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01-14-2007, 07:57 PM
I thought it would be fun to start another thread like this since there's lots of new people here. With the short time I've had Dasher, he's gotten three. The first one, he got the first week I had him. That one is Sir Poops A Lot. It's self explanatory :D And his doggie gas could clear a room :p

The next one I just gave him a couple of weeks ago and that is Mr. Grunt Grunt. He's so cute. He grunts when he's laying down. I guess sort of like an old man grunting when he's getting in his easy chair? I don't know because he didn't always do this. Does anyone else have any ideas? Maybe it's because he's getting settled in and he's content?

The last one is cuddlebug. He loves to be near me when we're sleeping. And most of the time, he rests his head on my stomach. He's such a lover. Either that or he's sleeping on his back with his legs all over the place. Silly boy.

So, what are your dog's nicknames and what's the story behind them?

01-14-2007, 08:06 PM
Rusty the Amazing Felon, he came to us as just Rusty, but he steals EVERYTHING! phones, remotes kittens, guinea pigs and piglets, pillows. He does it anytime I am on the phone or heaven forbid in the tub. He won't steal food or foodstuffs, but he did carry an unopened bag of M&Ms with peanuts around for an hour until I came out of the tub once. So we call him Felonious, or Jailbird wannabe....

Sequoia got her nick name of Madame Prissy Prissy Poo feet, within a week of joining us in December, she hates geting her feet wet (ok she hates water in any form touching her especially rain) so when we were re house breaking her she tried to put her feet up on Jas and still go Potty so she wouldn't touch the puddles in the yard :rolleyes: she now stands on the walk way hangs her butt over the grassy part and well you get the idea......no wet grass feet for HER :eek:

Goofy was named Goofy but we call her turkey butt, I have no idea how it came about just stuck.... awful thing is she answers to it :rolleyes:

01-14-2007, 08:08 PM
Lately I've been calling Nebo Boog and sometimes Boogie Boo. Why? I have no idea, it probably started out as a variation of his common nickname Bebo. I really don't know how I come up with most nicknames for the dogs...

I call Keva Lil' girl often, although after she chewed through my playstation2 controller cord today that turned into Lil' sh*t. ;)

Sydney is usually called Syd or Cinny.

01-14-2007, 08:09 PM
Oh my. Zoee has tons of nicknames. The generic ones - Zo dog, Baby Girl, Poopy Loopy and anything else that comes to mind at the time.
But the only one that has any kind of story behind it would have to be Badonkadog. It is, of course, after the Trace Adkins song - Badonkadonk.
I sing it to her but change the end to dog instead of donk. :D

01-14-2007, 08:17 PM
Frisk: Frisk is most referred to as "Bubs". =] We've called him that for years, and we probably call him by that name more than we do his actual name! Unsure of how it came about.. I'm sure it has something to do with him being overweight, and "Bubs" being a fitting name. :D

Ethan: Billy. Billy the Bulimic! Poor Ethan has a sensitive stomach, and the slightest change in his diet will irritate his stomach, and whatever he had recently ate will "come back up". >__> Eventhough he hasn't had this problem in a long long time, we still call him Billy. He also gets called Reegan rather often, as thats his middle name.

Skylar: Skye is the most used one, obviously just a shortening of his actual name, but he also gets called Lloyd. Lloyd is also his middle name, but it came from a family friend that "isn't all there". He's a really great guy, and super funny. Just like Skylar. =]

critter crazy
01-14-2007, 08:32 PM
Duke- is usually refered to as Dukers, or doofus

Rocky-Bucket head, cause his head is as big as a bucket!

01-14-2007, 08:43 PM
Lacey usually gets called Lulu or Lulu Belle. Lulu is actually her middle name. ;) She got the name Lulu because well, she was a real 'lulu' when she was a puppy. :rolleyes:
Layla gets called all kinds of names. Little one, potato head,butthead (affectionately of course :p ) goofy, Layla pony, monkey. Oh and hubby calls her Wolfie.
RB Mandys nickname was Moo or my little Moo. I just started calling her a moo cow one day and it stuck. :D

01-14-2007, 08:44 PM
Buster - Busta, Butters, my huckleberry hound (if anyone remembers that cartoon and because he's a hound), pup .. the others because they are cute. :) and baby boy

Jenny - Jenners, Jen, Jen-Jen.. just short for Jenny and baby girl

Rocky - Ricky (my brother always calls him that), Rocky Balboa.. it's just a nickname we chose for him, baby boy.

Ginger - Ginger Ale, Ging-e, baby girl


01-14-2007, 10:35 PM
Star - Pretty girl, Staruvian, Roo roo girl, and Star-roo, because of the cute little woos & roos she makes.

Sherman - Shermie, Shermansky, Sweetie-boy, Handsome, Butter Boy & Pumpkin (both because of his color).

01-14-2007, 10:38 PM

Casey ---casey mae....

01-14-2007, 10:51 PM
Tango: Miss Mango, Mango, Orangutango, Mangohead, MangoMutt, Tang, Tangaroo, baby girl. My mom also calls her kitten too...she got that when she was a pup because she had the longest whiskers we'd ever seen on a dog - very cat like.

The others don't really have a lot of nicknames. Winston is most commonly called big guy, Tia is Tia Maria, Morgan is sometimes Morgsey, and Piper doesn't really have one that has stuck. They do have a couple others each, but are very rarely called by them.

01-14-2007, 10:57 PM
Gracie- Gracie Lou, Gracie Bee, Pretty Lady, Babygirl, Puppy.

Beanie- Beanwah, Beanieman, Dog, Little Red Dog.

Charlie- Charles, Chuck D, Coondog, Coonhound, Ears.

01-15-2007, 12:12 AM
hahahah Brock has about 5000 nicknames...

the most common is Goon-Doon, and the most recent is Doon Buggy.

it all stated with Goon
then progressed to Goon Goon, My Goon, or The Goon
then it became Goon Doon, then just Doon, My Doon, the Doon, Doon Doon, now Gooner Dooner, Doon Bug, Brockly Doon, Brockly Goon Doon, etc etc.

Hes had many other names in the past.. Poop (evolved from pup), The Poop, Poop Face, Pooper, etc. And of course there always Brockly. Also, Brock-star. And many others..

Alki doesnt really have any nicknames! Usually its just pooper/poop face/poop butt, or most commonly, "you". Sometimes shes "little wiggler" or "snorter".

And collectively they are "THE BEASTS", because thats exactly what they are. CRAZY. BEASTS. lol

01-15-2007, 11:18 AM
Fenway - Bambino (his middle name - from Babe Ruth who was traded to the dreaded Yankees and cursed the Red Sox until a few years ago).

Dirt Dog - Because he loves to dig in the dirt and get all dirty and he loves to "go to ground" looking for vermin (also Dirt Dog is a nickname for the Red Sox which I didn't know until AFTER I started calling him that).

Pooh Bear - because he's a cuddly wittle bear.

MR. Fenway - his "formal name"

Love Bug - beause he's a wittle love bug when he gives kisses and cuddles.


01-15-2007, 11:28 AM
My brother calls Rosie - "Rizz".. she responds to that too as well. ;)

husky 1
01-15-2007, 11:31 AM
SUKA --sukalouise
MISHKA-- mishka-moo or squish
ICE-- icey or iceberg lettuce
KAVIK-- at the moment haven't got a nickname for him!!!

01-15-2007, 11:34 AM
Belle's nicknames are: Baby, Belley, Belley Welley, Pookie, Bellezewellz ... aaand I think that's all.

My mom and I are the only ones that call her baby, and my dad will call her baby girl if she is scared of something and runs to him for protection. I think we call her that simply because she is our baby. And Belley, Belley Welley, and Bellezewellz are just goofy nicknames that I call her sometimes. I think the only one used by someone other then me is Belley, and that is my mom who uses it. Pookie is the nickname that my mom gave her, and well I'd say the meaning behind it is that pookie is a cutesy name people give something they care about. Like Garfield's teddy bear is named Pookie. :D There is also different versions of pookie that my mom calls her, which is pook, pooken, and pookens. She's usually the only one to call her that. Except my cousin, who calls her that occasionally just because he finds it funny, lol.

And she comes to them all.

01-15-2007, 11:53 AM
:) Oh yes my LiLi nickname is Digger (due to digging all the time).. And Brandy's nickname is Yapper (due to barking all the time).. ;)

01-15-2007, 02:56 PM
We've only had the dogs since Sat & already gave them nicknames as their real names are stupid IMO.

Bear (female) is Tubby... Ok I admit its mean, but shes just so fat its cute! She waddles & she really is HUGE!!!! its like she ate another Rottweiler.

Mr. Biggles (OMG we hate his name), is Mr. B & Mr. Big... Hes not a big dog only 12p, but hes the learder of the 2. He tells bear when to bark, & when to get angry... Its kinda funny watching this little 12p dog tell a 170p Rottweiler what to do lol

01-15-2007, 06:58 PM
alex is mr a to auntie cj, the handsome prince to me and bubba when he's into something he shouldn't. peanut is princess pretty paws, she really hates to get her feet wet or muddy in wet times.

01-15-2007, 07:37 PM
muneca -- munequita. gorda. gordinflona

chiquita -- mercira. tina tuner(cuz of her fur when it's long)

chiquis -- pibes. chiquiliquis. cheeks

brie -- really doesn't have a nickname

my brother's girlfriend dog as many of you know which is
Ophelia -- ophels. waffles.

01-15-2007, 07:45 PM
Rusty- Rust,and my aunt calls him rooter (which I don't like, makes no sense)

01-15-2007, 08:24 PM
Frankie is a nickname for Frankenstein. She has a bunch of names and it matters on how long people have known her, or what happens to be her name for the day. She responds to all of the following and they're used often: Frannie, Francis, Stein, Steiny, Steiny-hiney, and trouble.

Riley only really has one: I don't know why, but I always call her little one and that's been shortened to LO, pronounced low.

01-15-2007, 08:42 PM
Misty: Beast, Mistymagoo, mister, mister misty.

Happy: Hap, snap Happy, happer snapper.

Electra: Baby, Lecky, Leck, Lectra, floppy puppy(she is like rag doll!)

Perky: Pookie, Princess, Brat.

Ripley: Ipples, ipple lipples, mister Ripley.

Blair: Dude, Hair Brain, Fuzz head..

01-15-2007, 09:35 PM
Penny: Smelly nelly, 'Nelope (Like Penelope - the P), old girl, little girl etc.

Clover: Boo, Boo-boo, Big red, Chooka, Most comonly called 'The red dog' ;).

Theodore: Theodork, Tio, Ti-ti.

Elvis: The El-man, Albert, Bertie, Bertrude (My favourite and most used lol).

Tinny: Ting Tong (BBC/ little Britain character), Tin, Chicken, Chicken little, Chook, the cute one ;).

Mother calls her foster or what ever he is now Charlie pop :rolleyes:.