View Full Version : Chipper's Reading with Nancy

01-13-2007, 07:18 PM
Andy and I got to the store early and walked in with the dogs, letting Jana know we had arrived and then since Nancy was finishing up a reading, we took the pups for a walk around town.

Andy kept the pups with him and I went in at 2 p.m. for Chip's reading.

Before I even got a chance to sit down and give her Chipper's photos and my questions, Nancy laughed and said she had to start with Kia because when we had came in with them, Kia had interrupted her conversation with the previous clients. :o :rolleyes: :D

She wanted Nancy to let me know that:

* She feels much better mentally

* feels not so insecure. Much more confident.

* Changes do not seem to have affected her (such as the move and the marriage)

* She's more confident because I'm more confident

Nancy feels if we had adopted a dog like Chipper two years ago, it would of been disasterous as Kia would of had a mental breakdown. She would not of been strong enough to deal. However, she's healed so much since Nancy last read her that she's okay with the new guy but she does have some issues that are addressed below with Chipper's reading.

Now... onto Chipper (with a little bit of Kia's thoughts):

* feels much better to me. Much stronger to me. Feels as though there is a lot of strength

* He likes Kia much more than she likes him. He is annoying her. This change from 1 dog to 2 dogs has disrrupted her. He doesn't stop with her. She gives him signals but he doesn't listen.

* He has so much energy - Feels like he's bursting with energy

* Does not feel that he has the need to be top dog. Just wants to play. Is not interested in alpha status - just playing

* Biting Kia's legs is his dumb way to entice her to play. He thinks it is going to get her to play. Nancy described him as being a big goofy boy. He's not dumb in the sense of being unintelligent. He just gets so focused on something (such as Kia) that he doesn't know when to quit.

* Feels nothing in the stomach now.

* Possible arthritic problems in the left shoulder joint while he's still young - left wrist hurts

* Not mimicking itchiness - house feels dry

* Watch the cats!! (Warning from Nancy to me - Chipper sees the cats as toys - teach him while he's still young not to bother them)

* Fun, happy, not a lot of cares in the world

* Just wants to play

* Charlie! (See's it as a fun guy name - maybe his previous name?)

* Loves to play! Fun guy - lots of life

* Likes you a lot. Loves the home.

* Saw himself as a street wanderer prior to Animal Control picking him up. No baggage - has a lot of energy! (seeing a pattern? ;) )

* Easy going - Change would not disrupt him.

Nancy suggested Doggy Day Care. Something to exhaust him and stimulate him. He just has so much energy that the play time and walks we are offering him are not tiring him out. So he turns his focus on Kia. It's not that Kia dislikes him, she's just becoming very annoyed and for her's and Chipper's well being, we have to find an outlet for his energy.

I mentioned agility and Nancy agreed it'd be good to try.

We picked up a Canine Genius toy (http://www.caninegenius.com/) and a Kong Stuff-A-Ball. Chipper has spent a couple hours now trying to figure out the Canine Genius toy which means a moment of peace for Kia. :)

Jana gave me some information on a couple different Doggie Day Care places.

Everything she shared was just right on. Since he's been feeling better we've noticed a change. Nancy described it as night and day. Night when he was sick to day when he's 100% better. He was likely not feeling well when we adopted him.

It was great seeing Nancy again and Kia didn't butt into the reading too much. Just kept reminded us that he was annoying her. :p ;) :o

Hopefully we can help fix that. :D

01-13-2007, 07:46 PM
Lol silly Kia! Sounds like somsone has alot of energy lol!!

Did you ever find out why Kia's ear went from being erect to floppy? Could Nancy tell you?

01-13-2007, 07:48 PM
It sounds like you received a very good reading. You're so lucky to live close to Nancy so you can see her in person.:) Whoever named Chipper made a great choice since he has so much energy and I'm so glad to hear that he's doing so well.:)

01-13-2007, 07:59 PM
Did you ever find out why Kia's ear went from being erect to floppy? Could Nancy tell you?
Actually, I didn't need Nancy to do a reading about that. Kia burst a blood vessel in her ears with excessive scratching and shaking.

However a mystery was solved. Nancy felt Kia's scratching was caused more by seasonal weather and less if at all by food. Our house is far too dry in the winter (which is why Chipper has begun scratching at his ears and legs).

Often he and Kia scratch the same spot at the same time which is why I asked Nancy if he was mimicing her or if it was something else. I found it to be too much of a coincidence for me to adopt two dogs with allergies.

So we need to get a good hymidifier for the house.

01-13-2007, 09:49 PM
LOL, Kia is so funny for butting in!

Didn't it give you shivers/chills when talking to her? It's so amazing yet weird at the same time.

Glad she gave you some answers. Poor Kia, I'm sure my older three know how she feels about being annoyed!

01-13-2007, 10:38 PM
It always does Kay. :) When she read Kia about two years ago Nancy started to cry and the hairs on the back of my neck went up. I knew Kia had a rough life before I had her but I had no idea how bad it was.

Which is why Nancy was happy to report that she's doing so much better. :) And that gives me hope for Kiara.

01-14-2007, 11:22 AM
Glad you got to see Nancy again.Poor Kia sounds like a lot of human big
sisters react to bothersome younger brothers. :) it's great that Chipper is
feeling 100% these days. I'll bet Chipper would do great at agility.

Have you ever spoken of Kia's life before you before now? (hope that makes sense) If you would rather not dwell on it, I would understand.

ps. I am thinking of having Nancy do a reading on Smokey again. I do think
he's changed so much for the better with Maggie around.He's a happy guy. :)

01-14-2007, 03:02 PM
Have you ever spoken of Kia's life before you before now? (hope that makes sense) If you would rather not dwell on it, I would understand.
I could of sworn that I started a thread with the results of Kia's reading. I'll see if I can find it. If not, I'll dig out Nancy's notes. :)

01-14-2007, 04:57 PM
I could of sworn that I started a thread with the results of Kia's reading. I'll see if I can find it. If not, I'll dig out Nancy's notes. :)

Kimmy, I just found the thread on Kia's reading.I had not seen it before.
My bad :o I see what you were taking about. Sorry.

Ginger's Mom
01-14-2007, 05:44 PM
Wow, that is so interesting. And thanks for bumping up the Kia thread (I wasn't here yet). I am so amused that Kia interupted Nancy's previous reading ( like an excited little kid :) ). I am glad that you got Chipper read, and know how happy he is and that he wants to be involved in sports, like any little boy ;) .

01-14-2007, 07:29 PM
That is so cool. I'm envious that you got to see her in person. Wish I could. I just love that she can help the animals and us. Glad Chipper is such a laid back, happyguy. That K9 genius toy looks interesting. Dasher might like that, as well. I wrote her last night. Going to get one last reading on Duke and one on Dasher. I'm looking forward to what she will tell me. I didn't mention Dasher's health at all. Do you know if she comes here at all?

01-14-2007, 07:45 PM
Thanks for posting it, I always finds the readings that Nancy does very interesting. I'm glad to hear that Chipper (and Kia!) are doing better. Maybe with time he'll learn to leave Kia alone when she says stop. Keva and Sydney are the same, Syd likes her, but Keva won't stop bothering her sometimes when she's done playing. Keva seems to be smart enough to leave Nebo along when he tells her at least! lol That's very intesting about "Charlie" too.

01-14-2007, 10:29 PM
It's okay Liz. We have so many new members since then that I figured it'd be easier to find the thread and bump it up instead of re-telling it here. :D

Val, I'm not sure if she travels to other states or not.

01-14-2007, 10:45 PM
I'm very happy to hear that both Chipper and Kia are doing so much better. That's wonderful. Poor Kia, hopefully Chipper will stop annoying her as he matures. Tango knows how she feels - she's constantly annoyed at Morgan. I find thse readings absolutely amazing to hear about. I'd love to get mine done some day, too.

01-15-2007, 05:00 AM
Val, I'm not sure if she travels to other states or not.
Ha ha! Sorry. Meant PT :)

01-15-2007, 08:12 AM
Ha ha! Sorry. Meant PT :)
OH! :o LOL! I thought you meant Florida.

I don't think she visits the boards, but I could be wrong. :)

01-15-2007, 11:13 PM
I loved reading the readings! :D
Nancy also mentioned Logan was shouting Thanks for adopting her! Makes me want to cry! (happy tears)When she told me Cody was watching over RB I almost had a heart attack! I'm so proud of him.

I think it's great we can get a better understanding of our dogs. Nancy couldn't have known anything about either dog because I wrote generic type questions. She's had the ability since an early age (I asked) and I don't think she joins sites.

01-16-2007, 06:52 AM
She's had the ability since an early age (I asked) and I don't think she joins sites.
She probably wouldn't be able to get anything done with all the signatures and photos we post. She'd be chatted at non stop! :D