View Full Version : inbreeding, pet stores, puppy mills, and Boggles

01-15-2007, 03:43 PM
Are all purebred puppies inbred? And at pet stores, say Petland..do most of them come from puppy mills? because today we had extra time and went into petland and my sister and I fell in love with this ADORABLE little Westie....my momwouldnt let us get him[we already dubbed the little 2 pound boy monster] because she said he as most likely inbred and froma a puppy mill..also I fell in love with a cute Boggle puppy..is that a beagle boxer mix?

So... if you have an answer, I would love to hear it!

01-15-2007, 03:57 PM
No not all purebred puppies are inbred if they come from a responsible and ethical breeder. If you are wondering if "purebred" pet store puppies are then most likley yes. They are bred in puppy mills as no ethical and responsible breeder would allow their dogs to be sold in pet stores. They come from puppy brokers who drive around the country buying puppies cheaply from puppy mills and then drive around and sell them to pet stores.

What you aren't seeing is the approximate 1/3 to 1/2 of the puppies taken on those trips who die along the way or in the back room of the pet store. If you really want to rescue a dog from a bad situation, get one from a shelter. DON'T buy a pet store puppy. People will argue that they need homes too, but if you buy them you are just opening up the spot for another puppy from abused and caged animals being bred to death in their own excrement and that of other dogs, most with rotten teeth and many with severe injuries; then put down when they can no longer breed, if they are lucky. Some are just left to die. I couldn't, in good concience, buy a puppy that way, knowing it would just make the problem worse for those left in their cages pumping out puppies to death.

I'm glad your mom said what she did and she's right.

01-15-2007, 04:09 PM
Vela is correct. If you want to know, call the pet store, or go back to it, and ask if you could see the pup's parents. If they say "Our pups come from a broker" - you know that they are puppymill dogs, irresponsibly bred, with little to no regard for genetics, screening, disease, or anything else.

A "biggle" is a made-up name for a mutt - maybe it's beagle/pug, maybe not, and you'd never know for sure.

01-15-2007, 04:11 PM
Yea, my first choice would have been the shelter, too. But you now, puppies are SO cute! Even if it was owned by someone else, I would still want to take them home! I, and my sister, knew we weren't taking the puppy home. But the westie was so adorable, we just had to try. If my mom had said yes, I know my dad would have said no. if he said yes, well, then there would be something really wrong with that. When we got my dog, Sadie, my grandmas friends daughters dog had gotten loose and got pregnant. She had 9 puppies, and we took one. But thats not like buying one from a breeder. It was an accidental pregnancy, lol. And my dog is definitaly not purebred. She's a border collie x beagle x black lab. I know that seems impossible, but her mom was a border collie beagle mix and they think her dad was black lab. =]

Right now I'm trying to get my mom to go to the humane society. Our house is at an all time low, 2 cats, a dog, and 2 guinea pigs! It's too empty! So, I'm just wearing her down until she agrees to "just look." I know we'll come home with a cat then =]

01-15-2007, 06:50 PM
Good post, Vela. I agree.

01-15-2007, 07:13 PM
A boggle is a boston terrier beagle if im correct, they are cute but I wouldnt never get one, ive seen them in pets stores before and asked what breeds they were. my friend got a puppy from some lady and she paid 100 dollars for them to deliver her pup to her. and when he arrived there was a truck full of pups in cages, the men gave her puppy its shots and microchipped it and they told us they were going to stop at pet stores to sell the pups, but we then asked the lady online if we could see the pups parents and she sent us a pic of the parents. they didnt look unhealthy or from a puppy mill unless she lied, I went with her to pick up the puppy and It was crazy it was like a pet store in a trailer, they even had kittens. and the pup came with 50 pounds of dog food, a toy and cage. the pup did have kennel cough though, I wonder if they lied when they sent the pics of the parents and really came from puppy mills or if they lady just bred them and gave them to her dad to sell? thats strange, and kinda upsets me!

01-15-2007, 07:16 PM
Have to agree with Vela's post. She's right on.Our pet shops used to sell puppies too at one time and I know so many people who ended up with a dieased animal or one that later died of something. I'm just happy that in our area the sales of puppies in pet stores has been banned.
Don't bug your mom too much, she might get rid of the few animals you have left...lol...But if she would be willing to go with you and check out the dogs at the shelters, she would probably find one that she couldn't resist. Purebred dogs are fine, but if you only want a pet to love, the shelter would be the first place I would look, they have some mighty lonely dogs and pups in there. ;)

01-15-2007, 07:56 PM
Angelbow, the lady most likely lied. It happens all the time, the puppy mills even fabricate fake papers for many of their dogs, or incorrectly register them with the AKC (if they are selling as purbreds) lying about the parents. Happens all the time. If your friend got her puppy off a truck full of puppies and they told her they were going to sell them at pet stores, she got a puppy mill puppy. NOBODY in their right mind and who really loves dogs, would ship a puppy that way. She is honestly lucky it didn't die and yes it most likely contract kennel cough from some of the other sick puppies, many of those in that truck died, I can almost guarantee it.

01-15-2007, 08:19 PM
Yes I totally agree with Vela. Please go to a shelter and look for a dog or puppy. You will be saving a life and enriching yours as never before. Good luck and let us know who you pick.

01-16-2007, 07:48 AM
I agree with Vela- especially that you do not see that most of these pups at pet stores do not even make it to the store. Last year- a trailer of pups were all dead by the time they got to the store from the trailer being too hot. ( I will see if I can find the link) .
As far as "pure bred"- there is a difference from in-bred, to line- breeding and my opinion is that unless its for a working dog, only dogs that are good representatives of the breed should be considered for breeding- and even then that is a streach. In-bred means like litter mate to litter mate ( brother to sister), and line breeding is within the line meaning a great grandmother, aunt etc. This is done to bring out a good trait- to make the trait dominant ( like a better coat) but still of course- its still a risk you could get the opposite side of the gene just as easily. Even with the best planning, you can still breed two champions together and get " pet quality" pups. Breeding is flat out nerve wrecking- and alot of prayers.. lol. Hoping for months- and watching like a hawk for months as the pups grow. Its put every grey hair on my head, weaked joints in my knees from sitting at the whelping boxes for months etc.
IMO- unless you plan to show- get a pup from a shelter. Someone has already " washed their hands" of the dog, unlike a petstore that is for oppotunistic bas*ards that are trying to make money off the profit of another animal- with no regards to where the pups go ( tell me what pet store does any checking at all in who buys the pups????), or how the dog will be treated etc. The humane societies here do not let a dog go home with someone that day- and do house checks. It doesnt cover everything but at least there is an attempt to make sure the pup/ dog/ kitten or cat has a forever home..

01-17-2007, 05:22 PM
I probably won't go to the shelter for a dog.....