View Full Version : My Puddy is home!

01-15-2007, 03:40 PM
She's staggering a bit due to the pain meds, so I'm keeping a close watch on her. But she bolted out of the carrier like she was shot out of a cannon! She's been walking all over the house as though she's taking inventory and a head count, making sure everything and everyone is still here. She wanted me to pet her the entire drive home, so I put my fingers through the carrier and gave her ear scritchies. If I stopped for even a second, she cried. Dr. Lee said "She's a sick kitty but you'd never know it." When I first arrived at the clinic, I said "Hi Pud, you mad at me?" and she hissed and everyone in the clinic burst into laughter! Right now she's wagging her tail like a puppy. I can tell she feels good and her energy is remarkable. She actually scampered through the house! She goes back in 10 days to have her sutures removed and to check her levels again but Dr. Lee said that he doesn't foresee any problems. She does have to go back on subQ fluids every other day for a while til we see how she does because, after all, she's operating w/only one kidney now. He said that if she does well, she may not need the subQ treatments any more. Wouldn't that be great!

Well, it's another cold rainy evening but it's a warm and fuzzy one for me, that's for sure. I've got my bunkmate and she's feeling better and all the fur posse are happy to see her. Life is good again.

Thanx again for all your prayers and support.


01-15-2007, 04:22 PM
Glad to read the update that Puddy is doing so well and is home :)

01-15-2007, 04:27 PM
Yep, she used the litter box when she got home, insisted on walking down the stairs by herself, then she hopped up on the ottoman (which has a throw w/a heating pad underneath it), Creamsicle joined her and groomed Puddy to sleep. My heart is just bursting w/joy!


01-15-2007, 04:41 PM
:) ;) **** WooHoo Horrah Our Wittle One Puddy Is Home & Doing Good = CONGRATS *****sO thrilled all is going well.. Now Puddy you do what Meowmomie says & get better ok.. Updates please

01-15-2007, 07:00 PM
AWWWW! I just melted when I read that Creamsicle groomed Puddy to sleep! :)

I am so glad she is doing so well - feisty little girl!

Will she need any future checkups on this, or they did get everything, like they said?

HUGS to Meowmie and Puddy and all the furbabies!

01-15-2007, 07:05 PM
Dr. Lee said the biopsies should be back by Wed. Hopefully, everything will be negative. She'll have the sutures removed in 10 days and they'll check her levels again. She needs to stay on the subQ fluids, every other day again until we see how she does w/just one kidney. If her remaining kidney is clear, she may be able to go off the subQ fluids totally. I'm not even concerned about that so much. I just want her to be cancer free. It's like she's a new cat. I just can't believe her energy level. And Creamsicle has calmed down totally. She was so frantic w/out Puddy; she followed me all over the house. But now she's content that her buddy is home.


01-15-2007, 07:06 PM
Im so happy to hear she is home now and doing well. She sure is a tuff kitty! But im sure its a big part of how she gets through it all. Im sure she is happy to be home as well.

01-15-2007, 07:29 PM
Oh Mary, I'm thrilled to hear this good news. :) :) Isn't it wonderful when our furbabies come home to our loving arms? Awwwww, it must have been so heartwarming to see little Creamsicle grooming her.

Yes, Pet Talk prayers do help and this is no exception. Make sure you plant plenty of kisses on that forehead from all of us.


01-15-2007, 07:30 PM
Woo Hoo!!! Puddy is HOME!!! Now mommy and Creamsicle can relax and enjoy her company once again. Whew! :D

01-15-2007, 09:55 PM
This is wonderful news and I'm so glad that she's now home and doing so well.:)

01-15-2007, 10:32 PM
Yea! Puddy is home! and better! We will continue to send well wishes to your fur-family from ours. :D

01-16-2007, 07:20 AM
Puddy insisted on sleeping w/me and I was nervous about it cuz my bed is so high but I finally relented. But during the night I think she fell out of bed. She hits the floor hard when she jumps down anyhow cuz her left hind leg doesn't touch the floor but this was a real "thump". I got out of bed and turned on the light and there she was all curled up on my socks purring away. So I checked her over and let her stay down there thinking that she'd probably go back into her room and sleep on the heating pad. No. She paced and paced and paced, little paws tapping on the hardwood floor. I said "What's wrong, Puddy?" and she meowed and I could tell she wanted back up in bed w/me. So I relented again. She likes it when I lie on my side and she curls up on my hip, so we did that for a while. This morning when I woke up, she was in her room curled up on the heating pad. I have to give her some meds shortly but when I checked on her, she seemed to be doing fine. What a gal.


01-16-2007, 07:48 AM
What happy happy news. It must have been so good feeling little Puddy close to you. What a trooper. :D :D :D