View Full Version : Rabbit Pics! Kishii went outside.

01-13-2007, 07:59 PM
Today Kishii and I went outdoors for awhile. I figured it was time since Kishii hasn't been outside in a while. I was quite a cloudy dark day as you can probably tell in some of the pics, but Kishii didn't care, she had a good time getting some exercise and exploring:)



http://hosting.showthatimage.com/DDFF4DDD-62BD-4D82-8EED26C36D947EBE.jpg <--lol this one looks funny, she has the surprised expression, like she didn't know I was beside her.

Kishii: "My rusty old tree." lol

http://hosting.showthatimage.com/797052D3-E449-4CEF-90B7DCAAAE092EB0.jpg <--She certainly is use to the good indoor life, she didn't like getting her paws wet or dirty.:)


Me and Kishii

http://hosting.showthatimage.com/2E92E499-2D3F-40D8-99319370FF13DE17.jpg <--I had to laugh at this one, cause it looks like she was literally glaring at my father(he was taking the picture). And my father is not the cuddliest with animals lol, maybe she knew that. dun dun dun!


This one made me laugh too, there she is staring at my father again.

And one more coming...

01-13-2007, 07:59 PM
http://hosting.showthatimage.com/27E49231-D7B2-4CC6-85883B13C43E97CD.jpg She just couldn't clean herself enough:p

Hope you liked em!

01-13-2007, 08:01 PM
aahh! you've got a little leash on her! she's so cute! What kind is she??

01-13-2007, 08:02 PM
Thanks! She is dwarf with supposedly some rex in her.:)

01-13-2007, 08:06 PM
AAWW! Have you had her a long time? I've had my little rabbit, Cadbury, for 2 years now. He's a dutch rabbit. They're lots of fun aren't they?!

01-13-2007, 08:08 PM
lol Oh yes bunnies are so fun and they definately keep ya busy:) I actually haven't had Kishii for too long, right now it would be I think 2 and a half to three months. I got her in October. I once had a bunny before for two years. A dutch rabbit! Dutch Rabbits can be very fun:p

01-13-2007, 08:09 PM
Great pictures, Kalei! They're all so cute. And it really does look like Kishii is glaring at Dad. :eek:

01-13-2007, 08:59 PM
Kishii is a pretty girl! I'll bet she likes her outside adventures.:)

01-14-2007, 08:29 AM
Kishii is so pretty.. and great pictures of both her & you! :D

01-14-2007, 08:57 AM
really great pictures of you and your bunny! your right that it does look like kishii is glaring at your dad. love the pictures.

01-14-2007, 11:19 AM
hehe thanks everyone! I'm glad you like them:D

01-16-2007, 09:16 PM
Kishii is so pretty.. and great pictures of both her & you! :D

These are wonderful, I like the one of her next to the tree :)

01-16-2007, 11:19 PM
Oh those pictures are so precious. What a cute bunny. How do you like the lease? I bought one for Benny but it is different. It has the web netting on it and it always twists when he is outside. I took him out a lot in the summer and let him hop around. One funny thing I did notice is that when an airplane went overhead he got really scared and tried to run, I was always afraid he would be out of his leash. We live about 15 miles from the airport, Cleveland Hopkins and planes fly pretty low over us on their desent. The last pictue was my favorite by the way, looks like Kishii is giving ole dad the evil eye.;)

01-17-2007, 01:56 PM
Oh those pictures are so precious. What a cute bunny. How do you like the lease? I bought one for Benny but it is different. It has the web netting on it and it always twists when he is outside. I took him out a lot in the summer and let him hop around. One funny thing I did notice is that when an airplane went overhead he got really scared and tried to run, I was always afraid he would be out of his leash. We live about 15 miles from the airport, Cleveland Hopkins and planes fly pretty low over us on their desent. The last pictue was my favorite by the way, looks like Kishii is giving ole dad the evil eye.;)

Wow! Thanks so much! Yeah I really liked that picture too lol, my bunny knows what my dad is like lol. He not cuddly like me lol. Yeah Kishii seems to be alright with the leash, I haven't taken her out too many times since I got her, but I have a few, and she is very good with it. doesn't seem to mind. Kishii sometimes gets really hyper and wants to run around too, and then when I start to run with her so I can keep up, she gets scared thinking someone is chasing her and starts to dart even faster lol, but when I stop she realizes that it was just me behind her. :)

Also thank you so much for the compliment Cassiesmom!:)