View Full Version : Favorite Toy?

01-13-2007, 12:35 PM
Travis' favorite toy is definetly his Cuz. He liked his green one so much that I went out and bought him a red one too.

This is what I see everyday

Hey mom..want to play?


Maybe I can hear you better this way

Hmm...maybe if I get closer

Thanks mom

Oops, I dropped it

Could you pick that up for me mom?

Ok, now hand it over

01-13-2007, 12:36 PM

Much better


Katy and Miles prefer the smaller stuffed toys. Right now they have a little stuffed duck. (I'll dig up pictures of Katy playing with it in a minute ;) ) Miles used to have a tiny Cuz that looked exactly like Trav's red cuz, only about 10 times smaller.

So...whats your dogs favorite toy? :D Feel free to share pictures :)

01-13-2007, 03:52 PM
heee love it! alki *LOVES* her dino cuz (affectionately nicknamed "dino-butt"), we take it on every hike with us. ^__^ but her absolute favorite toy is her pink "fetch" orbee:


she will toss it around for herself, watch it bounce, then pounce on it! she also loves to gnaw on it for hours. but he favorite favorite thing, is to try and "bury" it in her bed! she will drop it on the bed, then KICK the bed with her front feet back behind her. Then sniff around, grab the ball again, and kick-kick up her bed over it. TOO CUTE. I need to get a video of her doing it one day...

Brock isnt much of a toy dog. He does love to fetch and then gnaw on tennis balls like bubble gum, until they are white with spit. lol

01-13-2007, 03:58 PM
she will toss it around for herself, watch it bounce, then pounce on it! she also loves to gnaw on it for hours. but he favorite favorite thing, is to try and "bury" it in her bed! she will drop it on the bed, then KICK the bed with her front feet back behind her. Then sniff around, grab the ball again, and kick-kick up her bed over it. TOO CUTE. I need to get a video of her doing it one day...

That sounds absolutely adorable! I'd definetly love to see a video of that :)

01-13-2007, 05:55 PM
This "green bone", I guess it's called a knuckle bone, is Zoee's favorite toy. We bought it when we first got her and it is holding up very well. There are lots of teeth marks in it, but she will lay down and chew on it and it makes a squeaky noise. :D


But I've heard a lot about the Cuz...so I might get one of those for her. Ummm....maybe a late birthday present. :p

Suki Wingy
01-13-2007, 06:08 PM
These were his all time favorite but they were both nasty and in pieces so we threw them away

Now he has a mini volley ball.

01-13-2007, 09:54 PM
Travis is so handsome and silly at the same time.

Mine have never been too crazy about thier Cuz's, thank gosh! Although, for my amusement they have the Bad Cuz, Good Cuz, Dino Cuz, and a Chicken Cuz. ;)

That squeek is the most obnoxious ever. When they do play with them, everyone in the house sure knows. ;)

01-13-2007, 10:07 PM
Malakai says "You got good taste Trav!!!"

Malakai LOVES his Cuz!!



and heres a video to show his true "cuz craze" LOL :D

01-14-2007, 07:05 AM
Jenny loved her white cuz, still does, but I'm sick of that awful thing! It's got the most high pitches squeal ever!!!!! Ahhh! Whenever she played with it (her idea of play is squeak, squeak, squeak,) I got a headach. :p

Instead I let her play with this heartz toy. I made a thread about her pics with it... I'll find it.

Don't open if you have a slow computer, there are lots of pics...http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=117152

01-14-2007, 12:47 PM
By far, Star's favorite toys are her stuffed squeekies. Here she is with one of her very most favorites. It has 3 squeekers in it. She loves to flip it around, throw it in the air, bring it to me for tug-o-war or to throw for her. Here she is having a private moment with Qweeky-baby:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v432/cyber-sibes/sm-5.png

01-14-2007, 02:56 PM
Travis broke the squeaker on both of his within the first hour - Thank Goodness! They make the most annoying noises. :D

01-14-2007, 07:51 PM
Sadie's favorite toy.... hmmmm... probably and tennis ball she can fit in her mouth
Rita's favorite toy: this squeeky hedgehog.

01-14-2007, 08:11 PM
Sugar does not know what to do with a toy, boo hoo. So she just ignores them. Then the cats start whacking it around and it leaves the room . . . which is fine with Sugar. Ho hum.

I sure am enjoying seeing all your dogs happily playing with their toys! :)