View Full Version : Involved in a Hit and Run.....(such a wreck)

01-15-2007, 12:16 PM
Last night we were involved in a hit and run.........I wonīt say accident because the /&%$/())/%$$# took off!!!!........... :mad:

we were standing waiting for the green so when it did we advanced and then to my left I barely saw something with the corner of my eye, he passed on red, so I speeded but unfortunately it still got us from the back part..........and it made us spin.........when it was "over" and I saw hubby and kid were fine.....I felt sort of a relief but then I saw the ##$%%%# took off!! so I tried to chase him to al least get his license plate number but my rear axis was such a mess, the rear tire was completely sideways.........nothing else I could do there........ :(

Iīm so pissed (sorry about the lang.) but we were just talking about selling the car so we could pay quicklier for the other one and maybe save for a bigger house, and now this.......Iīm so...........so...........you know......... :mad: :(

and the worst part is that he didnīt even had a license plate, so who can we blame??.......he had the guts to pass on red but none to see if we were ok? what an $$%%$$$%%%.............

good part is everyone is ok, no bruises, no strains, no nothing just the impotence of not being able to do nothing about it, and to top it all we were just a few blocks from home.........and it was freezing and now my kid is coughing........if its not something itīs something else........... :(

now Iīll be carless for who know how long, but as soon as itīs fixed, heīs gone to be sold, that car is so unlucky.........heīs the one that got crashed in LA about 1.6 yrs ago......then the garage door slammed the door.........heīs got 2 flat tires............and now this.........no way we are keeping him..........

Iīm sucha mess right now I know it was not my fault at all, but I feel so guilty, maybe because _I was the one who was driving, but still.......I hate this feeling...........

sorry but I needed to vent/rant........

P.S. some bubblewrap wouldīve been handy, well a lot of it..........(trying to stay positive here)

01-15-2007, 12:23 PM
I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE OKAY.. Maybe the cops can find the person by checking with local repair shops of incoming damage..

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-15-2007, 01:02 PM
OH NO!!! Im so sorry about this!

Do you have insurance.. that will fix it? I can't stand crummy people like that .. taking short cuts through life while other people have to pay for them!!! :mad:

01-15-2007, 01:04 PM
I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE OKAY.. Maybe the cops can find the person by checking with local repair shops of incoming damage..

thank you

here the odds are zip to none in finding who it was.........but Iīm very sure that I can identify the car if I saw it again, even with no plates.......I have this hunch..........

the cops said they were gonna be on the lookout, but I can almost 100% assure that theyīve forgotten by now......

ETA: yes we have insurance Thank God!!......but still ahy do we have to pay?.....and also we have the car yearly ownership fee which goes to 480 dlls to add up........isnīt it great :rolleyes:

01-15-2007, 01:11 PM
:eek: That's awful!!! I'm glad to hear you are all ok, Isabel! If only we could make everyone behave the way they should, huh? Well, it could have been much worse, at least it's only the car that was damaged. I think with a track record like that, I'd get rid of it, too!! I hope everything works out.

01-15-2007, 01:34 PM
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear what happened- all because of a jerk. I am glad that you and your family are all safe though!

01-15-2007, 01:40 PM
It was awful.......Iīve never been in a car accident, except by the time a car hit me fromthe side but has a small fenderbender.........nothing like this time......

I could see everything sooooo slow motion.......I thought it was just a saying, but it does happen.......everything goes so Matrix slow.......luckily there was a big space were we spinned and no cars in proximity.......

as said fortunately it was no great thing, just the car, which can be fixed, I wouldīve died if anything happened to my hubby or kid.......

01-15-2007, 05:22 PM
goodness, SO GLAD the family and you're okay! that is nothing new.. :mad:

slow motion is because you were into shock state.. poor you. hey, I'll spare you my ROLLS of bubblewraps.. I don't need them for now - I'm stuck home!! ;)

((((many huggs)))) whew! hope your hubby and son is doing okay now and for the car situation too.

01-15-2007, 05:44 PM
Thank God you and your family are ok, you all will probably be stiff tomorrow just from being spun around like that. Take ibprofin or something like that to help with the achs and pains.

I hope you get lucky and find the person that did this.

01-15-2007, 05:51 PM
thank you Gina, I seriously thought about YOUR bubblewrap.....LOL

and whomeee: no one is stiff thank God, I thought it too, but thankfully nothing.....thanks for the suggestion, I would`ve done the same :)

01-15-2007, 06:06 PM
Wow, as a new driver still gaining experience on the road I can't imagine how I'd react to such a situation. Thank God you and your family are okay, but I can understand how angry and frustrated you must be. Some people are just.. *sigh*

Daisy and Delilah
01-15-2007, 08:03 PM
That is really lousy of that person to take off!!! I can imagine how shaken up you are. That's terrible. It's going to take a while to calm down after that isn't it? Thank God you're all okay. I hope they catch the jerk :mad:

01-15-2007, 08:09 PM
I'm so glad none of you were hurt! Why do things happen like that? A long time ago, I had two car payments left and some idiot that was running from one of my sargeants ran a light and hit me. It might not have mattered if you had gotten the tag because they could have been criminals in a stolen car or had the wrong tag on the car. However, lots of intersections have cameras now. Did you check to see if that one did? If so, the suspect vehicle will be recorded. I really am sorry about the damage. It's just not fair that criminals get away with everything and leave the decent people behind to clean up the mess.

01-15-2007, 11:01 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this:( but I'm glad that everyone is okay. Hopefully this jerk will be caught before he does it again to someone else.

01-15-2007, 11:34 PM
Yikes, isabel! I got so scared when I saw your thread..

I'm so relieved everyone is all right. I was in a terrible accident 1 day after I made my last car payment (I have such good luck), and they had to pry me out of the car, it was so squashed like an accordion. I came out with only a small bump on the head and it made me realize how lucky I was and that cars are just metal and glass and their value is a lot less than mine. I know not having a car and the insurance goingup is a pain in the butt, but Thank God, you're OK!!!! I Personally think the jerk that hit you will get his one day.

01-15-2007, 11:59 PM
I Personally think the jerk that hit you will get his one day.

just mi thought, let God make him pay...........

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-16-2007, 06:25 AM
OMG, good thing you are all okay!!
3 years ago a car damaged my right side (of the car) on a parking lot; he drove away too! Oh my, I was so ##$%$** !!!!!!!!!!

01-16-2007, 07:09 AM
I'm glad to hear you and your family are okay. It is a shame the jerk got away and left you and your family there to pick up the pieces though. Like already said, he will get his one of these days.

A lot more damage could have been done in an accident like that! You and your family was so lucky to walk away from that accident!


01-16-2007, 07:21 AM
Karma will get the other driver.

I'm glad you and your family are okay!

01-16-2007, 12:38 PM
thank you......I feel so good to be worried about........thank you

Thank God not even a bump .........

and yes heīll get his.......at least I can sleep at night.......(mayeb he can too, but he īll never know when his time will come)

and I too realized how lucky we were to get out of it with no damage but the car....now I know why a bunch of people stopped by and asked if we were ok.....bless them for caring

01-16-2007, 04:18 PM
I'm so glad you and your family came out of it unhurt, Isabel, although the @$$ took off. Some people really have no sense to them. :( :mad: You are so lucky, though. Thank gosh you saw him coming.

As Kimmy said, Karma will get that idiot!