View Full Version : Visa's surgery (pictures), and a change of stud..

01-15-2007, 03:09 PM
For those who don't know, Visa had a badly broken molar that had to be removed. I watched the whole surgery, it was very interesting. We jut got home and she's still very shakey from the anesthetic,but should be fine.

The pics were taken at the clinic with my phone, so they aren't great..

Going under..
Took her half an hour to be able to stick her tongue back in her mouth lol.
Had a bit too much to drink..

And -- we decided instead of breeding to Orsam, the male in France, we are going to breed to his son, Bebop. :) This will still give us the temperament we are looking for, but a nicer conformation, notably the head --Visa needs a dog to improve upon her head, and Bebop will do that but still give me Orsam's temperament. There are some lines on his mother's side I'm really not a fan of, but also some lines I do like, so I'll get over it lol.


01-16-2007, 07:05 AM
Owchie! How'd she break her tooth?

Glad she did well in surgery. She looks so silly and cute with her tongue hanging out. :)

01-16-2007, 07:09 AM
Poor baby! As I think I told you, I had a shepherd that had to have a canine tooth removed because she went over a 6 foot high fence and landed on her face- cracking the root.
Going to the son is a good idea- then you get the genetics of the father AND the mother..

01-16-2007, 06:47 PM
oh poor Visa.. Tikeya need to go in for her teeth as well (just a cleaning, and possible some work done on her one canine) how much did the surgery cost??

01-16-2007, 06:52 PM
I cant see the pics :( glad she is fine though! And I agree with Bmom, using the son you get both the Sire you picked and the Dams traits!

Best of both worlds! :)

01-16-2007, 06:59 PM
Sorry for laughing at the poor dear but she looks too cute and funny with her toungue handing out. It's dangliing there and she's got this expression on. Sorry, girl I can't help it, you're too cute!

Poor dear... :(

01-16-2007, 07:01 PM
Poor Visa! But that tongue is just so silly!

Have we seen pictures of Bebop?

01-16-2007, 07:14 PM
Does the son have any litters on the ground yet?

01-16-2007, 08:06 PM
How'd she break her tooth?

Not too sure -- probably a bone -- she managed to break her entire molar in half, all the way to the root. I actually have the tooth so I will have to get a picture of it.

how much did the surgery cost??
It cost me about $250, for the sedation, the anesthetic, the removal, and the arnica. There was a part of the tooth that wasn't completely broken all the way through so they had to take lthis little buzz saw thing and cut it. Smelled so bad. The tooth took a long time to come out, it was kind of gross how much they have to yank and dig and... :eek:

Does the son have any litters on the ground yet?

Pics of Bebop attached. :) Getting new ones soon that will show off his conformation a bit better. He reminds me of Candy -- sure do miss that little Belgian.

01-16-2007, 08:10 PM
The last one is hiliarious! Poor Visa. She must have been very confused, but I'm glad she is better now. When do you plan to breed them? Bedop is gorgeous!!

01-17-2007, 12:11 AM
Poor Sweetie.I hope pain killers and lots of loving are making her feel better.
Cody broke a front canine tooth when he was around 3 and I think I was more upset than he was..I was the one who needed to be knocked out from the stress..I felt like taking HIS pain killers.
Those floppy tongues are so pathetic, yet so cute and funny. Feel better Visa!!!

01-17-2007, 12:41 AM
Hey, be glad it wasn't a broken canine. Those are *killer* to remove. Tons of digging and twisting there! Bebop looks very handsome!

01-17-2007, 12:51 AM
Poor Vi, she doesn't look too happy in the pictures (for good reason). I hope she's doing better now though! Thanks for the pictures too, even if she isn't looking as elegant and awake as usual. Her tongue hanging out like that is adorable..lol. We don't see nearly enough of your beautiful girl.

Bebop looks like a nice dog. Hopefully they'll produce what you're hoping for. :)

01-17-2007, 01:07 AM
Awww poor girl, but Visa still looks beautiful even though she is woozy.

Bebop is gorgeus too! We need some Solo pictures

01-18-2007, 11:01 PM
Thanks everyone! :) I haven't been taking many pictures lately, I'll take some tomorrow after Solo has a bath.

When do you plan to breed them? Bedop is gorgeous!!
Fall of 2009. :) I can't wait, I'm keeping pick female. Half of the pups will carry terv -- grey terv too! Ashley is considering keeping a pup out of this litter as well. :D