View Full Version : Poison Ivy ..... again

01-17-2007, 11:10 AM
:( So I have poison ivy, right? I called the doctor about 2 weeks ago & they put me on Prednisone. I just finished my last pill. Well I still have poison ivy! I woke up last night scratching because I was so itchy. It's all over (inlcuding my neck & soon to be face). So I called my doctor...again. They referred me to a dermatologist (I also have an appointment with an allergist...next week). Well the dermatologist can't take me till 2/1/07!! That's 2 weeks away! I asked my doctor to make sure I'm on the cancellation list because I don't think I'll be able to make it for 2 weeks. I'm so itchy & miserable.

Please, what can I do for the next 2 weeks? Any suggestions? I've used Ivy Stat, Benadryl...everything.

01-17-2007, 05:18 PM
I'm wondering if you're actually reinfecting yourself?

I once got poision ivy from a dog at work. I didn't realize it until I'd already touched a gazzilion things in my car & house which is why I had a very hard time getting rid of it, I was reinfecting myself. I ended up having to launder or scrub down everything I'd touched, sat on, leaned on, the WORKS to get rid of the oils in the house. Once I'd cleaned everything it finally went away.

Poision ivy oils can live for years outdoors even on a dead plant, they are very persistent.

01-17-2007, 05:21 PM
Oh no, I'm sorry. I had a bad bout of poison ivy a few summers ago all over my face and arms and it's awful. I hope you can get some relief! (Sorry I don't have any suggestions)!

01-17-2007, 05:30 PM
Sounds awful! My husband gets it like you do. He had it last winter and it was oozing down his leg..... so awful! He found relief by taking long soaking baths in epsom salts. Now, he's had people tell him they are good to use and people tell him they're bad. All he knew is that they provided relief when nothing else was working. He also rubbed strong hydrocortizone cream on it several times a day. The cream was actually from the doctor, but if your doctor isn't available perhaps there's something over the counter?

01-17-2007, 06:06 PM
I had just a wee little of it on one finger. My pharmacist got me a tube of hydrocortisone cream / ointment. It is over the counter. That helped both stop the itching AND clear it up.

Try another dermatologist? Call your insurance company and demand they get you in to see someone? (If the insurance co requires that you have the referral from the doc, that is.)

01-17-2007, 06:18 PM
I'm wondering if you're actually reinfecting yourself?

I once got poision ivy from a dog at work. I didn't realize it until I'd already touched a gazzilion things in my car & house which is why I had a very hard time getting rid of it, I was reinfecting myself. I ended up having to launder or scrub down everything I'd touched, sat on, leaned on, the WORKS to get rid of the oils in the house. Once I'd cleaned everything it finally went away.

Poision ivy oils can live for years outdoors even on a dead plant, they are very persistent.

I believe this is very true. Although I've never had poison ivy, I do feel
sorry that you are going though this. Must be awful. :(

01-17-2007, 06:21 PM
I have no clue as to how poison ivy feels...........but for rashes and bruises and recently a considerable burn i had I used baby bottoms cream......and it worked wonders.........I think because of the zinc thing in it.........

i found this article in this site I visit frecuently

poison ivy (http://www.medicinenet.com/poison_ivy/page2.htm)

01-17-2007, 06:27 PM
Hi, it's been a long time since I've posted anything on here, so I thought I'd start with this. I am an apothecary, so I tend to treat thing with herbs and such. Here are some suggestions that might help...

Get some oatmeal and a coffee grinder, and grind the oatmeal into a flour. You want about a pound of oatmeal flour. If you have a Wild Oats (health food store) about a pound of oatmeal flour and some fresh ginger root. Cut the ginger root up into small pieces and puree' them in a food processor or blender. add this paste to the oatmeal flour with water and mix it with your fingers until it is a sticky paste. Apply this paste to the poison ivy. It might burn a bit, but let it dry. Wash it off with mild soap and water. Repeat as necessary. This should dry it out, take the itch away and help the skin to begin to heal. No guarantees, but I have used this on my kids for years with good results. Hope this helps.


critter crazy
01-17-2007, 07:17 PM
We have Poison Ivy growing in our Yard, so we have to pepare ourselves every year for someone to get it! no matter how hard we try to avoid it, someone always gets it, usually hubby. We have found that Fels Naptha Soap is fabulous! fels Naptha soap is a heavy duty Laundry soap, that comes in Bar form. It does great at drying out the poison Ivy. We use this a reventive measure as well, if we even think that we have touched poison Ivy, we wash with this soap, itis always on the top shelf in the shower. you can find it at a grocerystore, in the laundry section. It works great! we have two kids, and they use it all the time!
here is a pic of what it looks like.


Good Luck!!