View Full Version : funny kitty

01-13-2007, 09:20 PM
Hello to all of you!!!!!
I have been over at the dog side and I have a cat as well, I guess I am a little slow because for some reason I never thought about coming over here...lol Well anyway, my cat is a female Calico, I will see if I can find a pic of her to post. Yesterday she was scheduled to go to the vet for her annual checkup, now keep in my mind my kitty is 13yrs old. I swear she has been set in her ways since she was 2 months old. Well thursday night I got the carrier out to clean it up and make sure it was ok, she saw it and ran..lol so I hid it in the bathroom where she could not see it. Now normally it is a nightmare trying to get her to go into the carrier, so I have to corner her in the bathroom then fight to get her in it, usually takes a good half hour or so, because she is all sprawled out, paws everywhere trying her best to not get in the carrier....lol well her appt was for 11 am, i started getting ready about 930 that morning, i got dressed and put my shoes on, off she took, she went and hid behind the couch. never once did i bring the carrier out!!!!! I tried everything short of pulling her out from behind the couch, and I was not going to do that, she is traumatized enough going to the vet...lol So I called the vet and apologized but we both decided to redo the appt. They agreed Bei-jing was ruler of that day and it would be best to reschedule.
It never ceases to amaze me how a cat that can be such a loving, caring animal, can turn into a demon when it comes to the vet. lol so anyway we are scheduled for next saturday. wish me luck...lol

01-13-2007, 09:33 PM
The amazing thing is that when you need to take a particular Cat to the Vet ,the Other Ctas are all there in full view , and easy to grab
while the Cat you want has suddenly become invisible.
Amazing that they know when its thier turn.

01-14-2007, 08:59 AM
LOL! It's the same way here with my two cats. Isn't it incredible how they can read your mind about going to the vet?

Hope she makes it to the vet next time.

What is her name? Do you have pictures you can share? Calicos are so photogenic.