View Full Version : Test of pic

06-21-2002, 06:55 PM
Hey I am going to try to post this pic of my kitties! I finally got it fiqured out WITH some help :o This was taken at Christmas, and i am the blond, and that's hobbes i am holding. My mom is the other lady, and she is holding Fergie, and of course the dalmatian is Emily. Enjoy!

06-21-2002, 06:58 PM
DANG IT!!!! I am going to try again.. SORRY!! Still trying to get this working...

06-22-2002, 12:12 AM
I'm going to do a test too. I want to see f my picture works

06-22-2002, 01:13 AM
maybe this will work

06-22-2002, 01:16 AM
if this doesn't work I'm giving up

06-23-2002, 04:41 PM
Can you post as an attachment? That's what I had to do..............

06-23-2002, 07:36 PM
yorkster thats what i tried first.... still trying to fiqure it out myself.. Thanks for the suggestion tho!


06-23-2002, 07:50 PM
Hey I am going to try to post this pic AGAIN of my kitty! I finally got it fiqured out WITH some help This was taken at Christmas, and i am the blond, and that's Hobbes i am holding. My mom is the other lady, and she is holding Fergie, and of course the dalmatian is Emily. We have 3 other cats, but not enough hands to include them in this pic... :rolleyes: Enjoy!

[img][C:\My Documents\My Pictures\xmas2001.jpg/img]

06-23-2002, 07:51 PM
Hey I am going to try to post this pic AGAIN of my kitty! I finally got it fiqured out WITH some help This was taken at Christmas, and i am the blond, and that's Hobbes i am holding. My mom is the other lady, and she is holding Fergie, and of course the dalmatian is Emily. We have 3 other cats, but not enough hands to include them in this pic... :rolleyes: Enjoy!

[img]C:\My Documents\My Pictures\xmas2001.jpg/[img]

06-23-2002, 07:53 PM
HELP!!!!! AHHHHHHH I cant fiqure it out!!!!!!!!!! what am i doing wrong?? Any help will be welcomed! Thank you~~

14 1/2!

06-23-2002, 11:18 PM
You are apparently trying to link to a picture on your hard drive - which, of course, we can't access! It needs to be on the Internet somewhere.

Phred did a "tutorial" see: here (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7406)

06-24-2002, 12:14 AM
Thanks for the thread Karen. I tried to post some thumnail pictures in my signature but it wouldn't work so I had to use the bigger pics. I think I know what I did wrong. Thanks again.:)