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View Full Version : Lost Dogs Found More Often Than Cats

01-16-2007, 03:04 PM
While searching for current events for the girls at work to do for homework I came across this article and thought I would share it with you


critter crazy
01-16-2007, 03:37 PM
Great info! thanks for sharing!:)

01-16-2007, 05:28 PM
I have the feeling that because Dogs are more obedient that Cats and more openly affectionate, that they are treasured more than the more "aloof "Cats.
Thats a shame as Cats are loving, if shown love.
Many people assume that Cats will not respond to love.

They are very loving.


01-16-2007, 07:58 PM
First of all - catmandu, I have to say I totally envy your 'cat pile up' there! Wish mine would pile up like that!!! Wonderful pix!

Second - I don't know about all areas, however in our area I think that cats are found less often for a few reasons...

1) Stray cats are not regularly scanned in our area except in rare instances, since most people around here do not microchip their cats.

2) Because cats are not regularly scanned, very few people microchip their cats, thus purpetuating the not scanning them. Vicious circle.

3) Cats are usually fitted with break away collars which are designed to pop off, along with any ID tags, in case they get caught on something.

4) Many cats, and dogs for that matter, are frequently fitted with only a flea collar or regular collar signifying that 'someone' owned it, however without any ID to help bring them home again.

5) Cats frequently roam farther than dogs do, thus making the search area, or posting of 'lost' posters a larger project than most people realize.

I agree with the article in that people should post pix of their animal in every concievable place in a large area.

I once found a new cat hanging around my house, but when I called 'kitty kitty' it would always run away. One day while riding my bike on a side street I came across a 'lost' poster nailed to a telephone pole, it had a pix of the same cat that was hanging around my house. Turns out they only lived a few blocks away from me and that they had another cat in the house named Kitty, which this cat didn't get along with. Once I knew the cat's true name, it came to me, I caught it, then called them so they could have their cat back, it had been missing for over 2 weeks!

If it were not for the picture, I wouldn't have paid much attention to the poster at all since many cats descriptions are similar.