View Full Version : A question re: fishies

06-21-2002, 07:55 PM
About 4 years ago I bought a breeding pair of neolamprologus brichardi. Since then, they've had numerous offspring---and of course the offspring had offspring and.... you get the idea! I need to rehome them for several reasons: 1) I'm getting too many of them and 2) I'm thinking of converting to saltwater.

My orignal two were just given to me b/c the guy didn't think they'd even survive the car trip home (they were TEENIE TINY). Does anyone have an idea regarding what I should ask for them (pricewise)? I have all sizes/ages--from eggs (laid yesterday!!) to full grown (approx. 4 inches)!

I checked a couple of petstores--they're asking aprox. $14.00 for the larger ones? Can this be right, it seems rather expensive?!
